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Insight's "Against the Blackstag Cult" (IC) - Chapter One: The River Barge Incident

Steve Gorak

OCC: Not sure if one caracter can make multiple rolls, but if so, here's a history check:

IC: Recalling the black stag texts by Emrilvanthris Toan, Ulrik tries to remember how this relates to past and current historical events, and if this information can be useful.

OCC2: History check +9: 13 - oups, sorry for the crappy roll :-S

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OOC: My intention was to run this in 'rounds', so we'll save Steve Gorak's skill check until the end of 'round 2'. Plus, it gives you a better chance of succeeding :cool:

Everyone, please post another skill check for 'round 2'.


Arjhan steps forward out of the crowd. Coming to his full height, the black dragonborn is an impressive sight. With a deep gravely voice he addresses the crowd, "We have a chance, together, Haylenite and refugee a like to make a stand. To cease huddling in fear within the walls of Haylen, to cease running from the hills, to strike back against the cult. Mayor, you prefer to wait out the cult, but action is needed. Why not turn to those who fill your streets and draw on the resources of the town.

he says indicating the Erevan and the others who've come forward. He moves forward to join them at the front. "We will stand against the dark tide. But we will not do so recklessly, we will not risk those who stand fast here in Haylen. No, we will strike back with a plan and coordinate efforts. As suggested earlier, we will need to secure the route to Storm Peak. We will need supplies and allies." finishes Arjhan. An almost palpable sense of urgency and righteousness hangs on the end of his words as he waits for the Mayor to respond.

diplomacy (1d20+8=26)


Arjhan steps forward out of the crowd. Coming to his full height, the black dragonborn is an impressive sight. With a deep gravely voice he addresses the crowd, "We have a chance, together, Haylenite and refugee a like to make a stand. To cease huddling in fear within the walls of Haylen, to cease running from the hills, to strike back against the cult. Mayor, you prefer to wait out the cult, but action is needed. Why not turn to those who fill your streets and draw on the resources of the town.

he says indicating the Erevan and the others who've come forward. He moves forward to join them at the front. "We will stand against the dark tide. But we will not do so recklessly, we will not risk those who stand fast here in Haylen. No, we will strike back with a plan and coordinate efforts. As suggested earlier, we will need to secure the route to Storm Peak. We will need supplies and allies." finishes Arjhan. An almost palpable sense of urgency and righteousness hangs on the end of his words as he waits for the Mayor to respond.

diplomacy (1d20+8=26)


5/6 Successes
1/3 Failures

Arcana, Insight, and Streetwise have been used

"Hmm..." Mayor Haylen replied. "Your words, while colorful, still lack any specific plan of action. Before I could sign off on such an idea, I'd need to hear specifics."

At this point, Bilbray Mensener piped up. "Mayor," he said. "We should give these kindly folk a chance. They are armed, armored, and seem, at least to my heart, to have an ounce or two of sense. Hear them out."

Other townsfolk in the crowd grumbled in somewhat agreement with the barkeep.


First Post
As Ulrik Ghost Sounds his own thoughts into the eladrin's ears, the warlord mentions it aloud, trying to remember the name of the fey lord from his history tales, before circling around, trying to persuade the mayor of a course of action.

[sblock=History 15]
Roll Lookup

Erevan speaks, "This "Blackstag", it could be the one that is sought after by a lord of the Feywild...what was his name?(Nature +9 if that would work) No matter. I think the best way to open to open the trade roads, is not to open the trade roads at all. The river, and the towns along it are the best idea I think. Water travel is quicker than travel by land, and the cult has less reach there. Perhaps allies could be found along the river?"


As Ulrik Ghost Sounds his own thoughts into the eladrin's ears, the warlord mentions it aloud, trying to remember the name of the fey lord from his history tales, before circling around, trying to persuade the mayor of a course of action.

[sblock=History 15]
Roll Lookup

Erevan speaks, "This "Blackstag", it could be the one that is sought after by a lord of the Feywild...what was his name?(Nature +9 if that would work) No matter. I think the best way to open to open the trade roads, is not to open the trade roads at all. The river, and the towns along it are the best idea I think. Water travel is quicker than travel by land, and the cult has less reach there. Perhaps allies could be found along the river?"



6/6 Successes
1/3 Failures

Arcana, Insight, and Streetwise have been used


"The river, hmm?" Mayor Jinthaleer Haylen replied. "Yes, perhaps the halflings know something. Not all in Haylen's Ford are... interested... in working with... non-humans. I can assure you that the Haylen family are always willing to work with whomever can make the town a better place."

He stepped up to Erevan. "I applaud your ideas, and those of your fellows. Come with me back to Town Hall. Something has recently come to my attention that I believe may be the first step in finding out what's really going on."

"But mayor," a voice called out. "What if we anger the Cult and they attack the town?"

"Yeah," another voiced added. "They've avoided us so far. Let's keep it that way!"

The mayor turned to the two men who spoke up. "You do not understand. These outsiders are right, and I would caution the rest of you not to be complacent. We have so far let the Cult do what they will, but that has to change. Those of you who would stand in the way... I would that you left town now, for we will not brook interference."


The mayoral guard marched the chosen outsiders from Mensener's Alehouse to Town Hall.

Haylen's Ford Town Hall was a simple wooden building. You waited in the foyer for about 10 minutes before Mayor Jinthaleer Haylen beckoned you into the main office.

"Please, have a seat, all of you," the mayor said. "I was impressed with your candor, and I really hope that your ideas succeed."

He walked behind his large oaken desk. "It has recently come to my attention that some bandits or something have been attacking barges along the Vistus River."

"While I am... less than pleased to be helping the Foresters," the mayor continued, "It is for the best, for the good of the town. That's what I keep telling myself."

The mayor sat down. He opened a desk drawer and produced a brass medallion. "This belonged to a friend of mine, Hale Penzant, a halfling and operator of some river barges that often bring business to Haylen's Ford. This was brought back from a supposedly attacked barge just north of town along the Vistus."

"I have a guide, Brian Thorvald, and if you're willing, I'd like to have Brian show you to the site of the attacked barge. I could pay you, of course, for your efforts."


"I will go with Brian to see Hale. Your plan Mayor and your's Erevan are solid." replies Arjhan. He chooses to remain silent on the subject of pay. He'd not be against it, but would not think to ask for any pay when the people of Haylen's Ford are already hard pressed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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