From the mind of the Lonely of Providence, fear the Great Old One and Outer God (template)

Ok I think I understand. You don't want them to be stated because regardless to you it looks like they won't represent them correctly.
You are assigning arbitary values, let's look at Ravagug, with a Str of 528????
If you want to stat these up, use M&M 2e / 3e, or draw from Anime 5e - which is essentially M&M into 5e format.

Although personally I would just use M&M 2e, which is ready made for this, it would be ideal.

So many would have power arrays, or just to make it simple.

So M&M 2e has Immunity . M&M 3e does, and so too does Anime 5e. Honestly, M&M 3e, even has a mechanic for warping reality.

M&M 3e Envirnoment
You can change the environment in an area: raising or lowering the temperature, creating light, causing rain, and so forth (see The Environment in the Action & Adventure chapter for details).
Your Environment affects a 30 foot radius around you at rank 1. Each additional rank moves the radius up one distance rank, for a reach of approximately 2,000 miles at rank 20, sufficient to alter the environment of an entire continent!

Dimension travelYou can move instantly from one dimension to another as a move action. For 1 rank, you can move between your home dimension and one other. For 2 ranks you can move between any of a related group of dimensions (mystical dimensions, alien dimensions, etc). For 3 ranks you can travel to any dimension. You can carry up to 50 lbs. (mass rank 0) of additional material with you when you move. If you apply the Increased Mass modifier, you can carry additional mass up to your modifier rank.

This is also a power modifier too, allowing you effect, sense, or move etc.

Cosmic Handbook - page 26 said:
it is split into three levels: with 3 covering Galaxy, Clusters, or Universe.

In essence you have a load of high stats, that don't mean anything other being arbitary in nature.

What you are doing here, is creating Supers (gods / cosmic beings). I believe Ares is statted in M&M 2e somewhere and so too is an Elder Evil / Old One in Book of Magic.

Prime Mortal who is essentially Cosmic Cthulhu that killed two others like it, and is trying to enter the universe, Adepts of Arcane M@M 2e.

So if you want to do this justice, and I presume you do, you certainly need to draw from other sources to do so.

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In essence you have a load of high stats, that don't mean anything other being arbitary in nature.

What you are doing here, is creating Supers (gods / cosmic beings). I believe Ares is statted in M&M 2e somewhere and so too is an Elder Evil / Old One in Book of Magic.

Prime Mortal who is essentially Cosmic Cthulhu that killed two others like it, and is trying to enter the universe, Adepts of Arcane M@M 2e.

So if you want to do this justice, and I presume you do, you certainly need to draw from other sources to do so.
You want to look how it work in PF/3.5? This is a standard Time Lord
All of them have a lot more than just "a load of high stats", all of them have unique powers, abilities, immunities, etc. Your demeaning attitude for a system you don't like us using (you didn't even notice it was PF/3.5 instead of 5e), I definitely find it to be avoided
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You want to look how it work in PF/3.5? This is a standard Time Lord
All of them have a lot more than just "a load of high stats", all of them have unique powers, abilities, immunities, etc.
Stats, which really don't mean anything when it comes to a being that can destroy a galaxy, or more.
They can essentially be whatever they want to be, and likely wouldn't even possess a body being just pure mind in some higher dimension.
Which would mean they can reach down into the universe and never actually be killed, by anyone that exists in the material realms.
Your demeaning attitude for a system you don't like us using (you didn't even notice it was PF/3.5 instead of 5e), I definitely find it to be avoided
Wrong, more you lot have a clear misunderstanding of what said beings would actually be.
No thx, I don't like 5e
Apart from I believe M&M 2e is more towards DnD / PF 3.5 / 3.75. And came out before 5e....

I had a quick look and then facepalmed tbh - infinite AC / infinite HP.
There is zero point statting up such beings - none
I can see everything I am saying will fall on deaf ears here, so I am going to leave, and wish everyone luck.

I had a quick look and then facepalmed tbh - infinite AC / infinite HP.
There is zero point statting up such beings - none
I can see everything I am saying will fall on deaf ears here, so I am going to leave, and wish everyone luck.
I'm sorry that unfortunately you did not find what you were looking for. This is 3.5/PF and having infinite AC/hp aren't even custom abilities but official ones from the manual. (Immortals Handbook: ASCENSION - Eternity Publishing | Immortals Handbook: Ascension 2023 - Eternity Publishing |

You cannot be struck.
Prerequisites: AC 130, Dex 130.
Benefit: Attack rolls against you always fail.
Special: This ability is cancelled out by the Ultimate Weapon Focus transcendental ability. The Oblique Strike cosmic ability would also bypassthis defence.

Your abilities are immeasurable.
Prerequisites: 250 in chosen Ability Score.
Benefit: Your chosen ability score is raised to infinity.
Special: Infinite Strength negates Infinite Constitution for thepurposes of damage. Infinite Dexterity negates Infinite Dexterity for thepurpose of being hit.

You are capable of enduring all things.
Prerequisites: Cosmic Toughness, Divine Toughness, PerfectToughness, Transcendental Toughness.
Benefit: You have infinite hit points.
Special: This ability cancels out Infinite Strength for the purpose of dealing damage. This ability is primarily designed for beings with no Constitution score.

I suggest you wait for the 5e version to come out which will probably be much more to your taste.
On this forum most of the creations are in 3.5/PF/4e (for the simple fact that the rules of the Immortal Handbook exist for these editions).
Until then I wish you good luck too.

No thx, I don't like 5e
Just to be clear - he is not talking about 5e. I believe "MM&M 2e' is: Master Minds and Mutants 2e?

That being said I see no point in @Rogerd1 saying you can't do what you are doing. No need to be beholden to a particular system to make the fiction you want.
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