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[IK] Corvis U. Discreet Investigation & Retrieval Union: Last DM Post 1/8 14:45 EST

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Marthasa waits for the trollkin's reaction. She considers giving a healing spell to Alanna but will wait until they are done with the stupid creatures.


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Grimacing as he tries gingerly massages his leg Cormyck sighs as if remembering something important. Glancing at the trollkins he motions with his hand towards the stairs and says "Oh, ... and the ruffian who attacked me in the stairwell caused me to loose my pistol. Perhaps one of you lads can go and fetch it for me?"


Alain leans in close to Alanna. "What's that rake up to know?", he whispers. "Perhaps we should get the book out of here. Maybe Edrea should take it and head back to the University while we handle this mess. What do you think?"

Raising his voice, he adds his own thoughts to the discussion.

"I demand to speak to Master Cosgrove. I will vouch for his safety as a servant of Morrow. An explaination and apology is required here, and his honor will be stained if one is not given."

OOC: I don't know if any rolls are needed here, Alex, but my Diplomacy is +11 if you need it.


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The lead trollkin looks around a bit and motions that the rest lower and sheathe their weapon. Pointing at one of the dead men he mutters, "Yeah, dems looked like an 'eap of trouble when dey came in, but I didna say nuffin. Dere was one bloke 'oo was vouchin' for dems." Glancing at the other body he notes, "Ah, dat's de one 'oo was vouchin' for dem. Well, seems like it's all takin' care of den, eh?" He looks up at Alain, Cormyck and Alanna and gives you a conspiratorial wink.

He clears his throat and continues, "Anyways, I'm sorry 'bout all de ruckus." He turns around a barks a few orders in Molgur at the other guards, who shuffle around and start picking up the bodies, and straightening chairs and tables.

OOC: Don't worry, I noted that you have already looted the bodies. I'm assuming that you just went for loose change and the like, as there wasn't enough time to strip the bodies. I'll let you know what you made off with once I get home.

Turning back to Cormyck, he reaches into his coat and pulls out his pistol, "I was wonderin' 'oose dis was. 'Ere ya go, sir. Nice piece 'dat is, although a little small fer my tastes." He then passes it to the Rynnishman.

At that moment, Master Cosgrove comes running into the room, immediately sizes up the sitation, and after a meaninful glance from the head guard, approaches the group. "I'm very sorry that I could not come earlier, ladies and gentlemen, but I was just informed of what has transpired 'ere. Believe me, we pride ourselves in security here at Sarr Ratu's house, and this is indeed a black mark on our record."

He reaches into a small satchel he is carrying and pulls out six identical letters, stamped and sealed with the emblem of the House, and passes them out to you, "Please accept this small gift as a sincere apology from the House of Ratu for your inconvenience. It entitles you to a free lifetime membership 'ere, in addition to unlimited victuals until next Longest Night." He gives you a slightly strained smile.


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Blue_Genie said:
OOC: Don't worry, I noted that you have already looted the bodies. I'm assuming that you just went for loose change and the like, as there wasn't enough time to strip the bodies. I'll let you know what you made off with once I get home.

(OOC- Actually, as mercenary as it sounded at first, I really was searching for some form of identification. Clues. Jinkys!)

Harlan returns Cosgroves strained smile with a rather broad one. "Many thanks, Guv'nah, many thanks!" He pockets the papers and turns to Alain and Alanna, and says in a hushed tone, "Aye, we should head back, but a straight rout may not be the best. Let' s make sure we're not being followed. Again." Harlan turns and eyes the exits, waiting for the group to make their leave.


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Jackson takes one of the letters from Cosgrove and tucks it away inside his greatcoat.

"My thanks to you. I only hope future visits aren't quite so exciting."


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Alanna Morwyn

Alanna flashes a girlish grin at Cosgrove. "My thanks Master Cosgrove and don't worry, I won't mention this incident to anyone." She nods at Harlen, Alain and Cormyck and motions them away from the Trollkin and Cosgrove.

"Lets talk to Edrea first, but I think we need to take another look at this book ourselves. There has to be more to it, to cause so much trouble."


Alain nods to Harlan. "Good thinking. Perhaps you could quickly check the grounds to ensure no other suprises are waiting for us when we depart?"

He turns and gives a small bow to Cosgrave. "Good evening, sir. I hope that you will take these circumstances into account when considering the security of your establishment in the future. We live in lawless times, but Corvis will be reformed into a jewel in Cygnar's crown once more. I do hope that Sarr Ratu has a future in this nation's future. It would be... unfortunate... if this situation caused any long-term disruption in your business." He used a very deliberate tone that implied worse than his words.

Turning to Edrea, he says, "Well, milady, I think the time has come to depart."

Alain holds out an arm to Marthasa, motioning towards the door with his other arm.

Voidrunner's Codex

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