Pathfinder 2E [OOC] JM's "Doomsday Dawn" Pathfinder 2 Playtest Adventure. (Closed)

I decided that unless we need another caster, I'll stick with rogue - I think I need to test out a few different systems on their own before doing them all at once with the bard.

So, I'm ready to go unless there's problems with my RG post - which has been updated for new format!

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Okay, we have:
a monk [MENTION=6803188]VLAD the Destroyer[/MENTION],
a rogue [MENTION=6847138]Charlotte of Oz[/MENTION],
a druid [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], (Needs to be completed)
and a sorcerer [MENTION=1231]Kaodi[/MENTION] (post your sorcerer to the RG thread)

Shall we try part 2 of the adventure? (Everyone reply so we know you are still interested.)

Kind of ironic that I was by far the earliest to have finished my character and yet am the last to post it in the RG, heh. I am definitely ready - like the ocd thread refreshing crack addict* I am.

*Not an actual crack addict.

Ah god...I forgot how nightmarish this PDF is to navigate through.

I need help.

I'm finalizing my scores and comparing them to other PC's stats to try to double-check myself, but I'm getting stymied. It looks to me like everyone in the group has an AC of 3 or 4 points higher than I can account for. Because it's everyone, I feel like it must be me who's missing something.

AC is just 10 + Dex bonus + Item bonus from armor + potentially magic effects like mage armor, yeah? There's no level based bonus or anything, is there?

Pg 16 said:
To calculate her AC, add 10 plus her Dexterity modifier (up to her armor’s Dexterity modifier cap), plus her proficiency modifier with her armor, plus her armor’s item bonus to AC and any other bonuses and penalties that always apply.

To calculate her TAC, add 10 plus her Dexterity modifier (up to her armor’s Dexterity modifier cap), plus her proficiency modifier with her armor, plus her armor’s item bonus to TAC and any other bonuses and penalties that always apply.

And then....

Pg 176 said:
Your Armor Class equals 10 plus your Dexterity modifier (up to your armor’s Dexterity modifier cap) plus your proficiency modifier for any armor or shield you are using plus the armor’s item bonus to AC. If you’re using both armor and a shield, apply the lower of the two proficiency modifiers. If you’re not wearing armor,
substitute your proficiency in unarmored defense. Your Touch Armor Class uses the same calculation, except you add your armor’s item bonus to TAC instead of its bonus to AC. Some spells, magic item, and abilities give your character a bonus or penalty to AC. These also apply to TAC unless stated otherwise.

They seem to agree.

Just remember that "untrained" is now -4. There are rumors that they are considering changing the other levels (to +0, +2, +4, +6) but that never made it into a playtest document.

Yeah, but most of us are only Trained in...oh.

Right. 'Trained' includes level. Gah, I'm an idiot. lol

It's so hard keeping all this straight!

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