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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Iron Gods

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Guest 11456

End of Combat

"Suddenly it seems a lot of tactical space has opened up but I do not think I will be needing it," comments the arcanist wryly. Should it be necessary he supposes he could try the 'hail deity' play and try to zap the bug again, but he holds back for the moment and mostly tries to give as much space as possible to anyone who wants to skirt around to attack the bug from his and Twist's right.

Twist wiped beetle gore off his dagger. When he realized a fourth beetle had come harrowingly close to biting him while he'd been defending Zeta, Twist scampered backward, away from the remaining insect.

Frustrated by the elusive targets, Zeta takes a moment to pause and assess, watching the beetle's movements. Then, like a snake, she quickly darts her thin sword home, trying to impale the little critter on its point!
The last beetle falls.

Combat is over.

After a moment Olrich and Vandor feel better (no longer sickened).
Also, after resting a few minutes Olrich and Twist have recovered from their exertion (no longer fatigued).

[section]Twist leaned against the slope leading to higher ground and wiped sweat from his temples. "I never saw big huge beetles like those before. Why are they so big?" He eyed the sulfurous pond with suspicion. "Maybe they drank the water. Do beetles drink water? Hey, Zeta! Do beetles drink water, do you think?" The ratling continued prattling but turned around to face the slope, then proceeded to try to climb up. When he didn't make much progress, he called over his shoulder, "Hey, can someone gimme a boost?"[/section]
[sblock=OOC] Climb 1d20+4 = 6 [/sblock]


The first thing Olrich does once they have a moment to catch their collective breath is lean against the small ridge in front of them while he removes the waterproof bag with his spellbook and spell component pouch from the waterproof bag that was the first layer of defence. He then opens that out to inspect the condition of his most precious (present) belongings.


Hailey Navarre


Hailey swished her rapier in the stinky water to rinse off the beetle gore before sheathing it.

She had not seen such creature before either, but there was also no sign of the failed expedition either. That was a good sign at least since it would have been a short trip if they found Baine’s corpse being picked over by the critters.

“No idea if the beetles got like that from the water. But here, let me help ya up, Twitch.” She took her time and got up on the ledge, then reached down to pull the short rat-kin up to join her.

[sblock=Actions]Take 10 on Climb +3[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30 (20 with Backpack)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3/3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

[section]"Ooo! Thanks!" Twist grabbed Hailey's hand and used his feet and free hand to scrabble up the slope. Once he was up, he brushed dirt off his pants, adjusted his backpack, and looked up, blinking to try to see.[/section]
[sblock=OOC]Darkvision 60' and Perception 1d20+8 = 9. What does Twist see?[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Aja goes about smashing the beetles to make sure they are good and dead. Now that the beetles are dead you notice that they had glowing glands that remain glowing still after their death. Looking into the cavern ahead Twist sees a collection of stalactites and stalagmites choking this low-ceilinged cavern, making it difficult to squeeze between them. Matching stalactites close in from the five-foot-high ceiling, giving the impression of a maw of needlelike teeth bearing down on one another.


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Olrich glances at the bio-luminescent beetles and briefly considers whether it could be extracted in a timely manner for use later. For him, of course, lighting is no problem. But sometimes such things come in handy.

OOC: K (Nature): 1d20+7=25.


Hailey Navarre


Hailey’s sunrod shown the way, shining form over her shoulder to illuminate the cavern room of stalactites. She did not see any more beetles and she figured that if there were more, they would have attacked already. She was shining a beacon of light that could attract monsters like moths to a flame.

“I got nicked, but I am fine, Vandor. Aja looks to be suffering more, maybe.”

Gesturing ahead, the gunslinger asked, “Who wants to lead the way? We should probably decide on a decent order of movement. I don’t mind being right behind Twist here, I can fire from over his head.”

[sblock=Mini-stats]Hailey Navarre
Init +6, Speed 30 (20 with Backpack)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14 (Chain shirt) , CMD 16
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
HP 12; Current: 12
Conditions in effect: Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Grit: 3/3
Deeds: Gunslinger Dodge, Quick Clear, Up Close & Deadly

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

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