D&D (2024) If short rest abilities become Prof # tiimes per day?

So anyone that knows me on here knows I talk about how bad fighter is and how great warlock is (both mainly short rest classes) but someone just suggested an errata or change that literally just changed all short rests to Prof # per day.

My first thought was level 5 fighters with 2 attacks and 3 second winds and 3 action surge per day becoming the new '5 min work day'
"Sorry wizard I know you have cantrips all day and half your spells slots... but I took 4 attacks 3 rounds in a row and healed myself twice now I need my 8 hours" (this is said tongue in cheek to show the issue in a funny way)

but then I thought about HD (and teh bard song of rest) can you just all prof times per day when not in combat spend and roll a HD? can a bard just always aid this wth song of rest?

then I thought about Warlocks... oh boy like I said this class is BUILT on short rests.

at 1st level you have 2 slots per day then (1 slot prof times per day) that is like other casters... then at 2nd level you double that to 4 (2 slots x2 prof) and at 5th level that goes to 6 right? and at 17th level that is 24 5th level slots?

this seems like it doesn't work.

can someone make it work?

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Some sort of abstraction based on proficiency/day might be better as it would ensure that playing a warlock doesn’t depend on whether or not your DM and/or party lets you take a short rest regularly.

My own idea was proficiency/day you can spend a minute recharging your pact slots. So not viable in combat but quicker overall. It does tread on the level 20 ability, but the level 20 ability is rubbish.

Some sort of abstraction based on proficiency/day might be better as it would ensure that playing a warlock doesn’t depend on whether or not your DM and/or party lets you take a short rest regularly.
yeah I am sur esome people are having issues with it
My own idea was proficiency/day you can spend a minute recharging your pact slots. So not viable in combat but quicker overall. It does tread on the level 20 ability, but the level 20 ability is rubbish.
that might work... still seems VERY powerful I rarely had 6 short rests as a warlock... infact I think I never had more then 3

So anyone that knows me on here knows I talk about how bad fighter is and how great warlock is (both mainly short rest classes) but someone just suggested an errata or change that literally just changed all short rests to Prof # per day.

My first thought was level 5 fighters with 2 attacks and 3 second winds and 3 action surge per day becoming the new '5 min work day'
"Sorry wizard I know you have cantrips all day and half your spells slots... but I took 4 attacks 3 rounds in a row and healed myself twice now I need my 8 hours" (this is said tongue in cheek to show the issue in a funny way)

but then I thought about HD (and teh bard song of rest) can you just all prof times per day when not in combat spend and roll a HD? can a bard just always aid this wth song of rest?

then I thought about Warlocks... oh boy like I said this class is BUILT on short rests.

at 1st level you have 2 slots per day then (1 slot prof times per day) that is like other casters... then at 2nd level you double that to 4 (2 slots x2 prof) and at 5th level that goes to 6 right? and at 17th level that is 24 5th level slots?

this seems like it doesn't work.

can someone make it work?
Changing Fighter (particularly BM) and Warlock short rest ability recharge to prof times per day probably wouldn't be excessive, as long as you don't allow everything to be used in the same fight. Even just requiring an action to refresh the abilities would reduce the nova potential and set up meaningful tactical choices.


Weird. I though people didn't want classes to be on the same resorce recovery system because it would make classes too samey.
I don't, but I also don't like the present short rest system, because it makes short rests too hard to come by for classes that depend on them.

What I would really like would be a return to 4E-style short rests: Five minutes and done. But this would require a wholesale rewrite of the short-rest classes, who would otherwise be grossly overpowered (e.g., the 5th-level warlock who can now throw two fireballs every single combat). That's almost certainly out of scope for 5.5E.

"5-minute short rests, prof bonus times/day" is a bit of a hack, but it works well and doesn't require major changes to the rest of the system. My table uses essentially this house rule (except we use a flat 2/day instead of prof bonus), and it neatly and easily brought the short-resters up to par.


Book-Friend, he/him
So anyone that knows me on here knows I talk about how bad fighter is and how great warlock is (both mainly short rest classes) but someone just suggested an errata or change that literally just changed all short rests to Prof # per day.

My first thought was level 5 fighters with 2 attacks and 3 second winds and 3 action surge per day becoming the new '5 min work day'
"Sorry wizard I know you have cantrips all day and half your spells slots... but I took 4 attacks 3 rounds in a row and healed myself twice now I need my 8 hours" (this is said tongue in cheek to show the issue in a funny way)

but then I thought about HD (and teh bard song of rest) can you just all prof times per day when not in combat spend and roll a HD? can a bard just always aid this wth song of rest?

then I thought about Warlocks... oh boy like I said this class is BUILT on short rests.

at 1st level you have 2 slots per day then (1 slot prof times per day) that is like other casters... then at 2nd level you double that to 4 (2 slots x2 prof) and at 5th level that goes to 6 right? and at 17th level that is 24 5th level slots?

this seems like it doesn't work.

can someone make it work?
For some context, this change is what the Tasha's Subclass options, the Monsters of the Multiverse Race changes, and all the options in the Setting books since Ravenloft have done. The Monk and Warlock, if they went full proficiency Bonus organization, would be a significant surface level change...but not really a mathematical change from the assumed Adventure Day, which just means those Classes would no longer be swingy depending on whether they were allowed to take a nap or not.

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