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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

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Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Cal had largely kept to himself, focusing his attention on what the new Jedi was doing. With the impending attack revealed, the medic perked up a bit. Responding to the Gand, he said, "Unless they attack with a ship, we'd be largely protected from small arms blaster fire, if we buttoned up."

Glancing at Jor Dan, Cal asked, "Did they seem to have insight into the composition of this crew? Perhaps they don't know we number four."


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna nods to Kacela at her ok. She follows after the stranger, chewing over the detail mentioned by C4 earlier. Something didn't sit right with her. She requests the droid follow her as she discusses the details involved in improving the ships scanning setup.

When the stranger begins to speak, she listens side on to the man, arms crossed, she appears calm only on the surface, but her eyes reveal a desire to spring into action.

When the stranger mentions the name Jericho, she blinks a number of times, before responding to Cal....

"Hmm, it's unlikely they don't know our exact numbers. I've been in the ship the majority of the time and the only tipoff that I represent Jedi in even the slightest by is my lightsaber, which I only built a couple of days ago, but I'm obviously considered one of them from their perspective...

Kacela is clearly one of the two, Cal, you've been fairly active in the community, I'd say they know you. MAYBE they DIDN'T know of the Gand, because she's been inside a lot, but she came out just before, so I can guarantee they're aware of her now... They'll have eyes on us in case we take off, so I think at least we need to assume they know our numbers.

On the plus side, I don't think they have been spying on us for long... Two days prior, I don't think they would have had any reason to call me Jedi, wait; Unless they intercepted my calls to the council.... Actually, that's a possibility.... Damnit, No, it's LIKELY! This was one of their smugglers ships... They WILL have tracking devices onboard somewhere. They MAY have other failsafes wired into the ship.... Anything from a device that sends them all the ships data to.... I dunno, a remote bomb.

Of course, this all depends on their boss being an intelligent and paranoid individual. I hate to say it, but I've heard of a crimelord named Jericho who has those traits, among others."

Jihahna straightens up, flicking her fringe away from her eyes. She taps her left, cybernetic arm with her right.

"If it's the Crimelord I know of, he's a big human with one of these.... Lost it playing Huttball or something on Nal Hutta when he was younger... One of the brutal Hutt games anyway. He survived though... And, well, Hutt games almost always have some sort of Gladiatorial component. That sort of thing requires more than strength, but also quick thinking and cunning..."

She crosses her arms again and looks up at the ceiling. "He's also pretty persuasive from what I hear, always gets what he wants, but this makes him arrogant and I hear he hates losing and acts on his grudges. Those traits along with his paranoia would be his biggest weaknesses.

He's got a pretty sizeable network of strongholds throughout the Queli sector.... His main HQ is on a forest planet within Queli named Corstris. They get a lotta big game hunters there, so I'm guessing he probably has some big pets... Eeeeuuugh, I wouldn't mind betting he has a lotta Trandoshan working for him too... I can guarantee he'd only accept mercs and bounty hunters with nerves of steel into his employ, some might even be Mandalorian."

She holds her chin in her left hand as she thinks.... Sudden realisation on her face....

" All those things aside, what concerns me is their confidence that they can handle Jedi... Maybe they have countermeasures available? Kacela, remember how ineffective lightsabers seemed to be against that worm?"

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"Many believe they can 'handle' Jedi," Kacela says calmly. "History teaches a different story. Even so, it's a bad idea to underestimate them."

She turns her eyes to Jor Dan. "What are your intentions now? Do you mean to aid us further against this, or will you be moving on to whatever brought you here in the first place?"


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna nods after Kacela, before leaning forward. Concern flooding her features "Yes, but what if... What if there are Mandalorian's amongst them? Everyone knows about the old wars... Everybody knows they're Jedi hunters. Look, I'm probably paranoid, but this crime lord is pretty big Kacela. I'm sure he could get some Mandalorians working for him if he wanted... My suggestion is that we utilise the vibro-blades on the ship as backup weapons, just in case. Secondly, I think we need to set up cover. Thirdly, I think I'm going to need to scan the ship for devices that may have compromised us or might in the near future."

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"All good ideas," Kacela says equably. "I would add only one thing." She smiles. "Don't panic. Even Mandalorians rely on ambush tactics, and isolating their target. Now we know better than to let those succeed." The Jedi nods at Jor Dan. "He has seen to that. So yes, we will prepare, but do not feel fear. Their most dangerous weapons have been broken."


[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

Jihahna nods to Kacela and leaves to obtain and bring back all the vibro-blades from before.

When she returns, she will encourage the others to take one (or two) as backup. While the others continue conversation, she will take one herself to place on her back, before conducting a sweep of the ship, C4 and the drug containers for any devices that might have compromised the party's safety.

She probably doesn't seem to have a lot of luck though, with such a small amount of time before an attack, her mind cannot focus.

Sweep, Electronics? Mechanics? Perception? If investigation, remove proficiency bonus for a total of 7:

_: 1D20+4 = [6]+4 = 10

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With her initial scanning Jihahna can find no hidden electronic devices, but the Outlaw Gambit is a pretty big ship with a lot of crawl spaces, hidden nooks and crannies, plus the various hidden holds that the team had discovered in the past.

GM: Any other preparations (besides giving everyone a vibroblade) you wish to take before the hour is up and the fellow returns?

Forged Fury

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[IC] SWS/DnD5, Star Wars the Old Republic – A Gathering Darkness

OOC: Just a note, vibroblades are classified as Advanced Melee Weapons and I don't think everyone has that proficiency. I believe they can be used as normal weapons if they aren't turned on.

Cal glanced around the docking area. "I'd feel better if we had someone set up to ambush them in case things go south. At the ranges we're dealing with here, even a blaster carbine could work with a good position. It doesn't seem like they had the ship under surveillance if they weren't aware we were all already here. Explain away the missing person as being on an errand."

Voidrunner's Codex

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