Immortals Handbook: Ascension 3.5E Print you want one?

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So help me, if WotC's putting the screws to the OGL is the reason we don't get a print copy of Ascension, my wrath shall be akin to that of the Infinitaur himself! :rant:

I don't plan to sign up to 1.1, its far too draconian. I'll print out my personal copies via Mixam when I get the files sorted. By that point I am hoping this nonsense will have all blown over and I can upload to Drivethru. So I don't foresee a problem with Ascension 2023.

I am about 5% concerned what might happen to the Immortals Handbook 5e IF major publishers (cut their noses off) and sign up to 1.1. Obviously I wasn't planing on using any One D&D Content because I don't need to, I'm not even mentioning any 5E content beyond the base d20 game mechanics underlying it all. All the immortal stuff just adds on over the top. But it is still annoying - I think WotC has messed up BIG TIME here and even if they rescind this new license their bad faith acting has already soured many people.

Worst case scenario I can probably tweak the 5E Immortals Handbook just enough to make it universally compatible with all RPGs.


Meant to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas (and a Happy New Year)! 🎅

I know I am one of the most frustratingly, procrastinating writers on the planet, but hopefully I can finally figure out how to stop adding pages and finish some books in 2023. Thanks for sticking with me, greatly appreciated...although I do think you are all a bit mad...just like me.

The trick, I think, is to not check in for a while, so it seems like more content when you catch up. I empathize more these days, it took me several years and a second "last chance maybe ever" deadline to finish one submission for The Rifter (naturally, by the time it was done, it was over length), and I've been sitting on a half-finished Storyteller's Vault piece for at least as long. Anyway, I have to say, I got the itch to round out my 3.X physical collection recently, and for what some of those are worth on eBay now there isn't much you could fairly charge that would shock me by comparison (not to mention, I've occasionally had to pay comparable shipping just across the border from the US to Canada). If you make it available for general PoD purchase, I'd likely pick one up with some other stuff I've been meaning to get anyway.

Worst case scenario I can probably tweak the 5E Immortals Handbook just enough to make it universally compatible with all RPGs.

This reminds me, it actually occurred to me to ask at some point whether you'd ever considered doing something like this. A general system-neutral framework for basically all the worship points system and corresponding cosmology, plus a solid treatise on structuring epic and divine level play in general, could be a useful supplement for many editions of D&D and probably a lot of its derivatives.

Actually, it's been a while, but if I'm remembering correctly let me ask another thing. I seem to recall the unfinished IH Grimoire was going to have stuff about the general properties of artifacts, spending quintessence, and other related rules (I don't recall all the details now) that sort of seemed necessary to make full and proper use of Ascension. There may have been similar generally-useful stuff slated for the other unfinished supplements too. I think that's why I meant to ask the above question, in the hopes that it could cover all that and then be adapted to fill gaps in the existing 3E material (well, that and having something to point people at every time I carry the torch for the idea of epic/divine-level play elsewhere). Does the 5E version cover all that stuff? Or did you ever transcribe and share any of those notes just here on the forums or something?

PS. Hi! Cheers and happy post-holidays.

Howdy Impeesa mate! :)

Hope you have been keeping well?

The trick, I think, is to not check in for a while, so it seems like more content when you catch up. I empathize more these days, it took me several years and a second "last chance maybe ever" deadline to finish one submission for The Rifter (naturally, by the time it was done, it was over length), and I've been sitting on a half-finished Storyteller's Vault piece for at least as long. Anyway,

Everything seems to take forever, coupled with me having the worst job for being able to manage time - even though I am only part time at it. Days seem to evaporate.

I have to say, I got the itch to round out my 3.X physical collection recently, and for what some of those are worth on eBay now there isn't much you could fairly charge that would shock me by comparison (not to mention, I've occasionally had to pay comparable shipping just across the border from the US to Canada). If you make it available for general PoD purchase, I'd likely pick one up with some other stuff I've been meaning to get anyway.

Cheers buddy. I'll add you to the list.

This reminds me, it actually occurred to me to ask at some point whether you'd ever considered doing something like this. A general system-neutral framework for basically all the worship points system and corresponding cosmology, plus a solid treatise on structuring epic and divine level play in general, could be a useful supplement for many editions of D&D and probably a lot of its derivatives.

The rules system itself works standalone (with a few tweaks). I think the MUCH bigger problem is detailing the monsters in a system neutral format.

Actually, it's been a while, but if I'm remembering correctly let me ask another thing. I seem to recall the unfinished IH Grimoire was going to have stuff about the general properties of artifacts, spending quintessence, and other related rules (I don't recall all the details now) that sort of seemed necessary to make full and proper use of Ascension. There may have been similar generally-useful stuff slated for the other unfinished supplements too. I think that's why I meant to ask the above question, in the hopes that it could cover all that and then be adapted to fill gaps in the existing 3E material (well, that and having something to point people at every time I carry the torch for the idea of epic/divine-level play elsewhere). Does the 5E version cover all that stuff? Or did you ever transcribe and share any of those notes just here on the forums or something?

All that stuff is in Chapter 2 of the 5E material: Creating artifacts, new artifacts, spell templates, all the new magic systems to allow epic spellcasting. I don't have the nous to put it into Ascension 2023, even though it would probably work with 3.5E as written.

Book 1: Immortals Handbook: Gods
Chapter 1 = Divinity (sub-divided into 'Rules', Templates, Portfolios - with sample deities, Abilities)
Chapter 2 = Magic (artifacts and then spells and spell systems)
Chapter 3 = Epic Campaigns (with all sorts of advice, ideas and a handful of sample monsters that didn't fit into the Bestiary)
Chapter 4 = Kosmos (detailing 8 different dimensions as best I can in around 6 pages each or so)

Book 2: Immortals Handbook: Monsters
Chapter 5* = Monstrous (new rules for really massive monsters and a few other ideas)
Chapter 6* = Bestiary (with about 80 monsters divided into 6 subsections)

*I know, technically chapters 1 & 2. If the books go on sale at the same time I may keep them as chapters 5 & 6.

PS. Hi! Cheers and happy post-holidays.

You too amigo! ;)

Is it still possible to purchase one of these?

Howdy elpp! :)

My plan right now is to get Ascension 2023 on Drivethru RPG for this Thursday 12th January. So you will be able to buy both the pdf and the print version (Print on Demand) from Drivethru hopefully then. 🤞

I am also going to get Mixam to print me out a few personal copies. These will be a bit higher quality than the Drivethru Print on Demand stuff. A few people have said they would like one of these. It will have silk pages and bookmark 'ribbon' and I will sign it. Basically I just want to test the quality for the Kickstarter later in the year. The problem here is that the postage to the USA (from where I am) is $29 and 'change'. Which means I would be breaking even in around the $56 mark. I said I'm happy with $60 and a few people said they still want one.

For comparison the Drivethru Print on Demand will be $35* + $4.95 postage I think. So $20 cheaper.

*Including the Gods & Monsters deity stats pages added about an extra 40 pages (on top of the other 20 pages I had already been adding), so I have put the price up $5.

Now, of course if something happens this week with regards the OGL, things might get a bit problematic. As far as I can tell though, WotC have not 'officially' released 1.1 as yet. The original date for it to kick off was Friday 13th (ominously enough). So the game is still afoot as regards Ascension 2023. Hopefully I can get it all done for (late) Thursday - I don't have too much to still do (fix a few illustrations and do the spine). But there are always technical problems and I have never done a POD file with Drivethru yet so hopefully it is all straightforward.


If possible could I get one of the Mixam ones if not I'll get the drivethru one, just to say in case location changes the price I'm in the uk.

Voidrunner's Codex

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