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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent


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Wireth holds his arm out for the turkey vulture to use as a temporary roost, moving with the human summoner into the mill. With an upward push, he sends the vulture to the rafters, where it surveys the hunting ground.

"Sounds like a plan," he agrees. "Though we may need to get these two a treat if they don't get enough mice just to keep them out of the supply," he quips. Then he turns his attention to helping the vulture find its prey.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Fastus kept looking at her though... but then visibly, physically shook it off (with an actual shake of bearded head and lion hair): No, this is *Elbeth* we're talking about here. You've known her half your life... She was just overly embarrassed for no reason, right? Right. Don't be burning weird!

"Sure," he said to Sachiko's suggestion... "I've been trying to get her to spend some of MY extra coins," he mentioned to her after a beat with a half-smile Elli's way: "Total failure so far... You want to show her how it's done?"

That should get them back on safer tracks, right?

If Sachiko holds out her hand he'll plunk his semi-full purse into it and let it go. (If not he'll just jiggle it enticingly.)

As to actual suggestions: "Maybe you could hire a bard?" he teased, half hoping she'll actually go for it. Failing that: "A feast always cheers ME up." He suddenly recalled the main feature of their last 'expedition' into the northern tip of the Briney, just for the fun of it at the time: "Oh and bug goop! We should probably stop by Granny Crabtree for a whole TUB of bug goop, right?" The best herb-woman in town is Granny, if you listen to her tell it.

Part-witch too, probably.

OOC: How much for some herbal insect repellant, Tailspinner? Say enough for the entire group for three days.



The young half elf walked with her friends Fastus and Sachiko as they browsed the marketplace. Fastus had once again offered to pay for some items. She really had no idea what to buy. She rarely bought anything for herself beyond food and some basic clothing. She had seen some pretty jewelry recently but she couldn't afford it and couldn't possibly ask anyone to buy it for her.

She shifted her thoughts to their upcoming journey. What would they encounter? What would the weather be like? Would they travel on the roads or through woods?

"Do you think we should get some rope? It might come in handy. Does everyone have a torch or lantern? Too bad we don't have enough for horses. I'd like to own a horse some day." she rambled.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Dragon," furnished Fastus, pointing to himself with an overly pleased smile. Say what you will, he didn't dream small.

Without further ado he grabbed up enough ingredients to make half-a-dozen home-made torches for Elsbeth and, after some happy negotiations, a fair length of rough hemp rope from a fisherman's wife busy repairing her husband's nets.

Although... Maybe he was slow or something but: "What are we going to do with this in a swamp?" he asked, hefting the newly acquired coil of rope while looking at Elli. "You want to take some goblin prisoners back home with us or something?"

Which, when he started to think about it...

[sblock=Bought so far]Sealing Wax (1 gp, 1#, satchel)
Fishhooks and 'Trollgut' Line (1 gp, 0#, pouch)
Watertight Tin Scrollcase (1 gp, 0.5#, belt)
Bug repellant (? sp, ?#, satchel)

For Elsbeth:
6 torches (6 cp, 6#, backpack)
50' of Hemp rope (1 gp, 10#, backpack)

15 gp, 9 sp, 4 cp left.[/sblock]


First Post
Though Sachiko visited every shop and stall, she was surprisingly frugal in her actual purchases. The sunrod she bought took up fully half of what she'd been given. A single tindertwig another quarter. Then she put down a little silver and copper for a hammock, which she rolled up and stuffed into her pack, and a bar of soap which joined the sunrod in her belt pouch.

Oddly, she seemed content to let Fastus and Elsbeth talk without interrupting them directly, saving her chatter for the townsfolk and merchants.

[sblock]Bug repellant is an alchemical item that costs 5gp. Sachi can't afford that, but go for it if you can. :)

Hammock, 1sp 3lbs
Soap, 1cp .5lb
Sunrod, 2gp 1lb
Tindertwig, 1gp

8 silver 9 copper left.

Don't really see much else that jumps out at me as swampy. Maybe food, but I expect we'll be foraging for fish and frogs so... If anyone has any ideas, let me know! Otherwise I think I'm good to go.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]I have the convergence of a planned family visit and an unplanned family medical issue hitting me right now. My post rate is likely to plummet until next week, I'm afraid. Feel free to drag Wireth and his birdie along wherever you need to keep the story going.[/color]



"I'm not sure about prisoners. It might be difficult to bring them back to town. I was thinking the rope might be useful if one of us gets stuck in the swamp. The others would be able to rescue them. Do you think we will need a shovel?"

As Elsbeth and Fastus walked through the market, something caught her eye. She stopped at one vendor and began looking at some colorful scarves. She had never owned anything like these. They were very pretty but not practical for traveling in a swamp.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Maybe just the big boss," conceded the young man after a pause -- he was STILL on the prisoners thing, obviously. "Gutwad, right? We could have a parade right through the center of town...!"

But he'd obviously heard the rest too because: "Maybe one of those short gardening things? Easier to carry around." (And, not entirely by chance, he knew where to get one of those easy: he'd done some spontaneous farm work inside the Turand Loop recently). And as for needing it: "The Jariah symbol-girl," he vaguely gestured to his own forehead to show who he meant, "said something about making traps for them, I think?"

Then she stopped at the scarf seller's: "Ah, now we're talking," he smiled. Fastus crossed his arms and waited... While he waited though, he made the mistake of glancing Sachiko's way:

Oddly, she seemed content to let Fastus and Elsbeth talk without interrupting them directly, saving her chatter for the townsfolk and merchants.

Part of a devious master plan of some sort, no doubt. ;)

Though Sachiko visited every shop and stall, she was surprisingly frugal in her actual purchases. The sunrod she bought took up fully half of what she'd been given. A single tindertwig another quarter. Then she put down a little silver and copper for a hammock, which she rolled up and stuffed into her pack, and a bar of soap which joined the sunrod in her belt pouch.

Soap?! That... That was the last straw!

"You guys are soooo reasonable," he grumped, shaking his head, seeing Elli admire but not touch on the other side too. It's getting so a fellow can't blow his life savings on a whim anymore or anything... And after he'd asked so nicely too! (And he was REALLY trying not to take all these "lighting" purchases personal - really he was - but sunrods, torches and tindertwigs, when you had a Master of Flames by your side?). "Well I can be reasonable too, you know!"

He started by (peevishly) TRIPLING the snow-haired girl's sunrod supply (because that's all the man had in stock) and then turned her one hammock into FOUR of the same -- one for each of them plus Suldrel.

"Because, burnt it, that's a burningly brilliant idea!" he admitted, before specifying with a warning point: "But I am NOT buying you any more tindertwigs."

A man had his pride...

OOC: Fastus has both the Light and the Spark orisons. :)

"Elsbeth, please tell me you're getting at least twenty burning scarves, right?" To balance out this horrible bout of reasonableness-ness.

[sblock=Bug goop]
Bug repellant is an alchemical item that costs 5gp.
<Binder looks it up>. You're talking about Vermin Repellent, right Shayuri? That's a bit above and beyond what Fastus has in mind here, which is your garden-variety bug oil. (Say Environmental Protection: you suffer no long-term effects from exposure to the regional insect population; has no effect on actual bug encounters, including and especially swarms, unless the DM feels really generous that day (and then maybe a +1 or +2 on something)).

It's mostly for local swampy colour, really...

Let me know what you think TS.[/sblock][sblock=Bought so far]Sealing Wax (1 gp, 1#, satchel)
Fishhooks and 'Trollgut' Line (1 gp, 0#, pouch)
Watertight Tin Scrollcase (1 gp, 0.5#, belt)
Bug repellant (? sp, ?#, satchel)
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, satchel)

For Elsbeth:
6 torches (6 cp, 6#, backpack)
50' of Hemp rope (1 gp, 10#, backpack)
Short-handled shovel/spade (2 gp, 6#, )
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, )

For Sachiko:
2 extra sunrods (4 gp, 2#, )

For Suldrel:
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, )

9 gp, 6 sp, 4 cp left.[/sblock]
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Elsbeth checked out the scarves. They were really very nice. The merchant was talking to her but she was barely listening, so absorbed in looking at the scarves as she was. Her mind registered Fastus telling her to buy some scarves. Was it her imagination or was he implying that he was going to pay for them? She couldn't allow him to do that. She knew she still had a few coins in her own purse.

"I would like to purchase a couple of these lovely scarves. One green one and one red one." she told the merchant.

She fished some coins out of her purse to pay for them before Fastus could. It wasn't right to allow him to pay for everything.


Guest 11456

Binder Fred - You find a vendor that claims that his salve will do the job. It is 5 copper pieces per jar. Each jar weighs 1 pound. He claims that each jar is enough for one person for one day. He has a total of 25 jars to sell but claims that he can make, er, bring more tomorrow. The jars look quite old and are of varying size and shape.
After some further searching you find a second vendor that has vials of salve. It is 5 silver pieces per vial. Each vial weighs 0.1 pounds. Each vial is enough for one person for one day. There a total of 10 vials available. Each vial looks the same. He seems a bit more reputable. He claims that it will take a week for him to acquire more.

Gurney's Mill - After the first half hour you have only captured on mouse and you are a bit discouraged. But the second half hour produces four more mice for a total of five. Let me know if that is enough or if you wish to try for more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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