Olgar Shiverstone
Are iconic characters, monsters, and locations essential to D&D?
I think D&D has the latter two in spades, but has lost the former over the years. 3E relied on "iconics" (Mialee and the like) to teach the game, and also had the iconic characters of D&D history retained through spell names and magic items -- Mordenkainen, Bigby, Tenser, etc. Maybe I was asleep at the switch, but I don't recall 4E using or retaining iconic characters.
Should 5E return to iconics of old?
I think D&D has the latter two in spades, but has lost the former over the years. 3E relied on "iconics" (Mialee and the like) to teach the game, and also had the iconic characters of D&D history retained through spell names and magic items -- Mordenkainen, Bigby, Tenser, etc. Maybe I was asleep at the switch, but I don't recall 4E using or retaining iconic characters.
Should 5E return to iconics of old?