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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

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A couple more breaths and Jihahna raises her comlink in relief. "Vivian? Come in, it's Jihahna here. Thirteen is safe. It's talking to your AI, which I assume is acceptable? Listen, you've got two Czerka employees outside arguing with Arcanii, claiming you've breached their rules. They wanna talk to you. Get whatever recordings you can from the hangar. If you can hit them with evidence of their own foul play immediately, that should help!"

She turns with a huff to the droid. "Are you ok Thirteen? Can you still speak the language you need to speak? If currently uploading anything, can you interrupt it and power down for now? I have Vivian on comlink to approve it if you could. We've had some security concerns and need to make sure you are safe".

Jihahna then looks suspiciously at the AI interface while she waits.
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The droid seems to straighten a bit and looks at Jihahna as if she is slightly off "Of course mistress, whatever reason would I not be able to fulfill my programming?"

Over at the spaceport Vivian gets Jihahna com and looking at the group here says "Ah there might be some trouble at the Survey building. I had better go there straight away. If nothing else I would ask that you all come with me to make sure everyone is on the up and up"

She waits a few seconds for the team to decide what they want to do and then she heads out, leaving the miners to themselves. Those that follow the rep through the protective wall are treated to the scenes of a frontier mining town on a jungle world. Just outside the protective walls are a number of cantinas and flophouses. There are a wide variety of species walking about and all manor of vehicles and beasts of burdens clogging the streets for so early a part of the day. The next few blocks past that are tenement apartments and various eateries and supply stores, shops and stands. Vivian heads towards a small two-story building in this area with a Republic Survey Corp symbol painted over the door and two angry looking Czerka reps standing outside. Past these buildings and rising a bit out of the mist and fog is a large fortress like building with the green-gold Czerka Corp logo display on the side. Surrounding this building are a number of industrial processing buildings with large smoke-stakes pumping grey-smog into the air. Past all of this is a thick jungle canopy of the planet.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The gand stands, somewhat abruptly since nobody seems interested in his 'prey'. guttural clack click hum "This one believes you," she tells the miners. slurr drone click jumble drone higher-drone "Here is this one's comm code if Solm wants revenge, or if one wishes to report something strange." guttural jumble mumble guttural clacketty "And do not worry, all aliens look alike to this gand." She presses her left glove to her abdomen in a small, not-entirely-serious bow, and then its compact form follows the others out over the spacepad's hardened ground, towards the main gate.

(If any want to share their comm codes back, she'll of course take them, inputing them into his comm watch. (Let me know, GK.))

On the way over, the gand inquires of Vivian Rell: jumble jumble crack clack click click "What droid was Jihahna Darut talking about?" while her facetted eyes take-in the gathered buildings with interest.


Confused and a little deflated that all seems well, Jihahnas shoulders slump for a moment. "I thought-". She pauses for a moment and then takes in a deap breath before continuing. Her composure regained. Her voice was cool and unfeeling once again. She slumped her rifle on her back before approaching Thirteen. "I'll have Vivian fill you in later. Thirteen, I would like to run some diagnostics on you to make certain you have no foreign hardware or software that could be of concern to us or to you. I would also like to make certain that the data you have collected has not been incorrectly archived or changed around". She looks to the AI interface. "We should check the AI later too, just to be sure."

After listing the above measures she believes need to be taken, Jihahna moves to thirteen, informing Vivian over the comlink as she works about her diagnostic progress, recording notes as she goes. Maybe she had overreacted just now.... But she could have sworn that Czerka may have tried to use the violence before as a distraction for something else. Her eyes froze looking down for a moment, a brief pause in her work... "They're NOT a cartel you know?....." Jihahna bit her bottom lip as the thought crept into her head. She HAD overreacted for SURE. Well, unless her diagnostic checks prove otherwise... But if not, she would have to be careful... She was becoming paranoid... "Just stay professional", she whispered to herself under her breath. She blushed, because she knew that just then she hadn't been. Oh well, that's how it is sometimes.


roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=118309]_: 1D20+3 = [17]+3 = 20
1D20+3 = [14]+3 = 17


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Kacela frowns a little at the other Jedi's reaction...or relative lack of reaction, as she saw it. Of course they'd come to investigate the Kwi, what other reason was there to come here? But the revelation that there was a practitioner of the Dark Side involved could change everything, and increased the risks exponentially.

Maybe he was just that serene?

"Yes," she said, pulling away a bit to speak at a more conversational tone. "Well. We should find the others and let them know. However, I'm not sure it's wise to speak too openly of what I felt. Best if no one outside our company knows, agreed?"


First Post
As Vivian is leading the group through Footfall she tries to speak loud enough for everyone to hear but not to loud to draw undo attentions. "Well their language was a big reason that no one thought the Kwi were sentient. You see its so complex and unlike anything we have ever encountered before. No translator unit could make heads or tails of it and along with the fact that the Kwi are barely even tool users, no one thought they were sentient. But then our protocol droid, GE3-T3, ran across a string and what we thought were random Kwi chirps but turned out to a greeting. From that bases we have upgraded our droid with everything we could think of and were able to prove that the Kwi are indeed sentient. So the droid is rather crucial to our mission here. He can speak their language...".

When Jihahna calls she gives her permission to run any diagnostics she thinks are needed. At the Survey building Thirteen cocks its head and says the Jihahna "Of course mistress, I am at your disposal." It then stands straight locks itself into place so that the ex-mercenary can easily access its core systems. And she begins running her checks she figures it will take several minutes.

As Vivian and the rest of the team make it to the building the two Czerka representatives walk up towards the Survey rep. The human female raise a hand and says "What is the meaning of this Vivian? The Republic has no right to being in any outside contractors or officials. Bringing these people here will only complicate matters that Czerka Corporation is perfectly capable of handling. In fact we will be resolving a major part of the problems today..."


Jihahna relaxes more and more, whilst she gets into her workload. All her stress always melted away when she worked.

Every now and then, her memory of that feeling tried to drift in and make her panic again, but her slowed breathing as she focused on her diagnostics and her concentration on work kept it out of her mind before it faded away, for now.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Standing to the side, the gand (politely) pulls on Vivian's left sleeve, drawing her attention. jumble brr mumble click mumble whirr jumble "This one suggests Vivan Rell invites them in?" she whispers once that is accomplished. high-drone jumble clickclick high-drone "Discussions are more relaxed in civilized surroundings."

OOC: If she goes for it and they accept, the gand will try to locate hot beverages for all if possible (and inform Jihahna of the situation if he he sees her during his search/mini-quest :)).


First Post
Vivian glances at this Gand's suggestion and talks (argues?) with a bit with the human corp rep. The other one simply watches the group as if mildly interested but not overly so.

Once Vivian gets everyone inside she and the human, Halina Yass, disappear into Vivian's office. The gran, Gall Doogota, goes and pours himself was liquid from a refreshment count and takes a seat close to where Jihahna is working on Thirteen. He watches, again with what seems to be mild curiosity and a slight smile on his face, otherwise remains silent and nods to everyone.

This room is fairly large and there are four desks and various chairs spread around the room and a refreshment counter. There is one other human here in the room and from down a set of stairs, half swaying and half staggering a disheveled male cathar. The cathar grumbles something intelligible and then louder says "Who's a making all this racket? Suns barely up and we all got to be a shouting and carrying on such??" Jihahna notices that they human tech, Arcanii Vor'in, does not look overly pleased to the cathar.

After the cathar stops to grab a recaff and looks over at the team and says "So you all are like experts or something? Come to save the Kwi from extermination? HA..."

He then seems to notice Jihahna for the first time, working on Thirteen "Hey Arcanii, what's she doing to our droid?" he says with some hostility towards the ex-merc.
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