D&D 5E (IC) (OneShot) JustinCase's Within The Circle



As the others sneak about trying to lay an ambush for the approaching goblins Gorir says a quick prayer for Moradin to guide his actions. One large goblin walks past him, followed by two more. Gorir steps forward swinging his hammer and splattering one goblin's brains across the wall. With godly speed he swings back at the other goblin, catching it a solid blow that barely leaves the monster standing. He steps around the goblin to get closer to the large one. It was a great risk engaging two foes, but it allowed him good control over the fight.

[SBLOCK=Actions and rolls]
Taking a little liberty as I've been so absent, but Gorir will (if you allow) cast guidance while everyone else was sneaking. If you don't then his second attack just misses.

Move: To L6
Attack:Gorir attack and damage on Goblin 2: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D8+2 = [8]+2 = 10

Bonus: Warpriest ability Gorir attack and damage on Goblin 3: 1D20+4 = [10]+4 = 14
1D8+2 = [3]+2 = 5
adding guidance to that Gorir attack and damage on Goblin 3: 1D4 = [2] = 2

Move: to M6[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 18 (Chain and Shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d8

Warhammer: +4 5ft 1d8+2S
ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+2P
Light Crossbow: +2 80/320ft 1d8P

Warpriest 2/3 per long rest

SPELLS: Cantrips
Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying
level 1: 2/2
Bless; Command; Healing Word; Sanctuary[/SBLOCK]

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
As Thadius takes a defensive stance as he and Belig study each other for weaknesses. The goblin seems far more dangerous than its companions, obviously trained in the art of war, and as the tiefling watches Belig twists deftly to deflect a javelin from Magdalena with his shield. Continuing his movement, the armored goblin smoothly turns and steps toward Thadius, spinning the flail towards the tiefling noble and stepping back instantly. Thadius, fully prepared for the assault, easily sidesteps the flail, but the goblin next to him manages to take advantage of the situation by delivering a nasty cut with his scimitar on the tiefling's upper leg.

Behind Thadius, Gorir takes advantage of the other goblins' surprise to move in and crushing one goblin's skull with his warhammer, using the momentum to keep swinging his mighty weapon and landing a powerful blow to the other creature's chest, the air leaving its lungs in a great sigh. In return, the still standing goblinoid, feeling lucky because of his hit on the tiefling, tries to wound the dwarf as well but hitting only a shield, not impressing anyone. A crossbow bolt from James moves over the melee harmlessly.

Realizing his forte lies not in taking hits from dangerous goblin weaponry, Traubon stays in the corner and hurls a magical bolt of flame at the largest of the creatures, hitting Belig on the side of its head and blackening its fierce looking helmet.

OOC: Goblin actions; see rolls in next posts:
- Belig: Attacks Thadius with disadvantage and with extra damage (Fury of the Small), then Disengages (Nimble Escape) and moves to P6.
- goblin 2: dead, killed by Gorir
- goblin 3: Opportunity attack at Thadius, then on its turn, attacks Gorir.

Gorir can add the Guidance bonus only to one check, so either attack or damage. I'd say he hits on his second attack due to the bonus, but doesn't bring the goblin down. Also, both Gorir and Thadius try to move into the same square (M6) so I took the liberty of leaving Gorir at L6 so he can finish the other goblin off next round. I hope that's okay.

Alright, for the time being I'll NPC Traubon until eayres returns or asks me differently. Don't know if I'll keep this up, but for now I see no real reason to let his character run off. Traubon casts a Fire bolt at Belig.

[sblock=Map] map - depot round 3.png[/sblock]
James AC15 8/8
Gorir AC18 11/11
Thadius AC15 8/14 (took 8 damage - resistance)
Traubon AC16 9/9
Magdalena AC16 12/12

Goblin #1 AC15 0/7 deceased
Goblin #2 AC15 0/7 deceased
Goblin #3 AC15 2/7
Belig AC18 25/26 [/sblock]
Last edited:


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: Oh boy. None of the rolls came through. Here's a retry:
[roll0] Attack roll Belig
[roll1] Damage roll Belig
[roll2] Opportunity attack goblin 3
[roll3] Disadv OA goblin 3
[roll4] damage roll goblin 3


the magical equivalent to the number zero
[roll0] attack goblin 3
[roll1] damage goblin 3
[roll2] spell Traubon
[roll3] damage spell Traubon


If had clearly been to long since James had fought, clearly he was rusty. James skirts around the edge of the battle, drawing his wicked looking curved dagger and lunging at the goblin while it's back is turned.

Move to L8
Attacking goblin 4 if dagger.


"Insolent bug!" Thadius sneers as the goblin ruins his clothes.

Action: Atk Gobo #3
Move: none
Bonus Action: none

Condition: Raging 8/10 rounds left
AC: 15
HP 8/14 (due to resistance), resistance to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing


Goblin lair

“Oh, for the love of… I can’t see a damn thing!” Magdalena watched the shadows flail about in the dark, noly momentarily lit when Traubon casts a bit of fire.

Dropping her greatsword, Magdalena fumbled to get out the torch James had given her. She lit it and suddenly could see again.

“Thank Helm” Magdalena muttered.

Action: Light torch
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction: Draw torch

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Thadius easily dispatches the goblin that had ruined his outfit, his morningstar crushing the creature's skull, blood and gore dripping from the weapon as the tiefling once more faces Belig.

The goblin warrior puts up its shield to catch the dagger that James, moving just out of reach of the wicked flail, throws at their most dangerous foe yet. The blade sinks into the wood of the shield with a thunk. James pulls up to the side of Thadius and Gorir, two dead goblins at their feet.

On the other side of the kitchen, Magdalena lights her torch, and a warm glow fills the room that allows her to see everything again. The messy kitchen, the three stoves on one side, the door to the wretched smell on the other wall, and a ferocious goblin between her and her allies. The creature moves as if to block the torch light with his shield for only a moment before lowering it and glaring at her.

OOC: I'll give TallIan another day to respond before wrapping up this round.
[sblock=Map]map - depot round 4.png[/sblock]
[sblock=Stats]James AC15 8/8
Gorir AC18 11/11
Thadius AC15 8/14 (thanks for reminding me of the resistance)
Traubon AC16 9/9
Magdalena AC16 12/12

Goblin #1 AC15 0/7 deceased
Goblin #2 AC15 0/7 deceased
Goblin #3 AC15 0/7 deceased
Belig AC18 25/26 [/sblock]



Gorir steps around is companions, closing with Beleg but he can't seem to land a blow.

Gorir attack and damage: 1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12
1D8+2 = [1]+2 = 3

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 18 (Chain and Shield)
Initiative: +0
HP: 11/11 HD: 1/1d8

Warhammer: +4 5ft 1d8+2S
ShortSword: +4 5ft 1d6+2P
Light Crossbow: +2 80/320ft 1d8P

Warpriest 2/3 per long rest

SPELLS: Cantrips
Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying
level 1: 2/2
Bless; Command; Healing Word; Sanctuary[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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