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Immortals Handbook - Epic Bestiary (Epic Monster Discussion)

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Orichalcum Golems

I was thinking...we have the Orichalcum cube.

How about...the Pyramid, or even other ones representing the various gaming dice...d4 (pyramid), d6 (cube), ect. all the way up to d20.

It would be a basic representation of mathematical precision.


I need a proper challenge rating.

This is my final revision on the LeShay. It is done according to The Epic Bestiary and the latest Ascension notes.

Although no further tampering is necessary. I do need a definitive challenge rating and level adjustment as I intend to allow my fellow players play them in an up and coming campaign.

Medium Fey (Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 50d6+650 (825 hp)
Initiative: +21 (+17 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft.
Armor Class: 45 (+17 Dex, +6 insight, +12 natural armor), touch 33, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+30
Attack: +8 brilliant energy bastard sword of sharpness +39 melee (1d10+13 plus sharpness/17-20/x2)
Full Attack: 2 +8 brilliant energy bastard swords or sharpness +39/+34/+29/+24 melee (1d10+13 plus sharpness/17-20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Gaze, leShay weapons, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 25/cold iron and epic, elf traits, fast healing 25, immunities, low-light vision, spell resistance 60, two-weapon mastery
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +44, Will +35
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 45, Con 37, Int 33, Wis 23, Cha 47
Skills: Bluff +71, Concentration +66, Diplomacy +77, Disguise +71, Escape Artist +70, Gather Information +24, Hide +70, Intimidate +24, Jump +5, Knowledge (local, nature) +59, Listen +59, Move Silently +70, Search +59, Speak Language (any five), Spot +59
Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (leShay weapon), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (leShay weapon), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Polyglot, Spell Stowaway (heal)
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 28
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Any
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: —

As elves are to humans, so are leShay to the elves (but more so): a race immortal, enigmatic, and exceptionally powerful.

LeShay look like tall, thin, albino elves, except that they lack the oversized ears of true elves (leShay ears look more like half-elf ears) and, while they have the glossy dead-white hair of true albinos, their eyes are pits of darkness. Some affect a particular color or style, while others change their outfits from moment to moment. All are deeply concerned with etiquette, decorum, and receiving the respect they feel due; failure to meet their standards of politeness, or simply crossing one of their whims, can often be fatal.

LeShay never die from age or disease; they perish only if killed. LeShay are the mere remnant of a once-great race whose origins are lost to history. They claim to predate the current multiverse and refer darkly to some catastrophe that not only wiped out most of their people but changed time so that their era never existed, even in the remotest past. Attempting to undo the catastrophe would apparently result in another disaster even more terrible, so the decimated survivors—less than gods but more than mortals—for the most part merely attempt to amuse them selves and stave off ennui as they work out their individual destinies.

LeShay have great facility at languages (as per the Polyglot epic feat) and can speak any language within seconds of hearing it spoken for the first time, right down to the most courtly or impressive accent thereof.

LeShay are 6-7 feet tall and weight 180-250 pounds.


LeShay rarely initiate combat, since they prefer to react rather than act. However, their vast experience makes them shrewd judges of others’ capabilities and killed tacticians. Their gaze ability, in addition to their terrible weapons, make them feared opponents.

LeShay are also quick to utilize their spell-like abilities to prep for combat, or flee from it. No leShay hesitates to run away from a fight that is going against him or her, only to return to the fray when the odds are more favorable, possibly years or even decades later.

A leShay’s natural weapons are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Elf Traits: Immune to magic sleep spells and effects; +2 racial bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells or effects; low-light vision (can see twice as far as a human in low-light conditions); entitled to a Search check when within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door as though actively looking for it; Martial Weapon Proficiency (composite longbow, composite shortbow, longbow, longsword, and rapier) as bonus feats; +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks (already figured into the statistics given above).

Gaze (Su): All creatures within 30 feet who meet the gaze of a leShay become affected as if by charm monster. A Will save (DC 53) negates the effect. Each opponent within range of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw each round at the beginning of his or her turn in the initiative order. A leShay can also actively gaze as an attack action by choosing a target within range, who must then attempt a saving throw. LeShay are immune to their own gaze. The DC is Charisma-based.

Immunities (Ex): LeShay are immune to aging, aging attacks and effects, disease, and poison.

LeShay Weapons (Su): Each leShay carries two personal melee weapons that he or she manifests from his or her own life essence. The weapon can change form as he or she desires, typically appearing as a bastard sword (one in each hand). When not in combat, the weapons simply do not exist, but leShay can “draw” their weapons from nowhere as a free action. LeShay weapons are considered light weapons for a leShay, regardless of their size.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—alter self, detect thoughts, displacement, freedom, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater teleport, heal, knock, speak with plants, spell turning, water breathing. Caster level 50th. The DCs are Charisma-based.

Two-Weapon Mastery (Ex): A leShay fights with a leShay weapon in each hand. Because these weapons are extensions of its own body, the leShay does not take an attack or damage penalty for attacking with two weapons. This ability essentially replicates the Two-Weapon Mastery feat (as well as all prerequisite feats), although it only applies to leShay weapons.
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First Post
I was reading what monsters are going to be in the future bestiaries, and I was wondering which is more powerful, the Black Hole Dragon or the White Hole Dragon. And by the way, the Black Hole dragon should just be an advanced Great Wyrm Void Dragon ;) (and have a head of course lol) and maybe be the most powerful of the Nephaschimic dragons. As for other informatin about, I have no clue.

Hello there XR TRON! :)

...and welcome to the boards! :D

XR TRON said:
I was reading what monsters are going to be in the future bestiaries,

I should point out that such lists are only about 90% determined at this juncture.

XR TRON said:
and I was wondering which is more powerful, the Black Hole Dragon or the White Hole Dragon.

I'm sort of in two minds about it, but probably the Black Hole Dragon.

XR TRON said:
And by the way, the Black Hole dragon should just be an advanced Great Wyrm Void Dragon ;)

It'll be much more powerful than that. ;)

XR TRON said:
(and have a head of course lol)

Of course. :)

XR TRON said:
and maybe be the most powerful of the Nephaschimic dragons


XR TRON said:
As for other informatin about, I have no clue.

Well the Black Hole Dragon exists between dimensions of Matter and Entropy.


First Post
Upper_Krust said:
Instead of making the cover image fill the cover as its supposed to, they placed a black border around the image, and to make matters worse the border is totally lopsided (the image isn't even in the middle of the cover).

Oh my god, who cares? You're finally freaking published, and now you're bitching about this meaningless quibble? Stop castrating your own attempts at success with this blind, mad perfectionism! Your production schedule is an utter failure and so too will you be unless you get over yourself and STEP UP.

I'm actually embarrassed to show the book to friends and family.

I can think of other, better reasons to be embarrased, frankly. agoodgamedesigner@gmail.com MY ASS.


First Post
Just thought I'd confirm here, for anyone who might have been wondering, that the IH Bestiary was on sale at Gen Con in Mongoose's booth- they had it on the shelf with other new releases and it looked to me like they stocked plenty of it in anticipation of interest. I didn't actually see anybody buy one, but I did see the numbers on the shelf fluctuate so sales must have been made.


Anabstercorian said:
Oh my god, who cares? You're finally freaking published, and now you're bitching about this meaningless quibble? Stop castrating your own attempts at success with this blind, mad perfectionism! Your production schedule is an utter failure and so too will you be unless you get over yourself and STEP UP.

While I might not agree with the tone of this post, I think the message is reasonable. The error you mention in the cover picture is pretty minor: I've seen a copy of the Bestiary in one of my local game stores a few times, and at no point have I noticed this 'error' - which is, really, a question of a black border being out by a few mill. Without knowing anything about the printing process, that could be the kind of error that pops up regardless - and even if it's not, it's not something worth worrying about. I've even spoken to people about the hardcopy book at the game store in question and for all the many comments they have, no-one ever brings up "The cover is misaligned, it looks awful".

To be honest, Upper_Krust, it's not worth worrying about. The fact that none of the people who own a hard copy have brought it up before seems to make it all the more likely that it's just you getting over-reacting to a pretty minor flaw in what should otehrwise be a kick-ass moment for you: your first published book, in your grubby mits, to be thrust into the face of anyone you so choose! :)

Phantom Llama

First Post
What Anabstercorian said.

Mangling sidereal+ power progression and rendering many abilities useless to avoid fixing an inherently broken mechanic? You're all on board with that. But a minor misalignment on the cover? Catastrophe!

Voidrunner's Codex

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