This is the 4th level Pathfinder 2 playtest adventure, 2nd of 7.
[thread="652575"]Link to RG[/thread] (char gen info is here)
Kaodi: [post="7548001"]Antony Doss, the Lightning Rider[/post], Male Versatile Human Scholar Sorcerer 4
VLAD the Destroyer: [post="7543738"]Jayesh Sangeer[/post], Human (Vudrani) Nomad Monk 4
Shayuri: [post="7542131"]Setis[/post], Half-orc/Nomad/Druid 4
Charlotte of Oz: [post="7541955"]Janivel[/post], Half-Elf/Entertainer/Rogue 4 (female)
Chairwoman Gene: Siobhan, Human Scholar Ranger 4
Overall Rules
[sblock="Old version"]This is a Pathfinder 2 playtest game. Given the interest level, it's actually two games. I will run this adventure for two separate groups. The playtest adventure contains 7 rather short adventures at levels 1 thru 20. The first set of characters created play the 1st, 4th, and 7th chapter. The other chapters are all separate characters created for those chapters. So you will play 5 different characters in this game if we get anywhere near the end. It's a playtest, they want coverage of the various a/b/c's. (I should point out the Goblin Survivor background makes your character part of the hook for the first adventure. It is not necessary that there is a goblin in each party. Just a little perk of being a goblin, I guess.
In fact, there is a goblin in the first party, I might say no gobo in the second party just to see how it affects the adventure. )
I'm hoping to get one of the IC threads going by August 8. That's ambitious, I know. But deadlines help people get things done. We have one full character sheet done so far. We can get 3 more by Wednesday.
[thread="652575"]Link to RG[/thread] (char gen info is here)
[thread="652617"]Link to IC party #1, chapter 1[/thread]
[thread="652776"]Link to IC party #2, chapter 1[/thread]
The RG thread has the current char gen info and sample char sheet.
Overall Rules
Please, please, please, only join this game if you plan to read a good chunk of the PlayTest book ASAP. Also, only join if you can post 2-3 times per week. No point in participating in a playtest if we never get through the 4th encounter by the time the actual game is released next year.
With that in mind, all are welcome. Also, be sure to read all the chargen info.
While I am the DM for this adventure, this will be one game where the DM encourages rules lawyering so we mostly get the rules right. I only ask that we confine that to the OOC thread.
Party 1
Kaodi: Urik Soladere, a male half-orc "esoteric scion" cleric 1
Charwoman Gene: Corwin Aleron, a male human "family friend" fighter 1
FitzTheRuke: Hiromi Kitsune. a female human "pathfinder hopeful" rogue 1
Radaceus: Elkran Snarklesnit, a male, goblin "renegade" sorceror 1
GreenKarl: Jericho Hexpot, a male, human "pathfinder hopeful" alchemist 1
Party 2
tglassy: Coralin Pagebinder, Male Elven/Budding Osirenologist/Bard 1
VLAD the Destroyer: Bixby Buckhollow, Halfling Mind Quake Survivor Druid 1 & Bucky, a small honey badger
[Tailspinner: Elkhorn, Male Dwarf/Warrior/Fighter 1 (originally created and run by css)
Shayuri: Triessa Elrich, Half Elf Wizard 1
[-]EarlyBird[/-]: Noboru, male human(half-orc), Pathfinder Hopeful, Barbarian 1
[sblock="Original Post"]I've mentioned before I was going to do this so I may as well open recruiting now. I understand no one has the PT book yet (I don't). But that's no reason we can't get started recruiting right? We know the 12 classes. We know most of the ancestries. What we are missing is backgrounds and archetypes. But still ancestry/class is enough to start a character I'm sure. I don't expect the IC thread to start until at least 2-3 weeks after the PDF is released so having a character concept change is no big deal.
[-]There is one very big contingency on my running this. Paizo must release a PDF playtest adventure for free. If they don't, there will probably not be a game here. If there are multiple adventures. I will start with a level 1 adventure. And if we are having fun, we can level up the chars for a higher level game, later.[/-] No worries here. They are releasing a playtest adventure. 7 parts. Please don't read the playtest adventure.
Character Gen and Rules
Please, please, please, only join this game if you plan to read a good chunk of the PlayTest book ASAP. Also, only join if you can post 2-3 times per week. No point in participating in a playtest if we never get through the 4th encounter by the time the actual game is released next year.
With that in mind, all are welcome.
While I am the DM for this adventure, this will be one game where the DM encourages rules lawyering so we mostly get the rules right. I only ask that we confine that to the OOC thread.[/sblock][/sblock]
[thread="652575"]Link to RG[/thread] (char gen info is here)
Kaodi: [post="7548001"]Antony Doss, the Lightning Rider[/post], Male Versatile Human Scholar Sorcerer 4
VLAD the Destroyer: [post="7543738"]Jayesh Sangeer[/post], Human (Vudrani) Nomad Monk 4
Shayuri: [post="7542131"]Setis[/post], Half-orc/Nomad/Druid 4
Charlotte of Oz: [post="7541955"]Janivel[/post], Half-Elf/Entertainer/Rogue 4 (female)
Chairwoman Gene: Siobhan, Human Scholar Ranger 4
Overall Rules
- Char gen is by the book with modifications if stated in the playtest adventure. Read all of the first two posts in the RG, please
- No externally sourced game material.
- We are using version 1.6 of the playtest updates (the latest one)
- The only real house rule I anticipate is side initiative.
- Given the way actions work, and this being a learning game for everyone, I will expect everyone's IC post to include all of their character's 3 actions explicitly labeled in their post. Perhaps even with 1> 2> 3> in front of each action. Or just A>> cast V/S A> stride (to location)
[sblock="Old version"]This is a Pathfinder 2 playtest game. Given the interest level, it's actually two games. I will run this adventure for two separate groups. The playtest adventure contains 7 rather short adventures at levels 1 thru 20. The first set of characters created play the 1st, 4th, and 7th chapter. The other chapters are all separate characters created for those chapters. So you will play 5 different characters in this game if we get anywhere near the end. It's a playtest, they want coverage of the various a/b/c's. (I should point out the Goblin Survivor background makes your character part of the hook for the first adventure. It is not necessary that there is a goblin in each party. Just a little perk of being a goblin, I guess.

I'm hoping to get one of the IC threads going by August 8. That's ambitious, I know. But deadlines help people get things done. We have one full character sheet done so far. We can get 3 more by Wednesday.

[thread="652575"]Link to RG[/thread] (char gen info is here)
[thread="652617"]Link to IC party #1, chapter 1[/thread]
[thread="652776"]Link to IC party #2, chapter 1[/thread]
The RG thread has the current char gen info and sample char sheet.
Overall Rules
- Char gen is by the book with modifications if stated in the playtest adventure. Read all of the first two posts in the RG, please
- No externally sourced game material.
- We are assuming that all characters are at least trained in Unarmed Defense. (look it up at if you want to read why this is an assumption based on RAI rather than RAW.)
- We are assuming that feats granted by backgrounds must have all their prerequisites met by the time char gen finishes or you do not gain the benefit of the feat. (Yet another hole in the rules.)
- I have no idea which version of shield block I'm going with at the moment.
- The only real house rule I anticipate is side initiative.
- Given the way actions work, and this being a learning game for everyone, I will expect everyone's IC post to include all of their character's 3 actions explicitly labeled in their post. Perhaps even with 1> 2> 3> in front of each action. Or just A>> cast V/S A> stride (to location)
Please, please, please, only join this game if you plan to read a good chunk of the PlayTest book ASAP. Also, only join if you can post 2-3 times per week. No point in participating in a playtest if we never get through the 4th encounter by the time the actual game is released next year.

While I am the DM for this adventure, this will be one game where the DM encourages rules lawyering so we mostly get the rules right. I only ask that we confine that to the OOC thread.
Party 1
Kaodi: Urik Soladere, a male half-orc "esoteric scion" cleric 1
Charwoman Gene: Corwin Aleron, a male human "family friend" fighter 1
FitzTheRuke: Hiromi Kitsune. a female human "pathfinder hopeful" rogue 1
Radaceus: Elkran Snarklesnit, a male, goblin "renegade" sorceror 1
GreenKarl: Jericho Hexpot, a male, human "pathfinder hopeful" alchemist 1
Party 2
tglassy: Coralin Pagebinder, Male Elven/Budding Osirenologist/Bard 1
VLAD the Destroyer: Bixby Buckhollow, Halfling Mind Quake Survivor Druid 1 & Bucky, a small honey badger
[Tailspinner: Elkhorn, Male Dwarf/Warrior/Fighter 1 (originally created and run by css)
Shayuri: Triessa Elrich, Half Elf Wizard 1
[-]EarlyBird[/-]: Noboru, male human(half-orc), Pathfinder Hopeful, Barbarian 1
[sblock="Original Post"]I've mentioned before I was going to do this so I may as well open recruiting now. I understand no one has the PT book yet (I don't). But that's no reason we can't get started recruiting right? We know the 12 classes. We know most of the ancestries. What we are missing is backgrounds and archetypes. But still ancestry/class is enough to start a character I'm sure. I don't expect the IC thread to start until at least 2-3 weeks after the PDF is released so having a character concept change is no big deal.
[-]There is one very big contingency on my running this. Paizo must release a PDF playtest adventure for free. If they don't, there will probably not be a game here. If there are multiple adventures. I will start with a level 1 adventure. And if we are having fun, we can level up the chars for a higher level game, later.[/-] No worries here. They are releasing a playtest adventure. 7 parts. Please don't read the playtest adventure.

Character Gen and Rules
- By the book. I expect they will have a standard array for ability scores. That's what we're using. (The array is all 10s. You get boosts for each of your a/b/c and then 4 free boosts. An interesting ability score system.)
- 1st level.
- No limitations on ancestry/background/class unless those limitations are in the book or Paizo announces something (which I doubt would happen). Except, a diverse set of a/b/c makes the most sense so we can all experience a broad range of the game.
- No externally sourced game material.
- The only house rule I anticipate is side initiative.
- Given the way actions work, and this being a learning game for everyone, I will expect everyone's IC post to include all of their character's 3 actions explicitly named in their post. Perhaps even with 1. 2. 3. in front of each action.
Please, please, please, only join this game if you plan to read a good chunk of the PlayTest book ASAP. Also, only join if you can post 2-3 times per week. No point in participating in a playtest if we never get through the 4th encounter by the time the actual game is released next year.

While I am the DM for this adventure, this will be one game where the DM encourages rules lawyering so we mostly get the rules right. I only ask that we confine that to the OOC thread.[/sblock][/sblock]
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