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D&D 4E In terms of theme, tone, and spirit, I hope 4e . . .

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
ainatan said:
So what? You just made a point that fat people can be good policemen. I'm talking about fantasy character in a medieval setting, and considering the setting and the game as it is, how the characters would better reflect it.
Are we talking about realism or not?

Err.. obviously I meant realistic in a FANTASY setting.
Which means ... what?

Well I'll rest my case, before I hear some more of the "turn down that hipthopt music you punk, my ears ache and I can't count my beans!" argument.
Could we seriously stop with the stupid personal attacks, please?

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Hussar said:
Given the absolute immense number of pics in 3ed, how can anyone possibly say that they hate them all or that all of them look the same? There's 3e art that I love and 3e art that I hate. Same goes for every edition.

What's with the blanket generalizations?

I can state with absolute certainty that every last piece of artwork in every last piece of WotC 3e and 3.5e product I have ever purchased is despised by me. There is not a single one that I like. Not one.

I must say, though, I have not purchased anything new in several years now.


The tingling means it’s working!
mhacdebhandia said:
"Anime" isn't just a buzzword you can use to denigrate contemporary fantasy art. It doesn't mean "not like Elmore, Parkinson, Trampier, and Sutherland".

Around these parts, that's exactly what that word means. :p Haven't you been paying attention?


Wormwood said:
What, you've never seen a stealth edition war before? ;)

Interesting thought.

While I despise the 3e artwork, the game mechanic is far superior to any version that came before it.

And when it comes to games, I care much more about the mechanics than any artwork. In fact, all I'm really after when I buy a game rule book is the text. The artwork is a nice to have but it certainly isn't a requirement.

You know, the most amusing thing about the current Emirikol v. Mialee conflict is that, in the current edition, there at least exists a ray spell that causes fire damage. (Scorching ray.) I don't think there was one in 1E, at least not at the time of the printing of the DMG.

That being said, while I can find art I like in both editions, I am a fan of the Emirikol picture--and I don't much care for most portrayals of Mialee, partly because her outfit is so stupid. (Note that I didn't say "historically inaccurate." While I'd like to see more historically semi-accurate stuff, just as an option, there's lots of inaccurate artwork that I love. But Mialee's outfit is downright stupid. I figure she's gained most of her XP by killing the scores of people who see her coming and laugh at her. ;))


First Post
Whizbang Dustyboots said:
Are we talking about realism or not?

I think it's more verosimilitue than realism. I can't belive that most of that 2e iconic characters could ever do the same thing the iconics from 3E could do, like entering a filthy dungeon, filled with monsters, carrying lots of magical gear, and doing those things D&D adventures do all the time.

Which means ... what?

Means real world gear from our medieval age cannot be used as point to prove that something in D&D makes no sense or is ridiculous.
The point "a double-sword is ridiculous, the character would hit himself with it" is ok. The point "a double-sword is ridiculous, there was no such thing in medieval times or in any period of history" is not accepted.

Could we seriously stop with the stupid personal attacks, please?

It was not an attack, sorry if I forgot the emoticon. It was a joke regarding my post #52.
And why would I attack you? Are you standing for any solid point so far? Didn't notice it. Even if so, I would not "attack" anyone anyway, that's too drastic :)
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First Post
Whizbang Dustyboots said:
Which means ... what?

Realism given the fantasy elements. A fighter in D&D and a soldier in medieval Europe fight very different battles against very different foes with very different weapons on very different battle grounds. To assume that the same armor would be not just effective, but ideal, would seem to me quite naive.

Could we seriously stop with the stupid personal attacks, please?

He wasn't making a personal attack... No names were mentioned, and you're hardly the only grognard in here decrying the evils of 3e's art. No need to be so defensive.

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