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Im getting OD&D on friday..What can I expect?


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While around the gaming table yesterday the one female dice roller mentioned that she had a extra copy of OD&D which she would be willing to hand it over.

I haven't played AD&D in 6 years (AD&D is similar in some ways to OD&D in some ways) So I was hoping some OD&Ders could give me a crash course.


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Delta said:
I'm in a similar position -- got mine last month. Check my blog below for reaction & comments.

just some comments about your first entry in your blog.

don't forget Chainmail/OD&D uses yards for outdoor movement. 1" = 30 ft

also. movement rates include rest periods. b/c also in the Chainmail rules you will find that without resting you become exhausted. (you are allowed 5 rounds of movement in combat before suffering penalty)

movement also in OD&D covers time to map, count your steps, look at things, talk to your party, pull out proper gear, and other things.


DungeonMaester said:
While around the gaming table yesterday the one female dice roller mentioned that she had a extra copy of OD&D which she would be willing to hand it over.

I haven't played AD&D in 6 years (AD&D is similar in some ways to OD&D in some ways) So I was hoping some OD&Ders could give me a crash course.


you hit the D&D jack pot. congrats. hope you enjoy.


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diaglo said:
you hit the D&D jack pot. congrats. hope you enjoy.

I am tickled that you posted in my thread. (I was hoping you would) care to fill me in on why I hit D&D jackpot? I really though AD&D was the D&D jackpot when I was playing that, and despite the fact that every keeps telling me it was crap, I really enjoyed everything about the system. I had a great DM, and all the players and I had fun backstories..And there was no rule-lawyering.




First Post
Are you sure this isn't BD&D you're talking about? The answers to some of your questions probably depend on whether or not you're using the supplements (Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry).


DungeonMaester said:
How do ability scores affect characters?

behind the numbers this includes Supplement I Greyhawk:

3-4 -2 to hit/ -1 damage
5-6 -1 to hit
7-12 normal
13-15 +1 to hit
16 +1 to hit +1 damage
17 +2 to hit +2 damage
18 +2 to hit +3 damage

for every point above 10 add the potential to learn a new language


3-6 -1 to hit points
7-14 normal
15-16 +1 to hit points
17 +2 to hit points
18 +3 to hit points

3-8 -1 to ranged
9-12 normal
13-14 +1 to ranged
15 +1 to ranged +1 to AC
16 +1 to ranged +2 to AC
17 +1 to ranged +3 to AC
18 +1 to ranged +4 to AC

3-4 -2 to reaction
5-6 -1 to reaction
7-12 normal
13-15 +1 to reaction
16-17 +2 to reaction
18 +4 to reaction

How much EXP to level?

depends on class. clerics lvl the fastest until the thief was added in Supplement I Greyhawk. magic users lvl the slowest to start.

What Classes in OD&D?

cleric, fighting man, magic user.
supplement I greyhawk introduces the thief and paladin
other supplements and the strategic review add the rest of the ADnD classes. like monk, illusionist, ranger, druid, assassin, and bard


First Post
gizmo33 said:
Are you sure this isn't BD&D you're talking about? The answers to some of your questions probably depend on whether or not you're using the supplements (Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry).

I don't know if it is OD&D or BD&D. But, There are No Supplements. Its a home brew campaign.


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