D&D 5E If Runes are now linked to Giants, Giant language should use Giant Script


The 5e PHB says the Giant language is used by giants but uses the dwarven script. Other books say that the dwarves took giant runes to make their own language.

But with the Rune Knight Fighter sublclass and future Giant tied subclasses being tied to runes, it makes more sense that Dwarven script and Giant script are 2 different sets of runes.

Giants aren't stupid. When not the ones high on the Ordning. So it would make sense that giants have their own script. They aren't like orcs and goblins in the default rules who don't have a culture or society sophisticated enough to make there own script.

Same with Primordial. Old primidial elementals and genies would be using dwarf letters.

Deep Speech-
GithGithGithyanki, Githzerai
PrimordialGiantAquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Do giants use Dwarven script, or do dwarves use Giant script? (I assume written Primordial is a transliteration).

Speaking of transliteration, it’s weird that each language has one and only one script it’s written in. Realistically you should be able to transliterate just about any language into any script, if you’re familiar enough with both.


Nah I find it fine that they share the same script even with different languages.
I've always assumed that the "dwarven script" was just from the perspective of dwarves and other non-giant humanoids. To the giants, dwarves use "giant script."
That would make sense before.
But with heavier push of runes and runes being tied to giants, then the giant's runes have to look different from dwarven runes.

Because if dwarves borrowed giant runes but couldn't figure out rune magic,that makes dwarves look stupid with there higher population and frequent contact with giants.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
That would make sense before.
But with heavier push of runes and runes being tied to giants, then the giant's runes have to look different from dwarven runes.

Because if dwarves borrowed giant runes but couldn't figure out rune magic,that makes dwarves look stupid with there higher population and frequent contact with giants.
Who says dwarves couldn’t figure out rune magic? Last I checked, none of the rune magic subclasses or feats are off-limits for dwarves.


Who says dwarves couldn’t figure out rune magic? Last I checked, none of the rune magic subclasses or feats are off-limits for dwarves.
The rune magic follows giant themes not dwarven. So while dwarven might have figured out runic magic,they seemed to be unable to incorporate dwarven aspects or themes to it.

Rune magic as it currently is in 5e is giant based.


That would make sense before.
But with heavier push of runes and runes being tied to giants, then the giant's runes have to look different from dwarven runes.

Because if dwarves borrowed giant runes but couldn't figure out rune magic,that makes dwarves look stupid with there higher population and frequent contact with giants.
Dwarves and giants use the same runes for language the same way that English, French, and Spanish all use the same characters, but Russian, Chinese, and Japanese do not. Not all runes are going to be magic runes. You could not have a language that consists entirely of magic runes, because the mere act of talking/reading/writing would trigger magic all over the place. The few that have magic can only be used/accessed by those who can understand magic.


Follower of the Way
That would make sense before.
But with heavier push of runes and runes being tied to giants, then the giant's runes have to look different from dwarven runes.

Because if dwarves borrowed giant runes but couldn't figure out rune magic,that makes dwarves look stupid with there higher population and frequent contact with giants.
Or...it could mean that dwarves were like, "hey, these runes are great, but we don't want literally every message we send to be giving away our secrets." So they invented a new, non-magical script, which was inspired by giant runes but intentionally non-magical.

Then the giants come along and say, "hey, this idea of non-magical writing, so we can, y'know, write out stuff and not have it accidentally set off a friggin' blizzard of spells, sounds like a pretty nifty idea." So they steal it from the dwarves just as the dwarves stole runes from them.

Reciprocal idea theft is kind of the foundation of modern civilization.

Voidrunner's Codex

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