D&D 5E (IC) (OneShot) JustinCase's Within The Circle

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: The voices are coming from the entrance to the depot. Here's a map (1 square = 5 ft):

map - depot round 1.png


OOC: OK I want to double check before I commit a sleeping foe is unconsciousness correct? Thus taking auto crit? So James could sneak up and most likely dispatch him?

We then all pile in the room and ambush the patrol.


[MENTION=6853819]TallIan[/MENTION], are you still with us?
I am, sorry, I've not posted much - its the same for all my games atm, I've started a new job and have had a busy few weeks. I was hoping to have some free time while away on training but a) enworld is blocked in the office and b)I have a LOT of homework to do in the hotel in the evening :( I am following along, so if something comes up I'll try and jump in, but in terms of RP and decision making I'm probably going to be a little crap until next week.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: OK I want to double check before I commit a sleeping foe is unconsciousness correct? Thus taking auto crit? So James could sneak up and most likely dispatch him?

We then all pile in the room and ambush the patrol.

After some looking through the rules, I found that there is no "sleeping" condition, but the Sleep spell turns enemies "unconscious", so if I'm interpreting that correctly, yes, a sleeping foe is unconscious. Thus you can sneak up and dispatch him, because any melee attack would be a critical and including your sneak attack, the minimum of damage you'll deal is enough to bring it down to 0 hp.

I am, sorry, I've not posted much - its the same for all my games atm, I've started a new job and have had a busy few weeks. I was hoping to have some free time while away on training but a) enworld is blocked in the office and b)I have a LOT of homework to do in the hotel in the evening :( I am following along, so if something comes up I'll try and jump in, but in terms of RP and decision making I'm probably going to be a little crap until next week.

No worries, thanks for letting us know. I'll poke you if I really want an action from you. :) Congrats on the new job!


OOC: Excellent that was my exact line of thought.

James makes a quick motion to the others as he sneaks through the door, he suddenly realised that they probably had no clue what it meant and the preachy woman couldn't even see. Moving in on his target he moves as quickly as he dares before slitting the sleeping creatures throat. Quickly James darts back to the door "In here quickly" he mutters.

Didn't roll damage as you confirmed minimum would kill rolled attack and stealth just in case.



Magdalena peered into the black room beyond and sighed. She heard goblin voices approaching from the way they had entered and pulled her greatsword from her back, readying herself. James snuck into the room, disappearing, and then reappeared, urging them inside.

Magdalena backed into the room slowly, unable to see anything. She posted up by the door.

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


Thadius heard the voices and hiss at those in front of him. "This way," he says moving back to the doorway as quietly as he can, tripping over stones and banging his shield into the wall as he tries to hide.
Move: Back to L8
Action: Ready - Atk second goblin through doorway.
Bonus Action: None

Stealth: [roll0]
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
The sleeping goblin beneath the collapsed table looks up with big, frightened eyes as James slits its throat, the light slowly fading from its expression as it dies silently. Shaking off the image, the half-elf quickly moves back to the door and tries to get everyone in here. Magdalena steps inside the room and positions herself on the other side of the door, her sword ready to swing upon seeing a goblin silhouette.

Thadius, on the other hand, decides to surprise the newcomers in the kitchen and in his haste to set up his ambush, he trips over something in the gloom and crashes into the wall with his shield. In response, the arriving goblins shout something, seeming unconcerned.

[sblock=Traubon]The goblins yell, "Billik! Clumsy runt, don't spill our food!" "Yeah, we're hungry! Bring us a meal!" "A tasty one, or I'll gut you like a fish!" [/sblock]
The two dwarves stand conflicted for a moment as Thadius moves towards the entrance while James and Magdalena take their positions in the next room. Pressed for time and not wanting to be seen sneaking, on impulse they hide in the corner on the other side of the entrance.

Thadius waits until the first goblin has moved into the room, an armored creature standing rather tall for its race, carrying a wicked looking flail and a spiked shield, striding confidently towards the dining room. In his wake another goblin enters the kitchen, stooped, humbly outfitted in leather and lightly grasping a rusty scimitar; its beady eyes are constantly moving about nervously, and it chews on a piece of straw. It yells in surprise as Thadius attacks it, lifting its arm to block the tiefling's morningstar.

A third goblin is just behind it; a somewhat plump creature with one ear half gone from an old injury. It shrieks as Thadius appears, and on instinct the goblin takes a step back as it reaches for a scimitar, raising the weapon over its head as if preparing for a powerful strike.

OOC: Please make an attack roll for Thadius, with advantage.

I have assumed the actions for Traubon and Gorir; if you feel they would react differently you are free to change it.

Everybody, please roll for initiative. Initiative goblins: [roll0] Initiative Belig: [roll1]

[sblock=Map]map - depot round 2.png[/sblock]
[sblock=Stats]James AC15 8/8
Gorir AC18 11/11
Thadius AC15 12/14
Traubon AC16 9/9
Magdalena AC16 12/12

Goblin #1 AC15 0/7 deceased
Goblin #2 AC15 7/7
Goblin #3 AC15 7/7
Belig (goblin #4) AC18 26/26[/sblock]


James curses under his breath at the clumsiness of his companions and readies him self for the unsavoury act of a fair fight.
OOC: [roll0] Not sure if it matters free not but which is the bigger goblin? Oh nenermind just read the stat block.
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