Is Alta Fox the reason for OGL 1.1?


I didn't buy it either, but i remember the backlash. The rules were bad to the point of non-functional, and a lot of people felt cheated.
Huh. I stumbled on a copy yesterday in a FLGS, thought about picking it up but I already had two books in my hand (one of which I'd gone there for) and decided to look for reviews first.

Sounds like I made a good call. Save vs. Impulse Buy successful!

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They practically hijack your computer when they want to do an update, at some point whether you want that update or not if you are a home user.
at least it is free, this is not at all comparable in that regard, this is more like MS updating your system and asking for $1000 for the service after they have already performed it ;)


I have Level Up. I don't actually need the PHB. :)
yes, but let's face it, when you are new to the hobby and let's say want to play Curse of Strahd with someone, you are going to get the PHB and not even know of A5E (unless your friend already knows that is)


yes, but let's face it, when you are new to the hobby and let's say want to play Curse of Strahd with someone, you are going to get the PHB and not even know of A5E (unless your friend already knows that is)

Agreed, but I dont know that that fact is something Wizards has keyed in on.

Or, its just not sufficient to put Wizards at ease that they are not somehow 'giving away the game'.


But that's exactly the problem, from Hasbro's perspective. You have this incredible well known brand, and you're mostly using it to sell...rule books? That's like if Marvel stayed focused on just selling comics. They were looking at WotC and asking why MtG, with very limited brand recognition beyond gamers, was making so much more money for them than D&D, with almost universal brand recognition.
they do not need to change the OGL to make computer games and movies and whatever else they want

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