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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness


Jihahna couldn't help but hold back a giggle at Cal's comment, before quickly composing herself.

"Umm, yeah. I hope so... Yeah I think it should hold up long enough for what we need it for"

She pauses as he speaks, slowly pacing before her reply.

"Hmm, we probably need to assume the worst, that they are aware of our approach and that they know our numbers... We COULD try to slice into their communications just to listen... But we have to treat any information we might gain from it as sketchy at best. As for our approach, we need to assume an ambush.

They might have force powers like Kacela's slam. I mean, powers that can hit several of us at once, so just like dealing with enemies with grenades, we don't want to be too close together.

Secondly, we need to consider the possibility of choke powers. We need all ranged combatants to be able to see and protect our melee combatants if they get restrained by such powers.

At the same time, we want our melee combatants to protect our ranged combatants and I'm betting that if the Sith ambush us, one or more of 'em are going to be hiding as we pass em so they can surround us. So, we should have a melee combatant several metres in front, followed by our ranged combatants who should be spread out a little bit, followed by a melee combatant behind us.

I suggest the combat droid goes far behind us and uses its long range to cover us. If we find significant numbers down there, I think maybe It can still provide auto-fire. Even if it proves inaccurate, this may help us to suppress them while we get into better cover...

Those are my thoughts. What else should we consider?"

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"Using the Force takes concentration," Kacela answers. "We must all be vigilant. Keep spread out, but also be aware of the enemy. If one is trying to lift or choke someone, they will have to pause to do it, and be watching their victim intently. If we direct attacks towards that one then, it's likely to force them to break that concentration to defend themselves. In the same idea, the Sith can often block blasters with their lightsabers, but even if the Force guides them, they can only move so fast; block so many. Concentrate your fire, and you can overwhelm them."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
As Jihahna and Thirteen work, the gand relaxes back against a flowing rock formation with his equivalent of a weary sigh, already tired out by just this much exertion. During the next hour, it alternatively rests when it absolutely has to, and then tries to engage the spirit in conversation during what little time they have, looking on as work goes on on the droids. What was it like, to live in the time of the Infinity Empire, all those thousands of years ago? How did their society run? What other wonders did they craft alongside the Infinity Gates?


"Those are my thoughts. What else should we consider?"

slurr mumble drone-whirr click "Dark-side Crater Worms?"

The little alien slowly rises, inspecting her own limbs and carapace as she goes, finding them both in working order. slur-clack whirr "This is unnatural." A soft buzz, slur clicketty hum whirr "Though very pleasing."

His mind hasn't been working all that well though, it seems -- like waking from a slow dream and finding one has forgotten to wear robes: clack guttural "Deepest apologies." guttural slur-whirr clacketty mumble, low-warble hum "This one neglected to ask the spirit about the worms."

Its head dips low indeed, looking quite contrite.

OOC: I'm guessing it's too late to ask now, GK?

Using one last HD of rest: Last one: 1D10+6 = [4]+6 = 10. Back to full power

Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Cal considered what the Gand had said. "That is odd... it sounded like the worms were the guardians that the Kwa created to protect the Chamber. Wonder what happened to the one the Rakata were worshiping."

OOC: As best as I can recall from reading the old posts before the thread was pruned.


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GM: As a reminder as its been a while AND it was part of the stuff destroyed in the big blow up (but copied by Binder Fred) but the captured Rataka your captured and interrogated said that they captured newly hatched 'guardians' and turned them to "the the aspects of the Great and Dark Yat'thee and in his great wisdom he has enlightened them and made them strong. They now work for the true people instead of the hated Kwa"


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The gand pulls out its datapad, and after a pause plays Thirteen's voice, taking them back to the Rakata interrogation the day prior: "We bring the guardians to many of the aspects of the Great and Dark Yat'thee and in his great wisdom he has enlightened them and made them strong. They now work for the true people instead of the hated Kwi." *click*.

guttural slur-clack clicketty, drone jumble warble click "Maybe these ones could convince the guardians to reconsider?" It seems to be addressing that mainly towards the jedi, since dark corruption is more in their sector of things...

Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Cal nodded at the sound of Thirteen's recorded voice, "That's right, I forgot about that. On the plus side, it seemed like the worm we ran into here wasn't corrupted, but was allied with the Kwa ghost... or at least took instruction from it," he observed.


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna shrugs with a half smile as she looks towards the staircase, the next stage of this crazy adventure looming like a great gaping maw...

"Don't know.... Guess we'll find out soon enough though."

She turns and smiles at the team she is proud to serve amongst.

"Let's clean up this mess and all make it back to the bar alive for drinks, or maybe an oil bath for you Thirteen."

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Thirteen seems quite pleased with the idea of an oil, replying "Why thank you Mistress Jihahna, that would indeed be most pleasurable."

With the reprogrammed and somewhat repaired battle droid in tow the team heads back through the maze towards the central dais. Glancing down they again see a stone stairwell leading down into pitch black darkness...

GM: OK so the stairs are 4 meters across so the battle droid can move down it or two medium sized creatures and walk abreast down. The stairs descend at least 20 meters down (and with a glowrod you see the descent at least 60 meters in a large circular spiral staircase but it is at least 30 meters across).

It is total darkness below (Heavy Obscure) without a light source. Glowrods provide light in a 12 meter radius (and 24 meters of Dim Light or Light Obscure) or 60 meter beam (light along a line out 60 meters). An ignited lightsabers would be 6 meters of light, 12 meters of dim light.

How do you want to array yourself going down the stairs? How do you want to spread out? Light sources?? Note that all the Utility belts you picked up had glowrods.

Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

"Light sources will probably give us away, but I imagine some of us are going to need them," Cal said from under his helmet. The photoreceptors built into the scout helmet amplified the minimal light and allowed him to see well enough. "Assuming they have set up some kind of defensive ambush, my eyes should probably go first, but I wouldn't mind some back-up."

OOC: The scout armor provides low-light vision. What does that do? 5E scrapped the different flavors and just had Darkvision out to various distances.
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