D&D 5E If Runes are now linked to Giants, Giant language should use Giant Script

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
What I'm saying that in 5th edition, the designers are making Runes and Runic Magic strictly created and developed by Giants. Any race can use it but rune and rune magic is still completely giant based
Bladesinging was strictly created and developed by elves. Do other races need their own unique non-sword weapons?
They also say that the Dwarves used the Giant runes for the base of their script and alphabet. However they changed it enough to no longer be inherently magical. Thee isn't Giant Rune Magic and Dwarven Rune Magic. Just Giant rune magic. Runic Magic in 5th edition only ever mentions giants and always follows giant theming.
There is just rune magic, which giants first created. Other races can use it. Other races can also use the script the Giant language is written in. I don’t see what the problem is here.
So my theory is that Dwarves changed the Giant Runes enough that the Dwarven Runic Script is actually different from the Giant Runic Script. Because the dwarves wear never able to create new runes.
I don’t think it’s true that dwarves were never able to create new runes. The description of the runecrafter wizard in the new UA says, “Though the tradition originated with the giant rune casters of old, runecraft magic has expanded to encompass countless languages and practitioners across different worlds.”

It seems like you are working under the assumptions that:
a.) runes themselves are inherently magical
b.) runes are script the Giant language is written in.

I don’t think either of these things are necessarily true. The impression I’m getting from the UA material is that runes are simply a way of encoding magic (hence why runecraft wizards can use runes like other wizards use a spellbook); additionally, these runes seem to me to be distinct from the written form of Giant. None of the rune-related subclasses or feats even grant fluency/literacy in Giant, except the Runecrafter wizard kind of since it gives you free comprehend languages.

Maybe the dwarf alphabet was created by the giants to be used by the dwars to send written orders, avoiding the risk of reverse engineering with the true magic (and sacred) runes. Giants started with the core, and the dwaves continued and altered it to add their own style.


Bladesinging was strictly created and developed by elves. Do other races need their own unique non-sword weapons?
Of course.

My point is, according to the 5e designers, all bladesingers are using an elven magic-martial art and all rune carvers are using a giant magic art.

I'mnot saying therer are no dwarven rune carvers or rune knights. I'm saying all dwarven rune carvers or rune knights are using a giant style. The dwarves never developed it further.

There is just rune magic, which giants first created. Other races can use it. Other races can also use the script the Giant language is written in. I don’t see what the problem is here.
All I am saying is the lore the designers describe suggest that the giants had a script before the dwarven copied it.

Because how could the dwarves copy a script that doesn't exist yet?
It seems like you are working under the assumptions that:
a.) runes themselves are inherently magical
b.) runes are script the Giant language is written in.

No what I am saying is

  1. There is a Giant language with a Giant Script that is runic
  2. The runes in rune magic are words/letters in the Giant runic language
  3. Giants used Giant runes to make Giant magic runes
  4. The dwarves used the Giant runic script to make the Dwarven runic script
  5. All mentions of rune magic ascribes them to the giants
  6. The dwarves, humans, and other races still use Giant Magic Runes in the Giant Script to do rune magic
  7. One does not need to be able to read giant to carve Magic Runes
Dwarves uses Giant runic magic written in the Giant script in 5e.


Of course.

My point is, according to the 5e designers, all bladesingers are using an elven magic-martial art and all rune carvers are using a giant magic art.

I'mnot saying therer are no dwarven rune carvers or rune knights. I'm saying all dwarven rune carvers or rune knights are using a giant style. The dwarves never developed it further.

All I am saying is the lore the designers describe suggest that the giants had a script before the dwarven copied it.

Because how could the dwarves copy a script that doesn't exist yet?

No what I am saying is

  1. There is a Giant language with a Giant Script that is runic
  2. The runes in rune magic are words/letters in the Giant runic language
  3. Giants used Giant runes to make Giant magic runes
  4. The dwarves used the Giant runic script to make the Dwarven runic script
  5. All mentions of rune magic ascribes them to the giants
  6. The dwarves, humans, and other races still use Giant Magic Runes in the Giant Script to do rune magic
  7. One does not need to be able to read giant to carve Magic Runes
Dwarves uses Giant runic magic written in the Giant script in 5e.
You seem to have skipped over this part in the post you quoted, from the UA:

“Though the tradition originated with the giant rune casters of old, runecraft magic has expanded to encompass countless languages and practitioners across different worlds.”

Doesn't this explicitly say that Giant Magic Runes are no longer needed for rune magic? Listen, I am fine with your approach, I just don't think it is the default assumption of the designers.


First Post
Runes might be belong to the giants but (because of their language, script and surely their culture) dwarves are best suited basic race for a rune theme. Then, the goliaths of course.

Voidrunner's Codex

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