D&D 5E I quit a game. Am I in the wrong? (spoiler, I don't believe so)


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Sorry to hear about your experience. Personally, i believe there's an unwritten rule that when you leave your character in the hands of the DM or players, it's to find it back eventually, especially since you were one of the original player since the begining.
Now D&D is a RPG where many things can happen, but i would always find a solution to reunite seperated characters.

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Sorry to hear about your experience. Personally, i believe there's an unwritten rule that when you leave your character in the hands of the DM or players, it's to find it back eventually, especially since you were one of the original player since the begining.
Now D&D is a RPG where many things can happen, but i would always find a solution to reunite seperated characters.
@Slit518, If I remember and/or understood the OP correctly not only did you not get your PC back, but you couldnt even play when you returned after missing one session?

Personally, if I was a player in this situation and the DM said sorry your character died, was captured, etc. I wouldn't care as long as I was allowed to make a new PC and jump right back in the game even if I was a few levels lower. Though I would be pissed if I showed up for a few sessions and just sat there doing nothing.


Reeks of Jedi
First time I flat out quit a D&D game, I was playing a Barbarian who hated magic (classic barbarian). DM didn't like that. Group teleported to town and offered to ride out with a horse to pick me up.

DM nixed that saying it would take to long and told me to just not come back next session because my Barb would be walking.

So I just didnt ever go back.

And this DM was supposed to be a friend of mine. I'd been to his house and played other games with him. Also, never spoke to him again after that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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