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[IK] The Corvis University Discreet Investigation and Retrieval Union


First Post
Here's a place where you can post your PCs for the Corvis University centered Iron Kingdoms game.

Recruiting and character creation information can be found HERE.

Characters presented here (in posting order):

Alaios O'Aodh, Male Midlunder Sorcerer 3 (Karl Green)
Cormyck di'Trivassi, Male Ryn Rogue 3 (Devyn)
Alain Caldwallow, Male Caspian Paladin 3 (Bobitron)
Jackson Bainbridge, Male Midlunder Ranger 3 (DrunkenMonkey)
Alanna Morwyn, Female Thurian Gun Mage 2/Arcane Mechanik 1 (Slippshade)
Martashan Leharin, Female Umbrean Cleric 3 (Krug)
Harlan Baylentis, Male Caspian Fighter 3 (taitzu52)
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Karl Green

First Post
Alaios O'Aodh

Alaios is an attractive young Cynar male (age 19), with fire red hair and well-trimmed goatee. His is fairly tall (5'9") and slim (163lbs), in good shape from his last year as a mercenary with the Draken Blades. He wears his favorite midnight black greatclaok with a number of internal pockets, where he hides his spell components. On his left hip he wears a military pistol and over both shoulders he has slung two light bandoliers of ammo. He wears a all-weather hat and goggles to help protect against the weather.

Alaios is a sorcerer who favors fire magic and excels in this area. While he is open and easy going for most people, he is rather secretive about his arcane powers. He has encountered too much prejudice from so called witch-hunters and 'simple' folk who are quick to pick up pitchforks and torches.

3rd level
Experience: 3,000
Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Marrow (patron ascendant Angellia)

STR: 10 [+0]
DEX: 14 [+2]
CON: 14 [+2]
INT: 12 [+1]
WIS: 10 [+0]
CHA: 15 [+2]

Hit Points: 17 (3d4+6)

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +4 [base +1, con +2, racial +1]
Reflex: +2 [base +1, dex +1]
Will: +3 [base +3, wis +0]

Armor Class: 14 (armed greatcoat + dex; -1 ACP; 5% ASF); Touch: 12; Flatfooted: 12
DR: 5/bludinging

Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +1/+1

Military Pistol masterwork, accuracy +5 attack [+6 w/ precision rds] (damage 2d6, crit 19-20/x3, Rng 80ft, Reload: 1 standard action [DC8])
Small Pistol mastercraft +4 attack [+5 w/ precision rds] (damage 2d4, 19-20/x3, Rng 40', Reload: 1 standard action [DC6])
Dagger +1 attack melee, +3 thrown (damage 1d4, crit 19-20, Rng 10ft)

Skills [16 +4 +4]
Concentration 2/+4
Craft (small arms) 3/+4 [cross-class]
Bluff 6/+8
Gather Information 0/+4
Hide 4/+6
Knowledge (arcane) 1/+2
Knowledge (history) 1/+2
Spellcraft 4/+5

Feats: [3]
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Small Arms
Point Blank Shot: +1 to attack/damage within 30ft
Spell Focus: +1 DC with Evocation spells

Racial Features (Midlunders from Cynar)
one extra Heroic Feat at 1st level
4 extra skills are 1st level, +1 skill each level after
Automatic class skill: Knowledge (history)
+2 racial bonus on Craft (blacksmith) and Gather Information checks
Bonus from favoring Angellia (Ascendant of History and Lore) bonus language.

Languages: Cygnaren (spoken and written), Rhulic (spoken), Khadoran (spoken and written)

Class Features:
Summon Familiar (none at present)
Spell Casting [DC 12 +spell level {13 with evocation spells}]; six Cantrips, six 1st level spells per day
Spells Known: 0-level: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic; 1st-level: Burning Hands, Obsuring Mist, True Strike

Combat Load
Military Pistol masterwork, accuracy, lightweight (1020gp) 3 1/2lbs
Ammo 12 shots Precision rounds [additional +1 to attack rolls] (168gp) 1lbs
Small Pistol masterwork, lightweight (620gp) 2 1/2 lbs.
Ammo 12 shots Precision rounds [additional +1 to attack rolls] (144gp) 1 lb
two Ammo Bandolier (1gp each holding 12 shots) 2lbs
two Belt Holster [one on left hip, one on right shoulder] (8gp) 1lb
Dagger (1gp) 1lb
Armed Greatcoat (75gp with secret pockets inside) 10lbs
Traveler's outfit (1gp) 5lbs
Goggles (4gp) 1lb
Field Glass (20gp) 1lb
Flintstriker (6gp) nil
Magnified Bulleye Lantern (15gp) 3lbs
Oil (1sp; 1-pint flask) 1lb
Pocket Watch (150gp) nil
two Corben's Wound Closer (60gp)

Travel Load; extra equipment in pack
Shoulder Pack (backpack; 2gp) 2lbs
Bedroll (1sp) 5lbs
Traveler Journal book (5gp, based on a wizards spellbook, not as big 50pages) 2lbs
Ink (8gp; 1 oz. vial) nil
two Inpens (2sp) nil
Trail Rations (2gp; 4 days) 4lbs
Waterskin (1gp) 4lbs
extra Ammo (packed away) for military pistol: 10 precision rounds, 10 standard rounds; for small pistol: 20 standard rounds (370gp) 4lbs

{spent 2681gp and 4sp} Remaining Wealth: 18gp and 6sp

Combat Load: 33 lbs (light load)
Full Load: 54 lbs (medium load)

fixed mistakes (again ;)) and the reason I speak the two languages I figured was from his merc days, that there was a dwarf and a couple of Khadorans in the group
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First Post
Just a few things, Karl.

Cynar male
The racial/national distinctions can be a little confusing in the Iron Kingdoms. You are of Midlunder ancestry, but are a citizen of the country of Cygnar.

Magic Weapon
Magic Weapon is no longer on the Sor/Wiz spell list, it's on the Gun Mage spell list. If you'd like to pick another spell off a non-SRD spell list let me know, and I'll be happy to vet it for you.

Scroll case with the following scrolls: first level - 2 Color Sprays, 1 Enlarge Person, 1 Mount, 2 Sleep (150gp)
Total cost should be 225 gp (37.5 x 6)

Deity: Marrow (patron ascendant Angellia)
You get a patronage benefit of one extra language for free. This could either be a new language, or you could learn how to write Rhulic instead.

Also a note in general. Having run an IK campaign, I can tell you that if you want to be very useful in combat with firearms, you'll want more than one. With the 1 standard action reload rate, you'll only be firing every other round. Granted, you'll be doing more damage than your standard 1d6 shortbow, but I would suggest you might want to switch your equipment around a bit and get a second or third pistol. You don't want to be reloading in combat. The DC for the skill check is easy enough to beat, but they're standard actions that provoke attacks of opportunity.

Finally, here's a bit more about Midlunders from the IKCG.

Dominating the northern regions of Cygnar, the Midlunder population is second only to the Caspians and a more obstinate breed doesn't exist. These no-nonsense, rugged folk look for the most practical means of accomplishing a task, and won't quite until it's done. However, their practicality suffers when their obstinacy takes a firm grip of their faculties. Even if a Midlunder realized he wasn't going about something in finest fashion, he'd be damned before he'd let on that he was proceeding in the wrong. Seems foolish, but nevertheless, if a task falls to a Midlunder, it'll be finished-and finished well- one way or the other. This in mind, it stands to reason that Midlunders make up the majority of Cygnar's armed forces. Their complete inability to admit defeat makes them the most steadfast soldiers in all the kingdoms. This tenacity and bull-headedness has served Cygnar's troops well in many a difficult conflict.
Most Midlunders have hair of brown, auburn, or ginger, but lighter colored locks are not uncommon. Their skin ranges from pale to ruddy, and their physiques very from thin to full-bodied. Though stereotyped as stern and humorless, in truth, Midlund mannerisms run the gamut, though their bull-headed stubbornness is practically guaranteed.


First Post
Comments on Alaios O'Aodh

You almost have it right, Karl. Just a few minor comments.

Karl Green said:
Bonus from favoring Angellia (Ascendant of History and Lore) +2 to all Knowledge
Karl, this part of the ascendant bonus is only for Clerics. Non-clerics only get the extra language. As a Midlunder, you do get Knowledge (history) as a class skill, however.

Also, in the IKCG, only Shyr (the language of the Iosans) and Rhulic (that of the dwarves) costs 2 skill points to learn. All others only require one skill point, which means you can both speak and read Khadoran. Just out of curiosity, where did your character learn Khadoran?

Karl Green said:
Military Pistol mastercraft, accuracy +5 attack [+6 w/ precision rds] (damage 2d6, crit 19-20/x3, Rng 80ft, Reload: 1 standard action [DC8])
Just a small note, it's masterwork, not mastercraft. You know how specific language can get in D&D.

Karl Green said:
Small Pistol mastercraft, lightweight (520gp) 2 1/2 lbs.
Price should be 620 gp (gun 200 + masterwork 300 + lightweight 120)


First Post
Cormyck diTrivassi is a young Rynnian from Llael who is studying languages at Corvis University. Of middle height and slight build (5'7" and 140 lbs) he has the typical features of his countrymen; blond hair with a fair complexion, aquiline nose and bright almost clear grey eyes.

He came to the University over a year ago and has made a favorable impression with both his teachers and fellow students. His ready smile, ribald tales and quick mind, has made him a favorite guest at the homes of his fellow students. As their guest, he uses the opportunity to see where valuables are kept, what locks are installed and how the house is protected.

For Cormyck's true profession is that of a thief who preys on those who live near or are connected to the university. A territory that is also claimed by other thieves and protected by the City Watch.

Cormyck is begining to think that a vacation or transfer to another university is in order. With both the thieves guild and the City Watch on his trail, its just a matter of time before someone starts to tie in the string of thefts at the university, to a young student from Llael.

Cormyck diTrivassi

Rynn (+2 Char, -2Wis, +2Bluff & Sense Motive)
3rd level
Experience: 3,000
Alignment ?

STR: 12 [ +1] (4)
DEX: 14 [ +2] (6)
CON: 12 [ +1] (4)
INT: 14 [ +2] (6)
WIS: 10 [ 0] (4)
CHA: 14 [+2] (4)

Hit Points: 6+4+4+3 =17

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +2 [base +1, con +1
Reflex: +5 [base +3, dex +2]
Will: +1 [base +1, wis +0]

Armor Class: 17 (greatcoat + studded leather + dex); Touch: 12; Flatfooted: 15

BAB: +2

Collapsing Baton +3 attack (dmg 1d6, crit 20 x2)
Dagger masterwork +3 attack melee, +4 thrown (dmg 1d4, crit 19-20, Rng 10ft)
Military Pistol +4 attack (dmg 2d6, crit 19-20/x3, Rng 80’, Reload: 1 standard action (DC8)
Rynnish Holdout Pistol 2 Barrel +4 attack (dmg 2d4-2, crit 19-20 x3, Rng 20’ Reload 3 std actions DC 12)

Skills [40 +10 + 10]
Bluff 2+2
Climb 5
Craft Small Arm 5
Decipher Script 2
Diplomacy 2
Disable Device 3+2
Gather Info 2
Intimidate 2
Hide 5
Know History 1+2
Know Geog. 1+2
Know Religion 1+2
Listen 2
Move Silent 5
Open Lock 4+2
Search 4
Sense Motive 2+2
Sleight of Hand 4
Spot 2
Tumble 5
Use Mag. Dev. 1

Languages (Starting +2 due to high Int)
Llaelese (Read & Write)
Cyngar (Read & Write)
Caspian (Dead) (Read)

Feats: [3]
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Small Arms
Quick Draw
University Education

Class Features:
Trap Finding
Trap Sense +1
Sneak Attack +2d6

Combat Equipment:
Military Pistol (300gp) 5lbs
Rynnish Holdout Pistol (225 gp) 2 lbs
Ammo 10 shots (90gp; assuming 9gp each) 1lbs - 10 shots Military Pistol
Ammo Bandolier (1gp each holding 10 shots) 1lbs – 1 bandolier for Military pistol
belt Holster (4gp) 1/2lb
Holster Wrist-Loader (30 gp) 2 lb
Dagger MW (301gp) 1lb
Dagger Throwing x2 (4 gp) 2 lb
Collapsing Baton (12gp) 3lbs
Reinforced Greatcoat MW (75gp + 150gp for MW) 10lbs
Studded Leather MW (10gp + 150gp for MW) 20 lb
Talisman of Asc Angellia (5 sp)

Adventuring Equipment:
Field Glass (20gp) 1lb
Flintstriker (6gp)
Magnified Bulleye Lantern (15gp) 3lbs
Ammo 10 shots (90gp; assuming 9gp each) 1lbs - 10 shots Hold-out Pistol
Ammo Bandolier (1gp each holding 10 shots) 1lbs – 1 bandolier for Hold-out pistol
Oil (1sp; 1-pint flask) 1lb
Shoulder Pack (backpack; 2gp) 2lbs
Climbers Kit (80gp) 5 lb
Thieves Tools MW (100gp) 2 lb
Silken Rope 50’ (10 gp) 5 lb
Gunners Kit (100 gp) 15 lbs
Bedroll (1sp) 5lbs
Trail Rations (1gp; 2 days) 2lbs

Living Equipment
Traveler's outfit (1gp) 5lbs
Courtier’s Outfit (30gp) 6 lb
Scholar’s Outfit (5 gp) 6 lb

Carrying Capacity Light 43 lbs / Med 44-86 lbs / Heavy 87 – 130 lbs
Combat Load: 42.5 lb (light load)
Full Load: 85.5 lbs (medium load)

I’ve spent 1813 gold but will be doing some more work on the equipment.
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First Post
Devyn said:
Rynn (+2 Char, -2Wis, +2Bluff & Sense Motive)
One thing I forgot to mention is that I am not using the optional ability adjustments for humans.

Devyn said:
Hit Points: 6+4+4+3 =17
HP should be: 6+4.5+4.5+3=18

Devyn said:
Skills [40 +10 + 10]
Remember the bonus skill point for humans, so the totals should be 44 + 11 + 11=66 skill points.

Devyn said:
Holster Wrist-Loader (30 gp) 2 lb
Weight has been reduced to 1 lb.

Reinforced Greatcoat MW (75gp + 150gp for MW) 10lbs
I think you mean armored greatcoat, which gives you the +2 AC with the -1 ACP, negated by the masterwork status.


Alain Caldwallow

Caspian male, Paladin of Morrow

Background: Born in Caspian to a family with a long history of scholarly occupations, Alain's father was a lawyer serving the highest bidder. He represented many a criminal before the judges of the Church, and it was a great source of shame to Alain, even as a child. Ever a devout child, he nonetheless shocked his father by joining the Church immediately after school, serving Morrow by advising clergy on legal and political matters. He worked in the Church for nearly 20 years with little impact on the lives of Morrow's faithful. One night after another long day of boredom, Alain had a dream calling him into more direct service, and he became a paladin of Morrow the next day. Now Alain brings Morrow's justice to the people daily and helps spread the good that only He can bring. The Caldwallow name has a vile reputation in the City of Walls amongst thieves and evil-doers, even though he has not progressed far within his new path. His fellow Morrowans respect his choice to take the difficult path of the paladin, which has assisted him in his dealings with the Church. Alain is a valuable asset to the party, with his skills in bureaucracy, diplomacy, and deep knowledge about religion and law coming in handy. Alain has long served as a criminal investigator for the Church, and came to Corvis to help Cygnaren officials look into the arson case that brought the Cathedral to cinders. He has found little information in the month he has been in the City of Ghosts, and while the Church gives him a small stipend each month, it has not been enough to keep his investigation going. He joined Pendrake with hopes of doing some good at the University and still be able to keep a sharp eye out for the arsonist.

Appearance: Alain has the look of a lawyer rather than a champion of Morrow. He has pale skin and a thin physique that comes from years of scholarly pursuits. His face shows his maturity more than his bearing, with hard wrinkles around his eyes. His gaze is steely and serious, and that combined with his weapons and the glint of a chain shirt is the only indication that more than a mere accountant approaches.

About this character: Alain is a quiet and serious man, with a simple manner of speech. His voice is cultured and concise, and he displays faultless courtesy to everyone he meets. He has an even temper that is hard to crack, even during tense moments. Prone to long thought before taking action, Alain is often considered "boring" by his companions. He lives the life of a paladin to the letter, giving away his share of the party's wealth to the Church and never partaking in excess of food or drink. He views his new life as a new chance to help people, and seeks to repay Morrow's grace whenever possible.

Age: 45
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Blue

3rd level
Experience: 3,000
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Morrow (patron ascendant Katrena)


STR: 10 (+0, costs 2)
DEX: 10 (+0, costs 2)
CON: 10 (+0, costs 2)
INT: 14 (+ 2, costs 6)
WIS: 14 (+ 2, costs 6)
CHA: 16 (+3, costs 10)

Hit Points: 23 (10+6.5+6.5)

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +6 (base +3, CON +0, CHA +3)
Reflex: +4 (base +1, DEX +0, CHA +3)
Will: +6 (base +1, WIS +2, CHA +3)

Armor Class: 15 (Chain shirt + greatcoat; -1 ACP; 20% ASF); Touch: 10; Flatfooted: 15

Base Attack Bonus: +3


Masterwork Greatsword +4 attack (damage 2d6, 19-20/x2)

Small Pistol x2 Accuracy customization +4 attack (damage 2d4, 19-20/x3, Rng 40', Reload: 1 standard action [DC6])

Dagger +3 attack melee, +3 thrown (damage 1d4, crit 19-20, Rng 10ft)


Skill Points 30 (20+5+5)
Concentration 2 ranks/+2
Craft (Small arms) 5/+7
Diplomacy 2/+11
Heal 1/+3
Knowledge (Religion) 3/+7
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 1/+3
Profession (Lawyer) 5/+7
Sense Motive 6/+12
Spot 5/+8


Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Small Arms
Combat Loading (+4 to concentration tests)
Negotiator (+2 to Diplomacy and Sense motive)

Racial Features:

Caspian from Cygnar

one extra Feat at 1st level
4 extra skill points at 1st level, +1 skill point each level after
Automatic class skill: Sense Motive
+2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (Religion) checks
Bonus from favoring Katrena (Patron of Valor, Knighthood, and Paladins): +1 to Spot checks

Languages: Cygnaran (spoken and written), Llaelese, Caspian

Class Features:

Aura of Good
Smite Evil (1/day, add CHA bonus to attack, add level to damage, PHB pg 44)
Divine Grace (Adds CHA bonus to saves)
Lay on Hands (Heal level x CHA bonus, 1/day)
Aura of Courage (Immune to fear, +4 save bonus to nearby allies vs. fear)
Divine Health (Immunity to disease)


Combat load

Greatsword, masterwork (350gp, 8lbs)
Dagger (2gp, 1lb)
2 x small pistol w/ accuracy customization (1000gp, 8lbs)
Belt and holsters (8gp, 1lb)
Chain shirt, masterwork (250gp, 25lbs)
Greatcoat (20gp, 5lbs)
Ammunition pouch x 5 (10gp, 1lbs)
15 rounds small pistol ammo (90gp, 1lb)
Scholar’s outfit (5gp)
Pocket watch (150gp)
Prayer beads
Corben’s Invigorating Elixir, 2 doses (360gp)

Travel gear, normally left behind in combat

Scroll case x2 (2gp, 1lb)
Religious scrolls, detailing Morrow’s law (10gp)
Maps of Cygnar, Llael, Khador, and Ord (50gp)
Ink pen and Ink (8gp)
Gunner’s kit (100gp, 15lbs)
Blank paper x 5 (2gp)
Candle (1gp)
Spyglass (10gp, 1lb)
Flint and steel (1gp)
Bedroll (5lbs)
Trail Rations (2gp; enough for 4 days, 4lbs)
Waterskin (1gp 4lbs)
Additional ammo; 30 small pistol rounds (180gp, 4lbs)

Wealth: 40gp
(spent 2612gp)


  • Alain Caldwallow 002.jpg
    Alain Caldwallow 002.jpg
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First Post
Bobitron said:
Hit Points: 22 (10+6+6)
Average hit poins for the d10 hit die is actually 5.5, plus 1, so it should be 10 + 6.5 + 6.5 = 23 hp.

Bobitron said:
Flatfooted: 10
Flat-footed AC should be 15, since armor counts.

Bobitron said:
Dagger +3 attack melee, +0 thrown (damage 1d4, crit 19-20, Rng 10ft)
Ranged attack bonus is also +3.

Bobitron said:
Knowledge (Etiquette) 1/+3
This knowledge skill doesn't exist in my game. If you want to know how to act among the upper classes, that's covered by Knowledge (Noblity and royalty). If you want to know local customs, that would fall under Knowledge (local).

Bobitron said:
Craft (Small arms) 4/+4
Since it's an Int-based skill, your total bonus should be +6.

Bobitron said:
Diplomacy 2/+9
Ranks 2 + Cha 3 + Negotiator feat 2 + Synergy bonus (Sense Motive) 2 + racial bonus 2=+11! Not a bad bonus for two ranks.

Bobitron said:
Sense Motive 6/+10
The IKCG states that if your racial "Automatic Class Skill" is already a class skill, you get a +2 racial bonus instead. So Ranks 6 + Wis 2 + Negotiator feat 2 + racial bonus 2=+12

Bobitron said:
Languages: Cygnaren (spoken and written), Llaelese
With your 14 Int, you actually get to pick an additional language (either Caspian or Ordic


Blue_Genie said:
Average hit poins for the d10 hit die is actually 5.5, plus 1, so it should be 10 + 6.5 + 6.5 = 23 hp.

Flat-footed AC should be 15, since armor counts.

Ranged attack bonus is also +3.

This knowledge skill doesn't exist in my game. If you want to know how to act among the upper classes, that's covered by Knowledge (Noblity and royalty). If you want to know local customs, that would fall under Knowledge (local).

Since it's an Int-based skill, your total bonus should be +6.

Ranks 2 + Cha 3 + Negotiator feat 2 + Synergy bonus (Sense Motive) 2 + racial bonus 2=+11! Not a bad bonus for two ranks.

The IKCG states that if your racial "Automatic Class Skill" is already a class skill, you get a +2 racial bonus instead. So Ranks 6 + Wis 2 + Negotiator feat 2 + racial bonus 2=+12

With your 14 Int, you actually get to pick an additional language (either Caspian or Ordic

Woot! An extra hitpoint!

I took that Knowledge point and added it to Craft (Small Arms), increasing the bonus to +7.

Still not keen on that Synergy bonus stuff. Certainly works well in this case ;)

Missed that +2 racial bonus thing, thanks!

I grabbed Caspian as my other bonus language.

Thanks for your help. Looking forward to our first game.


First Post
Jackson Bainbridge

Jackson was born in northern Cygnar to a simple hard working family of farmers. He never was much for working the fields and always dreamed of traveling the world. As soon as he was able he enlisted in the Cygnaran army unable to think of any better way to travel abroad. While in basic training the skills he learned growing up playing and hunting in the forest made him a good candidate for scout duty. While completing his scout training one of his teachers showed him a copy of the Monsternomicon by Professor Pendrake. He found himself drawn in by the drawings and descriptions of the strange creatures so he started keeping his own journal of beasts he encountered while in the field. Jackson was eventually attached to the 5th Scout group but he always volunteered for a transfer anytime an opening came up somewhere he had not been. Once his enlistment was up he left the army seeking to travel his own path for a while. Having never quite forgotten Professor Pendrake’s book he traveled to Corvis and signed up to take a class with the good professor just for the chance to meet him as much as anything.

Jackson is a fairly nondescript looking person of average height and weight, the kind of person who easily blends into a crowd. He is a quiet, easy going fellow but being only recently out of service he sometimes slips back into a more military manner. Other than wanting to see the world Jackson isn’t completely sure what he wants to do with his life. He is currently living off the last of his money having not found a job that quite suited him.

Level: 3
XP: 3000
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Midlunder
Diety: Morrow (Ascendant Ellena)
Age: 21 Gender: Male Height: 5’10” Weight: 170 Hair: Black Eyes: Brown

Str: 12 [+1]
Dex: 15 [+2]
Con: 12 [+1]
Int: 10
Wis: 14 [+2]
Cha: 12 [+1]

Hit Points: 20 (3d8+3)

Initiative: +2

Fort: 5 (base 3+ con 1+ race 1)
Ref: 5 (base 3+ dex 2)
Will: 3 (base 1+ wis 2)

Armor Class:17 (10 +3 Masterwork Studded Leather +2 Armored Greatcoat +2 Dex) Flatfoot: 15 Touch: 12 ACP: -1 DR: 5/Blunt

Base Attack: +3
Melee/Grapple: +4
Ranged: +5

Vislovski Rifle Attack: +7 Dmg: 2d6+2 Crit: 19-20 X3 Range: 180’ Reload: 1S DC: 12 Masterwork +1, Accurized +1, Scoped
Military Pistol Attack: +5 Dmg: 2d6 Crit: 19-20 X3 Range: 80’ Reload: 1S DC: 8
Handaxe Attack: +4 Dmg: 1d6 Crit: X3
2 Daggers Attack: +4 Dmg: 1d4 Crit: 19-20 X2

Skills [28+7+7]
Climb 0/+1
Concentration 5/+6
Craft: Small Arms 6
Creature Lore 4
Gather Info 0/+3
Handle Animal 2/+3
Heal 2/+4
Hide 3/+5
Listen 3/+7
Move Silently 3/+5
Ride 1/+4
Search 3
Spot 3/+7
Survival 5/+7
Swim 0/+1

EWP: Small Arms
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Class Features:
Wild Empathy
Favored Enemy: Khadoran
Favored Terrain: Forest

Languages: Cygnaran (spoken and written)

Combat Load - Medium
Vislovski Rifle (Masterwork, Accurized, Scoped)
Bandolier with 12 rifle rounds
Military Pistol
Holster with 2 round ammo pouch
2 Daggers
Studded Leather (Masterwork)
Armored Greatcoat
Healers Kit
2 Corbens Wound Closer

Travelling Equipment
Winter Blanket
Fishhook & Line
Belt Pouch
3 Sacks
50’ Rope
5 Days Trail Rations
2 Waterskins
Field glass
Ink Pen
Journal in oilskin pouch
3 Corbens Wound Closer
Cure All Cream
Light Warhorse
Military Saddle
2 Caltrops
Oilskin pouch with 8 rifle and 5 military pistol rounds

GP: 80
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Voidrunner's Codex

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