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[IC] The Odd Job


Round 0

“Stupid, messed up monster drama,” Hrgach grumbled. “And you trusted this Azgalen?” he asked. “So you didn’t know about Thomas then? Why do you think he’s so dangerous? Seems like a kid to me.”

Bonus Action:


Inspiration: 0
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 16/22 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 1/2d10
Saving Face (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)*
Action Surge (1/R)*

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"My you are as stupid as you are ugly Thomas is half vampire half werewolf. Now think about whet would happen if he transformed and lost control."

William completely ignores Ana's comment much like he Is simply refusing to acknowledge his son is anything less than a angel


Round 0

“Then he’d be just like any other monster to be put down. Just like you.” Hrgach gave Lord William a sneering grin. “But fer now, he’s just a kid. A kid that got left in a cave fer decades. Sounds like yer son Wiliam’s a real peach,” he scoffed.

Bonus Action:


Inspiration: 0
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 16/22 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 1/2d10
Saving Face (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)*
Action Surge (1/R)*

OOC: this is what happens when the low Charisma characters do all the talking.

"Maybe this conversation would work better if you hadn't started out by lying about Thomas. You just told Balin to go "take care of" Azgalan before mentioning he's probably a Vampire. The only thing that should have happened then if instead of one vampire in the area, there would be a bunch. You can't withhold important information and expect success. Now, what other information do you have and how much are you paying for us to deal with Azgalan? Because unless the pay is right and the information is complete, I think we'll just leave the problem to you.

"When was the last time you say Azgalan? Was he angry? How did he end up trapped in a cave nearby? What happened to Thomas' mother?

"And don't say any of that in not our business. We decide what information is important or we leave you this mess to clean up without us."


"Forgive me for not divulging family secrets to a rag tag bunch of vagabonds that smell worse than a pig and turn up uninvited into my parlor. I'm sure I can coble together a suitable reward."


Round 0

Hrgach lifted his arm and sniffed himself. “That’s not pig,” he said. “And certainly not worse.” Then he farted, loud and smelly. “That is worse,” he said with a grin.

Bonus Action:


Inspiration: 0
AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 16/22 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 1/2d10
Saving Face (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)*
Action Surge (1/R)*

"Turn up uninvited? I guess we weren't invited. Turn up with you lost grandson? Oh, do you need an invitation to do that? Sorry. How uncouth of us." Ana says looking at the other PCs. "He won't tell us all the vital information. I say we don't help him. Shall we take our leave?"

She turns back to William, "I'm sure this backwater town sees capable vagabonds once a decade or so. Maybe the next group will be better smelling. You can hire them to deal with your problem."

Voidrunner's Codex

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