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IF a PDFs of the 3 core books were leaked, would you:

What would you do

  • Ignore it and avoid reading spoilers.

    Votes: 30 4.5%
  • Check out spoilers, but not download them

    Votes: 52 7.9%
  • Download them and start playing, still buy official version

    Votes: 552 83.5%
  • Download, play, cancel pre-orders.

    Votes: 27 4.1%


Mistwell said:
I'm actually a bit surprised at the number of people who would not obey the law even for such a victimless offense.
I'm thinking more of "spirit of the law rather than letter of the law". I do not use downloaded PDFs to play/plan my games. Regardless of the laws, though, using a PDF for previewing and making an informed decision is morally equivalent to browsing the books at Barnes & Noble. The biggest difference is that to go to B&N, I end up leaving my wife to take care of four kids on her own, I'm much more likely to read the whole thing rather than browse, and I spend a couple bucks on gas.

I do believe that an author should be paid for his work. So, I'd be strongly against anyone replacing a core purchase with bootleg PDFs. I actually think using sites like d20srd without owning the rulebook(s) is pretty crappy and unethical -- though technically legal.

My sense of right and wrong is not particularly defined by what is legal. (In D&D terms, I've always considered myself Chaotic.)

Mods: I hope that's not over the line. If it's too political, I apologize. Please delete.

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I'm A Banana

To be completely honest, I am planning on eventually finding some way to get a computerized copy of 4e. While I agree that a soft copy is no substitute for a hard copy, the opposite is also true. I can't sit down in a comfy chair and read through a pdf, but I also can't search for keywords in hardback book, nor can I carry the book around to reference while I'm on break at work. The lack of a text version of the SRD published by WotC means that I'll have to find another way to get a soft copy if I want one.

I firmly believe that the rules database will be even better than pdfs.

Of course, I don't know about portability/offline possibility of that database, so maybe: even better as long as you have a laptop and internet access at your place of gaming. In which case, assuming I'm playing the game, I'll be grabbing some PDFs, too.


abeattie said:
Because I'm impatient, and I want them RIGHT NOW :D
Really, this is the main reason I'd do it.

Yes, in theory, it'd be more convenient to DL and browse, but the truth is that I don't have any P2P software on my machines and I generally don't trust them to not be virus-laden. So, there's really a wash in convenience to me.

My points on morality and intent still stand. It's all hypothetical, in my case, though. At least officially.


MaelStorm said:
I would download them but I wouldn't cancel my pre-order.

And I wouldn't start playing right away, I much prefer to wait and have the real stuff in my hand. It would just help me prepare my campaign in advance. Beside, printing a PDF sometimes cost as much as buying the real stuff and it's nowhere as beautiful as a full colored hardback with glossy pages.

get out of my brain.

Well this matches my reasoning at least. Although if I really hated the system, and saw no value in the game I might delete them and cancel my pre-order.

I do have some honesty issues as well. For instance I ended up buying a PDF download, which I tried to order for another person. I sent him a version and deleted it unread. I have yet to download a copy for myself. Its been almost 2 years.

hmm that reminds me I could probably get that removed through the meta forum.


First Post
So here's the scenario I'm looking at...

I have one particular player who has a knack and a habit of getting her hands on free PDFs of almost any gaming book you can possibly imagine. It's not something the rest of us look very highly on, but we'll never be able to convince her to really stop so we generally ignore it, since i don't she's ever actually used any of these PDFs to play a game.

Nevertheless, if a copy of the 4E rulebooks were somehow leaked as a PDF, she would inevitably have a copy of it, and inevitably email a copy to everyone in our group.

I wouldn't go out of my way to hunt for a copy to download, but I admit that if I had a copy available, my curiosity would almost certainly get the better of me. I'd likely skim through it for certain spoilers -- especially those that would help me finish building my new 4E campaign setting ahead of time.

I'd still buy all three books, all my players would still buy the PHB at least. We still wouldn't start playing until July or August, because we simply won't be ready to start a new campaign before then, anyway.


First Post
Pbartender said:
So here's the scenario I'm looking at...

I have one particular player who has a knack and a habit of getting her hands on free PDFs of almost any gaming book you can possibly imagine. It's not something the rest of us look very highly on, but we'll never be able to convince her to really stop so we generally ignore it, since i don't she's ever actually used any of these PDFs to play a game.

Nevertheless, if a copy of the 4E rulebooks were somehow leaked as a PDF, she would inevitably have a copy of it, and inevitably email a copy to everyone in our group.

I wouldn't go out of my way to hunt for a copy to download, but I admit that if I had a copy available, my curiosity would almost certainly get the better of me. I'd likely skim through it for certain spoilers -- especially those that would help me finish building my new 4E campaign setting ahead of time.

I'd still buy all three books, all my players would still buy the PHB at least. We still wouldn't start playing until July or August, because we simply won't be ready to start a new campaign before then, anyway.

I just want to say that I want you to make sure to NOT email me a copy when you get it. That would be wrong. So please DON'T private message me when you have it and DON'T email it to me right away as a personal favor. I trust I've made myself clear. Oh, and nice shoes.


First Post
AZRogue said:
I just want to say that I want you to make sure to NOT email me a copy when you get it. That would be wrong. So please DON'T private message me when you have it and DON'T email it to me right away as a personal favor. I trust I've made myself clear. Oh, and nice shoes.

You are suggesting, I presume, that such a message sent to such a person would solve the problem? You are working under the assumption that I'd know about the PDF long enough before she did to send her the warning, despite the fact that I'm not actually looking for such a PDF.

What I'm saying is, I've enough willpower to not actively go looking for such a PDF, but if a copy landed in my lap, I'm honestly not certain I'd be able to toss it in the trash without first taking a peek.


I have downloaded a couple of D&D books in the past. I have never used any of the rules from them for our current game. Our campaign started probably 6 years ago, since it was just barely before 3.5 came out (and we all bought new books). Since we're playing the same campaign, there hasn't been a lot of chances to introduce new rules, classes, feats, etc.

The books I downloaded were published much later so we never did buy them in the store. I couldn't find a clear explanation of several of the new rules concepts online from any other source. I wanted to read about the warlock class, and about reserve spell feats. The books might be around at some of the local stores, but I hadn't seen them, and didn't want to drive all over town looking for copies so I could read a dozen pages (or less) in each book. So I downloaded them and read those parts. With 4E on the near horizon, I didn't want to pay for content I never expect to use. If we decide to stick with 3.5 then maybe I'll buy those books. Otherwise, no.

So if the 4E books were leaked, I'd download and read them, and still buy my hard copies that I've got pre-ordered. Supporting publishers is a good thing, but reading part of a downloaded PDF is the same as sitting down at Borders with a copy of a book you haven't bought yet, and a mocha latté. It's just more convenient, if not as indulgent. Dang, I want a latté now. :D


Pbartender said:
You are suggesting, I presume, that such a message sent to such a person would solve the problem? You are working under the assumption that I'd know about the PDF long enough before she did to send her the warning, despite the fact that I'm not actually looking for such a PDF.

What I'm saying is, I've enough willpower to not actively go looking for such a PDF, but if a copy landed in my lap, I'm honestly not certain I'd be able to toss it in the trash without first taking a peek.

I think he was saying something completely different. COMPLETELY!

Oh and I agree with AZrogue (cough)


First Post
Jack99 said:
I think he was saying something completely different. COMPLETELY!

The only other two connotations I can perceive is that either A) he for some reason thinks that I would think to personally email him a copy of the fictional PDF should I ever get one, and is asking me not to, or B) he's making an unsuccessful joke implying that he wants me to send him the PDF, should I get one. Either way, you ruined my effort to cover for him.

Both of you would have been better served emailing me directly, and asking in plain, straightforward language. That way, I could add your email address to the list. ;)

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