From the mind of the Lonely of Providence, fear the Great Old One and Outer God (template)


Today i bring the Great Old One Yig (Yig - PathfinderWiki). I build him by using the base PF1 version (Great Old One, Yig – d20PFSRD), the version of Luis Loza (Monstrous Physique — Yig, Father of Serpents | Know Direction) and my template Great Old One.

Yig, Father of the Snakes

Beyond Alignment (CN) Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic, chaotic, great old one, mythos, shapechanger)

Init +39 (always first); Senses blindsense 600 ft., darkvision 1.200 ft., divine senses (x10), greensight 600 ft., low-light vision, scent, serpent sight, true seeing; Perception +55

Aura cloak of chaos (DC 34), divine (410 ft., DC 26), fiery storm (100 ft., 3d4 divine damage), madness (410 ft., DC 41), rattle (500 ft., DC 41), unspeakable presence (300 ft., DC 41)


AC 91, touch 57, flat-footed 70 (+10 deflection, +15 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +10 insight, +34 natural)

hp 2.170 (31d20+465)x2; fast healing 20, regeneration 31 (elder sign or epic and lawful)

Fort +59, Ref +59, Will +53

Defensive Abilities all-around vision, amorphous, beyond morality, dimensional mastery, foresight, freedom of movement, hyperdimensional body, immortality, lesser cosmic firmament, mad mind (DC 41), messiah of snakes, sixth sense; DR 30/epic and lawful; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, aging, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, damage from non-magical weapons, death fro massive damage, Terrestrial and Stellar Hazards; Resist fire 30, Dimensional Hazard; PR/SR 47, any power or spell which fails to penetrate Yig resistance is reflected back upon the caster


Speed 180 ft., climb 180 ft., swim 180 ft.; air walk, reality shift, greater starflight (2d6)

Melee bite +72 (8d10+27 plus grab and poison), 2 claws +72 (4d10+27/19–20), tail slap +72 (4d10+27 plus grab)

Ranged lesser gamma ray burster +63 touch (15d20 half fire half divine damage) or venomous spit +63 touch (40d10 acid plus special)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tail slap)

Special Attacks alter reality, call of the serpent father, constrict (4d10+21), curse of Yig (DC 41), dimensional rip (DC 41), mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), nova (DC 46), poison (DC 46), rend (2 claws, 4d10+27), serpent’s curse (DC 41), serpentine dreams (DC 41), swallow whole (8d10+27 damage plus 15d6 acid damage, 27 AC, 217 hp), unnamable doom

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 37th; concentration +53)

Constantair walk, cloak of chaos (DC 34), foresight (self only), freedom of movement, mind blank, speak with animals (reptiles only), tongues, true seeing

At willancient sorcery of serpentfolk, animal shape (snakes only), astral projection, awaken (snakes only), baleful polymorph (DC 31, into harmless snakes only), charm animal (DC 27, snakes only) charm monster (DC 30), command (DC 27), commune with nature, control weather (as a druid), curse of yig (DC 33), demand (DC 34), dimension door, dominate monster (DC 35, snake and snake-like only), dream council, dream scan, dream voyage, fire snake (DC 31), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, insanity, interplanetary teleport, mind thrust VI (DC 32), nightmare (DC 31), overwhelming poison, plane shift (DC 33), pocketful of vipers (DC 28), poison (DC 30), psychic crush V (DC 35), reverse gravity, sending, sepia snake sigil (DC 29), snake staff (DC 32), suggestion (DC 29), summon monster IX (mythos only), summon nature’s ally IX (snakes only), summon king snake, sundered serpent coil, transport via plants

3/daydominate monster (DC 35), feeblemind (DC 31), gate, geas/quest, heal, maze of madness and suffering, weird (DC 35), wish

1/dayimplosion (DC 35), microcosm (DC 35), symbol of persuasion (DC 32), summon (level 9, mythos creatures with total base HD not superior of double the great old one HD 100%), time stop, true resurrection


Str 38, Dex 40, Con 41, Int 30, Wis 33, Cha 30

Base Atk +31; CMB +66 (+68 sunder); CMD 103 (105 vs. sunder)

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Mythos SummonerB, Power Attack, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills All skills 40 + ability modifier

Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Druidic, Serpentfolk, Undercommon; speak with animals (reptiles only), telepathy 100 ft.

SQ amphibious, change shape (any serpentine form; shapechange) [this replace unspeakable form], compression, devastating, ignore reality, lesser constant insight, madness sovereing, maven, might, omnicompetent, otherworldly insight, snake empathy +47, virtual size category +1, unspeakable grip

Yig renounce to the integrated class feature for double the divine slot

Divine Abilities

• Amaranthine Mind (Ex): Con as circumstance to attack rolls

• Amaranthine Soul (Ex): Con as circumstance to saving throw

• Devasting Strike (Ex): Your attack is particularly devastating

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

Cosmic Abilities (esoteric)

• Abrogate (Su): Any single opponent within your divine aura has its greatest ability negated

Double Chaos Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You cast chaos spell at +1 caster level

• Transmutation Immunity (Su): You are immune to transmutation based attacks

• Transmutation Reflection (Su): Reflect any transmutation attack within your divine aura/realm

• Greater Scion of Chaos (Ex): +12 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while you are within a chaos aligned locale

• Perfect Summoning (Chaos) (Ex): Chaotic creatures summoned have 200% more HD

• Greater Taint of Chaos (Su): Healing against your damage 25% effective except in lawful aligned locale

Double Snake Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain a primary natural bite attack that deals 1d6 plus your Str modifier with the grab ability (for Medium size). If you already have a bite attack, instead that attack increase its damage by one size and gains the grab ability.

• Maw of the Snake (Ex): You gains the swallow whole ability with the same damage of your bite plus 1d6 acid damage/2 HD

• Poison Immunity (Su): You are immune to poison

• Snake Hunting Ground (Ex): +12 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer

• Perfect Summoning (snake) (Ex): Snakelike creatures summoned have 200% more HD

• Toxic (Su): Immunities against your poison ineffective

Alter Reality (Su)
A great old one ignore the reality. Once per hour, as a standard action, Yig can duplicate any 9th level spell. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal or less of 70. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Call of the Serpent Father (Su)
Once per day, Yig may call to his children to do his bidding. As a full-round action, Yig calls all snakes and snake-like creatures with 25 HD or fewer and without Divine Rank within 10 miles radius. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or more can make a Will save DC 41 for negate this ability. These creatures arrive within 1 hour of the call. All creatures called in this manner follow Yig’s orders unquestionably for up to 24 hours, after which they return to their homes. Creatures binded to others (like a druid animal companion) always gains a saving throw for negate this ability and add their companion Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus on the saving throw. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Curse of Yig (Su)
Once per round as a free action when he touches or damages a creature with any natural attack, Yig can target that creature with a potent curse. The target must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or it takes a –6 penalty on all saving throws against poison effects and loses the ability to recover from poison effects naturally (though magical effects that remove poison effects still work). The cursed creature cannot gain the benefit of immunity to poison, be it from a class or racial ability, a magic item, or any other source. As long as it suffers under the curse of Yig, the victim becomes staggered for 1d6 rounds whenever it fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting or poison effect, and any offspring sired or birthed are deformed in some hideous (but mostly cosmetic) fashion. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Devastating (Ex)
All of Yig’s natural attacks are primary attacks that add 1-1/2 his Strength modifier to their damage. Yig ignores hardness less than 21 for any object he strikes.

Immortality (Ex)
If Yig is slain, he explode with nova as normal, but he does not stay dead for long. He is reborn 3 months after his death, hatching from the egg of a venomous serpent (although not necessarily on the same planet on which his previous incarnation was slain). He spends a year in the form of a venomous (but otherwise normal) snake, after which he sheds his skin and emerges once again as Yig. Typically, Yig does not hold grudges against those who slew him, but this is not always the case.

Messiah of Snakes (Su)
Snake and snake-like creatures without DR cannot take hostile actions against Yig. All other snake and snake-like creatures have a starting attitude of friendly against Yig.

Might (Ex)
Yig deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Mythic (Ex)
Yig has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. Yig One can use any of his spell, spell-like abilities and Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell, spell-like abilities and effects.

Poison (Ex)
Bite or venomous spit—injury; save Fort DC 46; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 1d6 Strength and Constitution drain plus nauseated for 1 round; cure 3 consecutive saves. A creature killed by this poison explode in a bubble of acid that deal 10d6 acid damage in a 20 ft. radius (Reflex DC 46 half the damage). From this bubble spawn 4d6 snake swarms. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Rattle (Ex)
A constant, mind-altering rattling surrounds Yig. This rattle can be heard up to 500 feet away. Any creature exposed to the sound of the rattling must succeed a DC 41 Will save or become compelled to approach the source of the sound. Creatures within 90 feet of the rattle must succeed on a second save or become fascinated for 2d6 rounds. Creatures fascinated receive a –4 penalty to save against any effects create by Yig. Offensive actions from Yig do not break this fascination. Yig may silence this rattling as a free action. Deaf creatures or creatures withing areas of silence or similar effects are still able to perceive the rattling, but receive a +8 bonus to save against this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpent’s Curse (Su)
As a full-round action, Yig may curse a creature within 120 ft. to transform into a snake. The creature must succeed on a DC 41 Will save or succumb to the curse, gaining snake-like features. The creature immediately receives 2 Intelligence drain. Every week, the creature must succeed on another DC 41 Will save or receive an additional 2 ability drain to the same scores and slip further into the appearance of a snake. When this Intelligence drain would reduce the victim’s Intelligence score below 2, the victim is instead transformed (as if via baleful polymorph) into a Tiny venomous snake under Yig’s control. This snake form is immune to aging. The curse and its ability drain can only be alleviated by a creature with DR. This is a curse, polymorph effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpent Sight (Su)
By concentrating, Yig can share the senses of any snake or snake-like within 10 miles of him, allowing him to see, smell, and hear as if he were that creature. These creatures are unaware of Yig’s presence or that they share their senses with him during this time. A creature with Intelligence of 4 or higher or DR can make a Will save DC 41 for negate this ability. A creature that succeed the save, is immune to this ability for 24 hours. A creature is unaware of making this save. While he is sharing senses, Yig is still aware of his surroundings, but receives a –8 penalty to any Perception checks. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpentine Dreams (Su)
Any creature that has ever willfully harmed a snake, has suffered the effects of the curse of Yig (see above), or has slain one of Yig’s cultist can be targeted by the Great Old One’s serpentine dreams, regardless of the distance between the creature and Yig—even across planar boundaries. In order to use serpentine dreams against a target, Yig must first successfully affect the target with his nightmare spell-like ability. If the victim fails its save against nightmare, it must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or take 2d6 points of Intelligence drain in addition to the normal effects of nightmare. When this Intelligence drain would reduce the victim’s Intelligence score below 2, the victim is instead transformed (as if via baleful polymorph) into a Tiny venomous snake. This is a curse, mind-affecting, polymorph effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Snake Empathy (Ex)
This ability functions as a druid’s wild empathy, save that it works only on snake and snake-like creatures despite type and Intelligence score. Yig gains a racial bonus on this check equal to his Hit Dice.

Unspeakable Presence (Ex)
Failing a DC 41 Will save against Yig’s unspeakable presence causes the victim to become more susceptible to curse effects. The victim takes a –6 penalty on all saving throws against curse effects, and the effective DC to remove a curse from such a victim increases by 6. A creature normally immune to curses that is affected by Yig’s unspeakable presence can now be affected by curses (but takes no further penalty against curses as a result of the Great Old One’s unspeakable presence). This effect lasts for 1 year or until removed by a miracle or wish. If a creature suffering from this effect dies and is brought back to life, there is a 50% chance the effect persists upon the creature’s restoration to life.

Venomous Spite (Ex)
As a standard action Yig can spit a handful of poison as a ranged touch attack with a range of 120 ft. and no range increment. A creature hit must make a Fortitude save DC 46 or is permanently blinded and come into contact with the poison (it must immediately make a save against the poison). The save DC is Constitution-based.
I love it. I know you usually don't mark down CR since it does indeed vary based off party composition, tactics, and builds. But if you had to around what CR would this be? I want to throw it against a party. They're currently in a setting that is eldritch horror themed.

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I love it. I know you usually don't mark down CR since it does indeed vary based off party composition, tactics, and builds. But if you had to around what CR would this be? I want to throw it against a party. They're currently in a setting that is eldritch horror themed.
I will say between 50-60, tending to the first half, equivalent in power to a bad optimized Lesser Deity instead of a High optimized Demi Deity


Do you plan to make Cthulhu himself eventually? Also, what do you think the "big three" (Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath, and Yog-Sothoth) would be in terms of power?


Do you plan to make Cthulhu himself eventually? Also, what do you think the "big three" (Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath, and Yog-Sothoth) would be in terms of power?
Cthulhu is "on the do" list. Azathoth is a Time Lord. Shub-niggurath intermedie Power with 500 HD. Yog-Sothoth is the Apex of the Outer God: maximum HD (998). Nyarlathotep, like the Man of Orichalcum is 99% finished and languished in my computer from the last Christmas until I "complete" it. I put it at 998 HD because, even if it was born as the weakest Outer God, it is the only one who is interested in the world around him, interacts and makes "experience".
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Good evening boys, today I bring you the Great Old One and Outer God of Lovecraftian cosmology. When I first read the Epic Bestiary there was only one thing that deeply disappointed me and it was the introduction to the High Cosmic mission of the Neutronium Golem: "Azathoth, an insane and dreadfully powerful old one from the Far Realm, has somehow been able to possess a neutronium golem, and has decided to have the neutralizer destroy all deities of the universe. "..... Old One? I have always considered Azathoth the most powerful in the universe (as it literally dreams the reality, in my campaign setting it's a slumbering Time Lord) and seeing him reduced to a simple Uranus or Gaia broke my heart. On the forum several times Upper_Krust repeated that he would place the Outer Gods as Sidereals. I decided: I had to restore glory and honor to these entities who could destroy reality with a belch.
Okay so calling Azathoth is a bit meaningless really, It is not a master of time, but outside of time.
But is It?

Depends on how you want to portray said entity in terms of mythos being run. for instance in Gumshoe Cthulhu stuff, one version of Azathoth sounds really similar to a Xeelee. So it could be an alien, or perhaps more.

Raiders of Ryleh, makes Outsiders as existing in alien, higher or being inbetween dimensions. Now in Midnight World (very WoD-esque), it states that Dread Ones come from other universes with different laws of physics.

While The Void / Chthonian Stars says "they are beings of such incredible power that they exist in more than the four dimensions we perceive, and they draw power from them."

I mean look at Sandy Peterson did in 5e, and other recent products when it comes to Great Old Ones or Outer gods, he gives a win condition as statting them up is a bit pointless. In many ways they are like the gods of Midgard, in that the stats would depend on which disguise / avatar, they are wearing at the time.

So, you in essence need to decide, what exactly are Great Old Ones, or Outer gods, from Lovecraft? And how do they interact with the usual gods of the setting? So this is also very cosmology dependent too.

For instance I really dislike Chaosium's way of turning some Earth deities into Great Old Ones. Personally, some deities, like Yig would be a better Great One or to use a DnD term - Animal Lord, which would make far more sense.

And would also allow a more Moorcock Order /Chaos ideas to be brought in too.
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Thanks @Lordnightshade2 for the quick reply. A bit of history: Lovecraft in his stories never says directly what the Outer Gods are or how they work but always moved through metaphors and puns. Azathoth is not told directly in any tale that he dreams of the universe but it is said indirectly in the verse Lordnightshade2 reported above. Lovecraft based much of his stories on the unknown and on the fact that the human being should never try to discover things for which he is not destined and when he discovers them, madness or death are the only possible result: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. " The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories. The Outer Gods, their motives, and their goals are incomprehensible to the human mind and trying to interact with them only leads to catastrophes. That said, since many things are said / unspoken, much of Lovecraft's universe has been explained / expanded by his writers, friends and collaborators (small note that few know: Robert Ervin Howard, the writer and creator of Conan the Barbarian was a Lovecraft's dear friend and the two of them have been very callaborated. It is official that the universe of Conan the Barbarian and that of Lovecraft are the same) after Lovecraft's death in 1937. As for who generated whom, Lovecraft wrote in a letter the details of Azathoth's genealogy "In a letter to a friend who jokingly claimed descent from Jupiter, Lovecraft drew up a detailed genealogy charting his and fellow writer Clark Ashton Smith's shared descent from Azathoth, through Lovecraft's creation Nyarlathotep and Clark-Smith's Tsathoggua , respectively. As nowhere stated in Lovecraft's published work, primordial Azathoth here is made ancestor, through his children Nyarlathotep, "The Nameless Mist," and "Darkness, "of Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath, Nug and Yeb, Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, several deities and monsters unmentioned outside the letter, and a few of Lovecraft's and Ashton-Smith's fancifully-posited human forebears."
It is also mentioned in the letters that Yog-Sothoth has no pedigree or creator I believe.
So is the genealogy correct -who knows?


I mean look at Sandy Peterson did in 5e, and other recent products when it comes to Great Old Ones or Outer gods, he gives a win condition as statting them up is a bit pointless. In many ways they are like the gods of Midgard, in that the stats would depend on which disguise / avatar, they are wearing at the time.
Sandy Peterson did the manual for PF1 too, I used it more than once .File them would normally be very pointless but here we create gods, stuff that defies gods, and stuff that looks at a deity and squashes it like a bug, so it wouldn't be pointless to do it here at all.
So, you in essence need to decide, what exactly are Great Old Ones, or Outer gods, from Lovecraft? And how do they interact with the usual gods of the setting? So this is also very cosmology dependent too.
Great Old Ones -> Demi-deity
Outer Gods->First One/Demiurge
Azathoth->Time Lord


Sandy Peterson did the manual for PF1 too, I used it more than once .File them would normally be very pointless but here we create gods, stuff that defies gods, and stuff that looks at a deity and squashes it like a bug, so it wouldn't be pointless to do it here at all.

Great Old Ones -> Demi-deity
Outer Gods->First One/Demiurge
Azathoth->Time Lord
A Time Lord is what exactly?

As it seems you are more after a Smite kind of feel to gods to me.

Azathoth->Nameless Mist->Yog-Sothoth
The issue here with this, is how closely are going to cleave to HPL writing?
Because if you are, that is likely totally untrue. We know this from Through the Gates of the Silkver Key.


A Time Lord is what exactly?

As it seems you are more after a Smite kind of feel to gods to me.

The issue here with this, is how closely are going to cleave to HPL writing?
Because if you are, that is likely totally untrue. We know this from Through the Gates of the Silkver Key.
Ok I think I understand. You don't want them to be stated because regardless to you it looks like they won't represent them correctly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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