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[IK] Corvis U. Discreet Investigation & Retrieval Union: Last DM Post 1/8 14:45 EST


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Alanna Morwyn (2 lvl Gun Mage/1 lvl Arcane Mechanik)

Alanna takes out her coin purse, opens it up and turns it upside down. "Sorry guys, I am out of coin until Pendrake pays us for this job. I will however pay up any lost funds if someone can spot me this time around,"she looks more than a little bit embarassed at her lack of money.

"I am not here to gamble. We are here by invitation of one of your members," Marthasa stares at one of the trollkin. "I wish to see your manager now. If he denies a Priest of Morrow, I am sure the coffers of this house will empty overnight." She says, her voice unwavering and with full conviction.

The lady Edrea Lloryrr, find her for us will you good trollkin?" Marthasa replied, almost ready to slap the insolent dolt.

Alanna was having a hard time concealing her amusement while watching little, frail looking Marthasa brow beat the pair of large trollkin, but if Lady Edrea was a member it would save them a lot of time and money getting in.

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The lead trollkin immediately sobers up when he hears the name, "Lady Lloryrr you said? Well, that's another matter. Sorry, priestess, didn't mean to get lippy with ye."

He nods his head to his taller companion, you pulls out an intricate key with which he unlocks the gate. With a swift motion he opens one side of it and stands in the opening. He scratches his head as he looks at each of you, taking particular notice at the many weapons you are carrying.

"Looks like you're expecting some trouble the way ye are kitted out. Be sure and leave that trouble outside these gate, ye hear? Don't make me hafta come after you!" With that he gives you all a wide grin, and steps out of the way.
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"Thank you good trollkin. We too, want to leave trouble at the door, though too often it comes to find us like a dog on the trail of a bone. You will do your part in keeping it outside yes?" says Marthasa as she steps in. To the others in the group she says, "Save your coin lads."


Alain follows the group, shaking his head.

"Looks like it takes a bit of attitude along with the mention of Edrea to get their attention."

He pulls up next to Harlan, tapping gently on his shoulder.

"By the way, Harlan, do you think I could reacquire my ten crowns?"

Karl Green

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Alaios O'Aodh, human sorcerer

Alaios smiles, trying to hold in a laugh. Bowing to Marthasa he says "I thank you my lady"

He then follows the rest of the party into the 'house'


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Jackson relieved to be able to hold onto his meager savings a few moments longer quickly follows the rest of the group inside before the trollkin change their minds. Once inside Jackson looks the place over making a mental note of any exits as well as any shady or well armed characters.
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Beyond the gate you see a large expanse of grass, dotted here and there with flowering bushes and trees. About 100 yards ahead of you, down a cobblestone path is the main house of the gambling complex. It is two stories tall and his constructed of local greyish-white marble. Large windows let you look in well-lit rooms inside. Two carriages stand waiting outside the main door, their teams being cared for by their coachmen.

To the right of the main building a dirt path runs past the main house to the stables and pens which are attached to the horse and dog racing tracks which people attend here during the day.

Besides the two trollkin at the gate, you can see additional trollkin guards patrolling the grounds in groups of two. The generally attempt to affect a look of casual indifference, although you notice that they immediately are aware of your presence, once you pass the gates.

OOC: I'm including a general sketch of what the grounds look like from here. Sorry about the large file size.

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First Post
Alanna Morwyn (2 lvl Gun Mage/1 lvl Arcane Mechanik)

Greatful to be inside the gates and not waiting outside Alanna relaxes a bit.

This place is pretty well guarded. Hopefully everything is on the up and up.

Meeting someone in a basement would leave little options for an escape if things went badly it would be a shoot out.


Alain hurries to catch the trollkin that met the party at the gate, eager for information.

"I heard that this area had its share of troubles during the troubling events of this winter. It seems as though Sar-Ra-Tu’s has weathered the challenges with aplomb. Have the recent conflicts between the rival gangs spread to this area?"

Edit: Spelling
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