D&D 5E (IC) (OneShot) JustinCase's Within The Circle


Goblin lair

OOC: Magdalena was so very effective this fight! LOL Need to get her a longsword.

“You will do no such thing, foul creature!” Magdalena growled when the goblin started threatening the village. She pressed her dagger to his throat even as the tiefling punched him. “You will answer some questions. Why are you poisoning the village? Did someone put you up to it? They aren’t wealthy, so you can’t be getting much from your blackmail. I mean, look around.” She gestured to the dilapidated lair.

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
While Magdalena starts questioning Belig, dagger to his throat, Thadius angily knocks the goblin out with a well-placed fist before he can respond to the barrage of questions. The lack of answers is frustrating to Magdalena, but the silence that once more surrounds the companions is very welcome.

"What do we do with it?" Traubon asks, finally emerging from his corner to inspect the limp goblin in Gorir's hands.


James shrugs "Make free his bonds are tight and chuck him in there" James motions to the mage shift latrine. The man then moves over to the door itching to move on all that noise was not good.


Goblin lair

“Eventually we kill him,” Magdalena said succinctly. “But I do wish to know if someone was behind this plan to poison the villagers. In the meantime, let us finish killing the goblins in here and find what we can about this Circle.”

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Tying up the goblin is easy, the unconscious form unresisting as its hands and feet are bound before Belig is shoved into the smelly latrine.

There is no sound except the soft breathing of the companions, and the even softer flames from Magdalena’s torch. If there are more goblins here, they don’t seem to have noticed you yet.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: There are two doors in this room, one on the other side of where you came in to kill the sleeping goblin, and one to the side. Which is James opening?

depot crude map.png


Goblin lair

Magdalena glared at James, but then sighed and put out the torch, plunging herself into darkness once more, muttering to herself.

OOC: Not sure. Can you relight a torch? Or is this one done?

Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
James quietly moves around the large, partially collapsed table where the now dead goblin still lies, and opens the door on the other side. The old wooden door moves heavily but quietly and you can hear goblin voices.

This small circular room is strewn with shattered furniture. Empty, gilded picture frames cover the walls, with tattered paintings scattered over the floor. Once fine carpet has been matted down and ruined. Two exits can be seen; one to the left, where a wooden door sits similar to the one the half-elf has now opened, and one to the right, where an open door reveals a mosaic-walled passage filled with rubble.

In the center of the room, three goblins are rolling crude dice, one of them guarding a heap of foodstuffs from the other two while the others are concentrating on the dice, hoping to reverse their lack of fortune. So focused on their game the goblins are, they do not notice the door opening.

OOC: The goblins have not noticed you. What do you do?

Not sure. Can you relight a torch? Or is this one done?
A torch burns 1 hour. You can extinguish it and relight it later.

Voidrunner's Codex

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