ICv2's Latest RPG Chart: Pathfinder Up, Fallout Arrives

ICV2's chart of the top TTRPGs for Fall 2021 has landed. As usual, it puts D&D in top place; Pathfinder has reclaimed 2nd place after a dip in Spring 2021, and Goodman Games' D&D 5E line has its own entry coming in at 3rd place, spurred by the 5E version of The Temple of Elemental Evil. The Aliens RPG has dropped off the chart (it had held 4th place since Fall 2020) and Call of Cthulhu...

ICV2's chart of the top TTRPGs for Fall 2021 has landed. As usual, it puts D&D in top place; Pathfinder has reclaimed 2nd place after a dip in Spring 2021, and Goodman Games' D&D 5E line has its own entry coming in at 3rd place, spurred by the 5E version of The Temple of Elemental Evil.

The Aliens RPG has dropped off the chart (it had held 4th place since Fall 2020) and Call of Cthulhu features for the first time since 2016. Finally, Modiphius' Fallout RPG has appeared in 4th place.


As always, the historical charts can all be found compiled here.

Game Line​
1Dungeons & Dragons (WotC)
2Pathfinder (Paizo)
3D&D 5E (Goodman Games)
4Fallout (Modiphius)
5Call of Cthulhu (Chaosium)

As always, these charts are compiled via interviews with retailers and distributors in North America.

ICv2 also reports that the hobby game channel was up 30% in 2021 as people started to return to brick-and-mortar stores. They also report that a staggering 90%+ of TTRPG groups are playing Dungeons & Dragons, according to Gameology's Kevin Gaffuri. Distributors are reporting, however, that smaller RPGs are up, lifted by D&Ds success.

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Jimmy Dick

That's inevitably a matter of perception and preference though; the people who really are still in love with the D&D3e chassis have found many things to be dissatisfied with it regarding.
But then again, the people who enjoy 2e more than 1e can say the very same thing about the D&D 3e chassis and that 2e is a major improvement upon that 3e chassis. Judging by the pretty swift decline of 1e PFS games and the large increase of 2e PFS games being reported, 2e replaced 1e incredibly fast.

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Thomas Shey

But then again, the people who enjoy 2e more than 1e can say the very same thing about the D&D 3e chassis and that 2e is a major improvement upon that 3e chassis. Judging by the pretty swift decline of 1e PFS games and the large increase of 2e PFS games being reported, 2e replaced 1e incredibly fast.

I have to point out that ignores a large percentage of PF1e players that won't show up on any numbers because they already have their books and play privately.

Look, I'm a PF2e player; I wouldn't probably play 1e on a bet. But lets not extend our assumptions past available data or take our preference as an objective reality.

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