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[IC] JM's A Bit of Trouble (Book 2)


"Foul play?" the half-orc says with frown. "I owe you my very freedom Veit, I am at your service." Keth's mother gives a small gasp knowing her son is about to head off into danger.

Keth takes her small hands in his larger ones and puts his forehead to hers. They stand there in silence for nearly a minute, before he turns to his father. The man slaps his son on the back and grins. "Go, go be the hero I know is beating in that chest."

Keth looks to Veit and sees his forlorn look, "Your not coming," he says simply knowing the answer so leaving the true question unasked.... why not?

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"I am needed here tomorrow morning and I doubt you will be back that soon." Veit says. "And I don't think Everett wants to wait. Farewell, friends."


"Farewell Veit," the half-orc calls to his friend. He then turns to the new companions the old dwarf failed to introduce him to.

"Umm... Hello."


"Greetings... Keith was it.... you look like a well and capable lad. I'm not going to suggest we're heading into a lions den but everyone knows traveling outside of town has a chance for danger. I'm looking to head up to Leed's Crossing to investigate my cousin's absence as well as the absence of everyone else who'd usually come down for the festival. Would you be interested in such a journey?"


Keth eyes the tall slim elf from behind a look of caution. The big half-orc knowing he must look like the monster his father was standing beside this far to pretty elf. "I heard some of the rumors about Leed's Crossing. Is this the foul play Veit was talking about? I wish to help, so..." He eyes the blonde hair and green eyes, and shakes his head a little. "...yes, I will accompany you. Let me get my things."

As he walks through the inn saying his good-byes and gathering his belongings he wonders how Veit met an elf and traveled with him when he surely just wanted to punch him in the face.

Just to mar it some.


Surina adjusted the pack on her shoulder as she paused at the door to the Lounging Goose. The chainmail she wore still felt new and different; it hadn't quite yet become a part of her. It was good to be back in Bit, after her time training in Cade-Crable. It was an odd feeling coming into town with the Summer festival crowd, instead of watching them from her home or from the Church. And the rumors she'd picked up where concerning. No barges had come down the Leed? She entered the Lounging Goose, looking for the owners, who were faithful customers of her parents. In the process she saw Keth; she remembered the half-orc from her time as an acolyte. She was surprised to see him talking with Everett. Surina had never had much patience with Everett's approach to women, but as nobles went, he was kind enough. "Keth! It's good to see you! Here to enjoy the festival? Or is something else going on? You look a bit troubled."


As Keth settled into his pack he was greeted from out of the blue by Delmirev Surina, from... well he didn't remember the name of the abbey he met the friendly, silvery dragonborn. "Well, by the Tierdon'Tor it is a day for old friends to come to call." he greets the impressive warrioress with a grin.

"What was that? Troubled?" he says just catching the word over the din of the common room. "Yes, you could say that. I was just asked to help look into the rumors about Leed's Crossing." He watches for Surina's reaction. She may have grew up in a stuffy old abbey, but he knew she had received some form of militant training there. He had sparred with her once and knew she could handle the sword he wore.

"I don't know all the details. I can introduce you to the elf in charge. A friendly sword-arm would be most welcome."

OOC: Thinking Keth and a few of the Ten Swords needed medical help from the clerics of the abbey. Maybe after a bad fight or caught some bad illness.

GM: You are free to make such stuff up. I can always say no later. :)

I'll let this develop a little more and hopefully get the new Dwarf into the story soon as well.


Surina frowned a bit to hear Everett was in charge; he could be a bit unruly, and quite frankly, oblivious to the ruckus he caused. His carefree attitude grated against her devotion to the rules. On the other hand, she, too was concerned about the rumors about the Leed barges. And it wasn't like Everett was power hungry or deceitful. Something prodded her to pursue this. "I know Everett--everyone from Bit does--although he probably doesn't know me. Lead on.


First Post
"By the belter's braces 'tis alot warmer than usual..." muttered Zadolix as he marched his way towards the Lounging Goose.

"That landlubber guard better be reet when he said he thinks she went this way..." he grumbled under his breath.

The Laughing Goose looked just as it always did, a ramshackle tavern that somehow always looked inviting and charming despite it's rough exterior. One thing he did know though, was that they sold a cracking ale and he was thirsty right now. With the summer sweat beading his brow Zadolix strided through the doors and perched himself up on the nearest bar stool.

"A flagon o' Goosey Gander if ya will!" he guffed enthusiastically at the frantically busy barmaid.

As the barmaid grabbed a tankard he glanced around the room to see if Surina was anywhere to be seen. With a slap of his thigh in relief Zadolix hopped off the vantage point of his stool and sauntered over to the table near the window, maneuvering around patrons and chairs equally.

"Had a feeling ye might be in 'ere! I expected ya down at Dragon's Mast taphouse like usual, what brought ye over to this side of the commons?"

Noticing the half-orcish colleague at the table and the current awkwardness Zadolix flashed a quick wink with his one eye:

"Forgive meh for my intrusion! I'va bin searchin' for old scaly here since I hit land this morning." giving Surina's shoulder a playful slap, the dull thunk of his tanned hand wafting the air of fresh sea salt around his persona.

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