D&D 5E [IC] Adventures in Middle-Earth – ‘Where Rivers Run With Gold’

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GM: Note that everyone gains +1 to all Skill rolls for the journey do to the good food that was provided. Unless you already added that ;)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ursa agrees wholeheartedly with Ulfred.

"For all the evil in the world, there are still beautiful things out there. Ye just need to open yer eyes to enjoy them."

The scene lifts her spirits at not finding any game yesterday - apparently there is plenty here, and Ursa is glad she did not have to shoot one of those magnificent stags.

OOC: Perception (including the +1): [roll0]
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First Post
The heroes all marvel at the majesty of the herd and the rest of the day they fell an extra spring in their steps, finding themselves smiling for no reason. As twilight falls a mist rolls in from the north. Beldor points out a single dock ahead where he is too meet his friends. Within a half-hour a trio of rafts emerge from the mist on the river. Green-cloaked figures punt these rafts towards the shore.

The Elves greet Baldor and the company warmly – the merchant is well known to them. The Elves are also quite amused and fascinated by Belgo; they say there are few children among them in these days.

The ponies are unloaded and their burdens transferred to the rafts. The animals are initially wary about getting onto the rafts, but one of the Elves whispers in the ponies’ ears,
and instantly all four of the animals become perfectly calm, happily trot onto the rafts and stand stock-still in the middle.

Once departed, the Elves expertly pilot their rafts against the current of the Forest River. After several days of slow travel, the land on either side of the rafts rises and turns stony and wooded, and the company pass into the shadow of the trees. It is as though the rafts are sailing up a dark tunnel, as the branches interlace overhead into a dark canopy. The company glimpse tall hills in gaps between the trees, until the river widens and the trees grow thinner once again. Here, a bay opens, and huts cling close to a shingly shore. The Elves steer up a stream which flows out of a rocky canyon. The canyon walls grow higher and higher, until the rafts pass a portcullis and suddenly they find themselves at the entrance into the outer caves of the Elvenking.

At these new docks, Beldor is meet by another Elf whom greets him and Belgo warmly. With a slightly more weary eye the Elf turns towards the heroes. In Sindarin, he greets Caranthir as 'Traveler', and too all he speaks to them in the Common Tongue saying "Well meet friends of Beldor. I am Lindar, master of the King's Cellars. I mean no insult but we do not know you. I would ask that you remain here and... guard these wares with my men. You will be provided food and shelter. Beldor and his son will return within a day or two..."

GM: In the halls of the Elven-king, it is expected that one of the heroes makes a DC 15 Intelligence (Traditions) check. Less educated heroes might make a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check instead. Whomever does so gains a +1 because of the food and another +1 because you have an Elf in your group. You can gain other bonuses (or penalties) with role-playing stuff and acting in a certain way, etc. These bonus can come any ANY character (not just the one making the check).

Remember everyone has two Inspiration Points and that you can spend them after you have made a check.

Also as everyone made their rolls above you all get to ignore the first level of Exhaustion on your... next Journey (the meat of this adventure)
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“Well met, Lindar, master of the King’s Cellars,” Ulfred said as he bowed, “while I understand you caution and I respect your decision, we have spent a long time on the road and I for one have always wanted to see the great halls of the Elves. We humans live such short lives and our works pale in comparison to your great deeds, if I were granted the chance to see your great hall I would be forever grateful.”

Lore check +3 plus +2 other bonus: 1d20+5 16
I put lore instead of traditions but it is the same +3 bonus


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ursa is feeling somewhat overwhelmed. She looks at the surroundings with awe and hesitates to speak lest she offends the elves. Sure she has seen elves before, like the one travelling with them, but that has always been away from their homeland. This feels more... magical.

She nods as the elf introduces himself as Lindar, and she whispers in return, "Ursa, of the Bear," then lowers her eyes before immediately looking back up. Feeling her cheeks redden, she chastizes herself quietly. What is she, a blushing teenager? She's a warrior, and a student of the great Beorn Skinchanger!

Realizing something, Ursa drops her bag and starts rummaging through it. Grinning, she produces a bundle of sweet smelling honey-cakes and she takes one out to present it to the master of the Elven King's cellars.

"I hope you enjoy this lovely honey-cake. Made them myself."

OOC: Neither Traditions nor Persuasion have any bonuses, so it's just a plain d20 roll for me: [roll0]
Edit: I forgot about the bonuses from the food and the elf, so there's a +2 to the roll. Let's hope the honey-cake adds something more... :) Not re-rolling with Inspiration, because I'm curious how the elf would react to the offering of food if I don't make the check. :D


First Post
Lindar accepts the honey-cake with a nod and takes a few small bites. He gave Ursa a slight smile and thanked her before wrapping it up and placing it in a pouch at his side. He seemed to consider Ulfred's words carefully and after a moment replied "It would be most unusual for outsiders to be granted access to our Halls on their first visit, even with Kin amount you numbers. Let me consider it while I also meet with Beldor... mayhaps, but not tonight. I will send food to you."

With that he bows to the heroes and he and Beldor and Belgo depart for some upper caves. Those elves remaining are the trio that brought the boats here and they show the heroes side caves where wooden cots were set with light mattresses. There was also a small fire set near the center of the cave under a venting shaft that allowed the smoke to escape and added a cozy warmth to the room. The elves say that the group might rest as they will remain on watch. Later a fine dinner and wine from the Elf-King's kitchen is sent down and the heroes eat and drink their full.

The next two days are spent much the same way although new elves appear to replace the boatmen for watch duties. They are all polite and are happy enough to share a conversion with the heroes about any pleasant affairs of the Realm. Food in the form of finely made bread, cheeses, poached eggs, seasoned venison and various potatoes and spouts are provided for each meal along with fine wines.

On the morning of the second day Lindar, Beldor and Belgo all reappear, the lad beaming with joy and wonderment. Reflected in the sunlight the heroes see that the boy is proudly displaying a fine silver tailsman necklace.

Beldor then came to the heroes and said "I know I have no right to ask but I have been granted a task by the Elves to deliver a message Woodland Halls of Beorn. I have also a few new items that I might sell for a fine profit at least. I was wondering if you would continue to act as our guards through Mirkwood as we follow the Elf-Path. My friend has said that while it is not as safe as ancient days, it is far safer then it has been in years. So long as we remain along the path we should be fairly secure and with the three of you I am sure we can make it through the forest without trouble. Again I would pay you each 50 silver pennies if you agreed..."

Lindar also says to Ulfred "I have spoken with the King's steward and we have agreed to allow you see some of our halls... on your way to the Elf-Path ​which is on the other side of the Hall."

GM: This part of the journey is not planned BUT you still benefit from the food and provisions that Beldor set up. The roles for the journey include...
*Guide - in charge of the route, rest and supplies. Their Wisdom helps determine the Challenges along the way and they will need to make a few Survival checks.
*Scout - in charge of setting up camp, opening new trails. They can also affect Challenges and Events, depending on their Investigation and Stealth checks.
*Hunter - provide extra food which can make tests verse Exhaustion better. Require Survival checks.
*Look-Out - keeping watch along the trail and can affect Events along the way. Use Perception checks to determine future events along the way

You don't need to roll these yet but might want to determine who is doing what. You can only assume one task during the journey, and with only three heroes one role is probably going to be unassigned. A guide is about the ONLY required role though.


Ulfred smiled as he tried to contain his excitement. Bowing towards Lindar he spoke quietly, “It is an honor, and I am in your debt.”

Looking over to Beldor he spoke a little louder, “I can’t speak for the other’s but I will be happy to help you on the next leg of your journey.”

Ulfred has no issues being the guide.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ursa grins.

"Back to Beorn? Sure, I'm in. Can't wait to see the look on his face when I return earlier than expected."

OOC: I'm cool with Ursa being the Hunter. In addition, she has those honey-cakes, which allows the party to remove the first layer of exhaustion on a journey (Twice-baked Honey-cakes cultural virtue).

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