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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Princes of Elemental Evil

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Steve Gorak

As Damien described the prisoner, Thaliss started chanting, and an illusory image appeared in front of Dent. Thaliss adjusts the image based on Damien's comments.

OOC: multiple castings of minor illusion


First Post
Aridha frowned at the situation. Taking the prisoner alive could be tricky.

"If we can separate him from his captors first, this will be easier," she whispers. "Maybe some deception before the battle starts? See if you can convince them you're a monk, here to take him away for interrogation. If he's even a few steps away from them, this becomes much less dangerous."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"I can try to put the captors asleep," suggests Carradoc. "Even if it catches the Knight Captain, him collapsing might cause enough surprise to buy us a round or two to act."

Steve Gorak

Telepathically, Thaliss proposes Perhaps Damien can get close to the prisoner using subterfuge, and use his ability to see in magical darkness to fetch the prisoner. This would ensure his safety, and we could dispatch the creatures afterwards. I can also telepathically warn the prisoner beforehand so he can prepare and cooperate. I will need to peer in the room to do this though

OOC: Hearings this morning delayed a little, so posting now to get the ball rolling. EDIT: I went and did a few hearings, done now, and back. After I posted this, I noticed that others had posted in the interim, so I'm saving the meat of this post for Creamsteak to apply when he's ready to start combat rounds. Dent has nothing to add to the current discussion about stealth or disguises or preemptive action, but he'll wait for a decision before going in the room to kill things. He's casting stoneskin NOW, before the battle starts, though.

[sblock=RESERVED FOR LATER]Dent's heart rate picked up when Damien described what could well be his Knight Captain. Trusting to his earth plate armor, Dent closed his eyes and intoned the words the armor had spoken to him to activate its peculiar magic. "Tuam petram et protector tuus ero." He stalked forward into the room and thrust the pointy end of this sword into the large creature sitting on the pallet with its hand in its mouth.

Move: AR23
Bonus Action: Shove the ogre [roll0]
Action: Attack with longsword [roll1] for [roll2] damage
Reaction: Fighting Style Protection against whoever may end up standing within 5' of Dent[/sblock]
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Dent nodded his agreement at Thaliss's suggestion that he warn the Knight Captain of the impending attack. Dent didn't speak, though--his voice had a way of carrying. He stood by, waiting for the others to come to a decision, fingering his blade all the while.

Steve Gorak

Before Thaliss approached the door, he casts a spell. He then approaches the door, and focuses his mind to make an illusory extension to the door appear so he cannot be seen. He then addresses the prisoner telepathically Do not move and do not react. We are here to liberate you and will be coming in a few instants. Do as you are told and you stand good chances of surviving. Someone will come in to take you, and may use magical darkness to facilitate your escape. Do as we tell you and you may see the sun soon. Cough now is you understand and agree.

Cast guidance
Casting of minor illusion to help with cover
using 30ft one way telepathy to communicate

Stealth (if required) [roll0] with guidance [roll1]
Stealth w. advantage (if applicable) [roll2] with guidance [roll3]


The man seems to look around himself slightly. He has a serious expression. He then coughs.

Oddly, this seems to draw the attention of the Orog in the middle of the room.

Otherwise, nothing seems to occur.

Voidrunner's Codex

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