Level Up (A5E) If it's not broke don't fix it

I've said plenty of times in the last 24 hours that this is going to be 5E but a bit crunchier. I don't know how else to say it.
Of course that is what you want, but being able to deliver is another thing. There is also the subjective part of his comment: "... than recognizably 5th edition, only crunchier." What you consider "recognizably" 5e may or may not line up with the purchasing public. That is the fine line EWP needs to thread.

As others have said, I am fairly confident you can do it, but it is best to walk into it with clear eyes and a full heart. That way you can't loose.;)

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So long as this doesn't morph into 5.5E in order to
I've said plenty of times in the last 24 hours that this is going to be 5E but a bit crunchier. I don't know how else to say it.

Are you the program manager for this project? If not, then your assurances at this point, while undoubtedly honest, will have no bearing on the final product. If so, then this is good news indeed.

Maybe you are right..or...

I would like the list of racial traits to be replaced with an optional list of racial traits, because I don't want PC gnomes only to be rogue or illusory spellcasters.

Or I miss sourcebooks with new classes with their own game mechanics, not only psionic powers, but also the martial adepts (Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords), the binder with the pact magic, or even the totemist from Magic of Incarnum.

I've said plenty of times in the last 24 hours that this is going to be 5E but a bit crunchier. I don't know how else to say it.
Could define crunchier?

let's say Power by the Apocalypse games (dungeon world and so on) are a 1 crunchiness
5e is a 5 or 4,5
Pathfinder 2 is an 8
and Pathfinder 1 is a 10

Where would you want to place it?

And what are the recognizable things?
for me its is quick to learn and play
simple to improves and have rulings
the advantage disadvantage system

I could not agree more with @CapnZapp I have said it myself, and I am confident that Morrus will stick to his word.
The game must remain the same but with more crunch!

I'm not questioning the validity of his word; the question I have is he in a position to where, in the case of the upcoming 5e book, his word is law. Or will, in the coming year, others make the final decisions?

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