If You're "Permanently" Boycotting WotC, They're Not Going To Listen To You

Funny thing, there probably are people claiming they now will never buy things from Hasbro/Wotc again who have not bought from wotc for a while now.

I also think there are peole boycotting hasbro and buy things from companies that are actually doing real harm to people... like every smart phone producer... many food companies and a lot of cheap cloth companies...

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Chaotic Looseleaf
Do you know why they have that link in their signature? It's not because they like that you don't get digital copies of physical books, it's because every other day on D&D Beyond, someone new to the site makes a new thread asking if they get a free digital copy if they bought the digital books.
Emphasis mine.

As I said, they do not seem to understand how consumer advocacy works.


5e Freelancer
Coming back to this because this sticks in my craw a bit.

This is not a negotiation.

WOTC released a new OGL and it was leaked and the uproar caused them to backtrack.

That is not a negotiation.

IF it was a negotiation then WOTC would have outreached to the community for feedback before releasing the OGL to creators.

They could have done focus groups.

Heckfire basic market polling would have been better.

And all of those ARE things for profit companies do.

Because for profit companies that are successful understand a good portion of success is minimizing the amount of consumers that dislike your products/services.

THAT is the negotiation.

DnD1's playtest is a negotiation.

What WOTC did was company greed and oversight. And they could have turned it into a negotiation. If they would have walked it back immediately and accepted that it was their error they could have salvaged this.

They didn't.

They gave a non-apology that stank of excuses and hinted that they thought we were ignorant.

So no I know they won't listen to me and frankly that's their problem now.
It wasn't originally a negotiation. It is now, because of the backlash. They're "negotiating" because they think they have something to gain from it (people that started boycotting them). If they can't win back the people they lost, there's no reason for them to be making these changes. It's a negotiation.

Funny thing, there probably are people claiming they now will never buy things from Hasbro/Wotc again who have not bought from wotc for a while now.

I also think there are peole boycotting hasbro and buy things from companies that are actually doing real harm to people... like every smart phone producer... many food companies and a lot of cheap cloth companies...
People can boycott without being required to boycott every company with harmful/questionable acts.

There's also no minimum required purchase needed to boycott.



5e Freelancer
Emphasis mine.

As I said, they do not seem to understand how consumer advocacy works.
You don't seem to understand how D&D Beyond's forums work. The purpose of the link is purely educational. To preemptively answer the question that everyone asks on D&D Beyond. Not to tell people not to want/ask for digital copies with physical purchases, but to tell them that currently, no, they are not entitled to a digital book because they bought a physical version.

It wasn't originally a negotiation. It is now, because of the backlash. They're "negotiating" because they think they have something to gain from it (people that started boycotting them). If they can't win back the people they lost, there's no reason for them to be making these changes. It's a negotiation.
No it is not. WOTC has not made the steps in order for it to be a negotiation.

Negotiation implies both sides have a voice. WOTC is only making lip service at that now.

WOTC is backpedaling and doing damage control.

Don't confuse the two


5e Freelancer
No it is not. WOTC has not made the steps in order for it to be a negotiation.

Negotiation implies both sides have a voice. WOTC is only making lip service at that now.

WOTC is backpedaling and doing damage control.

Don't confuse the two
We clearly have "a voice". If we didn't, WotC never would have heard the outcry against the leaked OGL. We might not have a direct of a way to get tell WotC what we want, but they obviously have some idea that the community does not want the leaked 1.1 OGL.
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Funny thing, there probably are people claiming they now will never buy things from Hasbro/Wotc again who have not bought from wotc for a while now.

I also think there are peole boycotting hasbro and buy things from companies that are actually doing real harm to people... like every smart phone producer... many food companies and a lot of cheap cloth companies...
The whole whataboutism of boycotts is only helpful to bad actor companies. "You say you don't want to eat salt because it's unhealthy and yet you eat sugar!?" kind of stuff is not to your benefit.

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