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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Pathfinder: Jade Regent

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Aaaaaaah!" shouted the young man, callused hands thrown up to the blue skies as the silver pieces fell into the scarf seller's palm, each impact echoing with slow-motion thunder... (He HAD meant to pay for it then!)

Then he laughed and let his over-muscled arms drop: "Alright, you galls have worn me DOWN. I'll be good." Sort of. "And those look good on you," he admitted to Elli in the same breath.

Oh, and actually... "Bug goop, right?"

OOC: Fastus will scoop up all 10 of the 5 sp vials without blinking, and:

You find a vendor that claims that his salve will do the job. It is 5 copper pieces per jar. Each jar weighs 1 pound. He claims that each jar is enough for one person for one day. He has a total of 25 jars to sell but claims that he can make, er, bring more tomorrow. The jars look quite old and are of varying size and shape.
"I'll take five of those then," replied the lion-haired blacksmith, choosing the five jars that most strike his fancy. "I... don't think elves need the stuff, right?" he commented to Sachiko. At least Suldrel had never seemed bothered that he can recall, now that he thinks about it...

Elves are cool.

Packing them in, he opened one jar - a mini-amphora model with cute little handles on the sides (one broken off now) - just to see.

OOC: Anything of note TS?

"Ready to head over to Suldrel for some practice?" he asked his friends with a smile.

[sblock=Carrying stuff?]I'm going to assume Sachiko will carry all the sunrods, right?

What about the rest: Who wants what? Fastus doesn't at all mind carrying most of it into the field, although the torches will be highly redundant for him, of course...

Let me know.[/sblock][sblock=Bought so far]Sealing Wax (1 gp, 1#, satchel)
Fishhooks and 'Trollgut' Line (1 gp, 0#, pouch)
Watertight Tin Scrollcase (1 gp, 0.5#, belt)
10 Bug repellent vials (5 gp, 1#, satchel)
5 Bug repellent jars (2 sp 5 cp, 5#, satchel)
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, satchel)

For Elsbeth:
6 torches (6 cp, 6#, backpack)
50' of Hemp rope (1 gp, 10#, backpack)
Short-handled shovel/spade (2 gp, 6#, )
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, )

For Sachiko:
2 extra sunrods (4 gp, 2#, )

For Suldrel:
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, )

4 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp left.[/sblock]

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Jariah Taliaferro, Human Female

~ Gurney's Mill ~


Jariah looked at Wireth after they spent two hours and had five captured mice. It was a decent enough bribe or tribute since all they were looking for was information that might even be given freely.

"Well, that is a handful and we should probably be on our way if we want to get back to town before nightfall."

Jakira added, "An' back b'forrre dinnerrr."

She exited the mill, thanked the old man and made to leave town. With the half-orc and his turkey vulture, the four of them started the short trek to see the halfling warden of the swamp.

[sblock=Mini-stats]Jariah Taliaferro
Init: +5, Senses: Perception +6
AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 12 (Leather armor)
HP: 9 Current: 9
Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +3
Summon Monster: 7/7 Remaining
1st Level Spells: 2/2 Remaining
Conditions: None

Weapon in Hand: None

Init: +2, Senses: Perception +4, Darkvision
AC: 14/18 (Mage Armor), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 12/16
HP: 12 Current: 12
Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +0
Condition: Darkvision, Power Attack, Pounce
Weapons in Hand: Claws & Bite[/sblock] [sblock=OOC]Assumed jkason would not object and we can move along[/sblock]


First Post
Sachiko nodded happily. "He was only expecting to have to fight me, so this will be like a feastday present," she says. "Three for the price of one! Me first though, I have dibs."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Yeah, yeah," waved Fastus with the kind of gleam in his eyes that signaled hidden thoughts, usually of the trouble-making kind.



Elsbeth was only partly listening to the conversation, her attention focused on her new scarves. When it finally dawned on her that her friends were discussing the training session they had planned, she nodded.

"I don't think I will do very well. Using weapons seems rather barbaric sometimes. So crude and inelegant. Now rapiers are different. I saw a fencing demonstration once and it was very entertaining. Lots of blades flashing about, acrobatic maneuvers, leaps, and dodging. It was very exciting to watch. Can you do that Fastus?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Fighting's plenty exciting to DO, Elli," he 'reassured' her, thereby missing her point entirely. "Trust me, you won't get bored breaking bones and bashing skulls in! But I'm sure we can WORK our way up to rapiers if we want? Let's ask Suldrel."

OOC: Where do you guys live, Shayuri and Kaodi? Somewhere beyond the edge of town I imagine?

"Oh hey, didn't you have some errands to run or something?" he reminded Elsbeth as they were leaving.

OOC: If that means they swing by the equivalent of the farmer's market on their way out, Fastus will add a 13-pound ham to his haul just for the heck of it (with leg and hoof still attached). If not, he won't.

OOC2: Did you guys see the "who carries what" question 5 posts up?



"Yes, I do. I need to pick up a few things so I can finish making dinner this evening. Some vegetables and herbs mostly. Thank you for buying these scarves. It was very nice of you."

[sblock=OOC] Elsbeth will carry the hammock and a couple of jars of bug repellent. The torches can be spread out among the group along with the rest of the bug repellent. [/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Uh... Don't mention it?" Even though he's pretty sure he didn't actually...

Bah, doesn't matter. Though somehow he DOES feel strangely happier for it. He began whistling.

Fastus will help carry any market stuff Elsbeth needs and bring them over to where she wants them before they all head over to Suldrel's. (He HAS bought that 13 pound leg of ham for himself after all. It looks like some sort of giant's club sitting on his shoulder. :))

"How do you like the nanny stuff?" he inquired with a smile as he effortlessly put down his load and turned to go back out. "Ready to be a mother yet?"

[sblock=Bought so far]Sealing Wax (1 gp, 1#, satchel)
Fishhooks and 'Trollgut' Line (1 gp, 0#, pouch)
Watertight Tin Scrollcase (1 gp, 0.5#, belt)
10 Bug repellent vials (5 gp, 1#, satchel)
3 Bug repellent jars (2 sp 5 cp, 5#, satchel)
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, satchel)
50' of Hemp rope (1 gp, 10#, on top of satchel)
Short-handled shovel/spade (2 gp, 6#, strapped to satchel)
6 torches (6 cp, 6#, satchel)
Ham leg (15 sp, 13#, satchel) equivalent of 5 Common meals

Carried by Elsbeth:
2 Bug repellent jars (2#, backpack)
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, backpack)

For Sachiko:
2 extra sunrods (4 gp, 2#, )

For Suldrel:
Hammock (1 sp, 3#, )

2 gp, 8 sp, 9 cp left.[/sblock]
Last edited:



Elsbeth was happy walking along with her friend Fastus. When he mentioned her job as a nanny, her thoughts turned to the children and their poor lonely father.

She was confused when Fastus asked her if she was ready to be a mother. Was that a proposal? She had so much trouble understanding these things.

"Being a nanny is fun most of the time. Sure there are chores to do and keeping track of the children can be challenging at times. As for being a mother, I would like that someday. I have so few memories of my own parents and my adoptive family was not the most loving. Someday I will get married and have children. I think I would like a big family."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Right?" he agreed. "Else what's the point? Neh Sachiko-san?"

None of HIS sisters and one brother had made it past four, so there's something to be said for strength in numbers too, right? (Mentally he fondly added a tick to the 'tried to get a rise out of Elsbeth and failed' column. That was getting to be a fairly crowded column by now too, but he wasn't about to give up.)

"You ever freeze them to the floor when they get too rowdy?" he inquired, lips quirking.

Voidrunner's Codex

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