From the mind of the Lonely of Providence, fear the Great Old One and Outer God (template)


I will post some things of Cthulhu Mythos created years ago by Zaydos (View Profile: Zaydos - Giant in the Playground Forums) converted to PF1. In the next days i will publishing PrC legated to Elder Mythos. Today i will post the reworked feats (To Serve the Ancient Ones (Vile Feats, 3.5))
Info for Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) (Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) – d20PFSRD)

Elder Mythos Options


Servant of the Old Ones [Mythos]

You have sworn yourself to elder mythos, great beings from the beginning epochs of time.
Prerequisites: Must have sworn oneself to a Great Old One or Outer God.
Benefit: Once per day you can gain a profane bonus to one attack, saving throw, caster level check, or skill check equal to ½ your higher mental ability modifier (minimum +1). You must declare this ability before making the roll.
Special: A cleric may not take this trait unless they draw their spells from the entity they swear to.

Dread Knowledge [Mythos]
You hear the whispers of your unspeakable lords in your dreams and thoughts, telling you dread secrets.
Prerequisites: Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) 5 ranks, Servant of the Old Ones.
Benefit: You add ½ your character level as a profane bonus to Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher).

Unnatural Vigor [Mythos]
Your body recovers at an unnatural rate, muscles knitting back together, and even lost limbs regrowing.
Prerequisites: Servant of the Old Ones.
Benefit: You regains hp every 8 hour as though you rested for 8 hours. This ability can be used once per day. Also, you can regrow limbs and organs over the course of 1d6 days, or by holding them to the stump for 10 minutes, and can naturally heal ability drain at a rate of 1 point of ability drain to each ability per 3 days of complete rest. If you have Fast Healing or Regeneration from any source it is increased by 1. Finally when you are dying you have a 50% chance to automatically stabilize each round.

Code of 'Umr At-Tawil [Mythos]
You have been taught one of the fundamental codes of reality by the Most Ancient and Prolonged of Life for reasons that belong to none but that enigmatic entity. By focusing upon it you can insert it into key places to disrupt a spell being cast.
Prerequisites: Servant of the Old Ones, Int 13+, Spellcraft 11 ranks
Benefit: Once per day plus once per day per 2 mythos feats you possess you may attempt to twist a spell that is being cast within 60 ft. as an immediate action. To do so you must first identify the spell being cast and then make a caster level check against a DC of 11 + the spell’s caster level. You gain a bonus to this level check equal to the spell level of the spell to be affected. If you succeed on the check you cause the magic to backfire against the spellcaster, making the spell fail as you turn it against them causing them to suffer a penalty based upon the school of the spell they attempted to cast. These minor curses last for 1d4 rounds. If the spell is a dual school spell determine which of its two schools’ curses is applied randomly, if it is Universal roll 1d8 to determine which school it is treated as.

Abjuration: The caster suffers a -2 penalty to AC and saves.

Conjuration: Any item the caster holds has a 50% chance, rolled each round it is held, of being teleported 10 ft. away from the caster in a random direction.

Divination: The caster is partially blinded and deafened giving them a -8 penalty on Perception checks, and causing all creatures to have concealment to the caster, and areas within shadowy illumination to have total concealment unless viewed with darkvision.

Enchantment: The caster has a 50% chance each round of being struck mute for that round rendering them unable to talk.

Evocation: The caster takes 3d6 energy damage of a random energy type each round.

Illusion: The caster becomes only partially real dealing 70% damage, and spells and abilities they use having only a 70% chance of affecting creatures.

Necromancy: The caster suffers a negative level each round, these negative levels fade when the curse fades, never becoming permanent.

Transmutation: The caster suffers a -2 penalty to their Int, Wis, and Cha.

Journal of Madness [Mythos]
You scribble the mad insights of your dread masters within a book or series of tomes, writing within them blasphemous words of nightmare and madness.
Prerequisites: Servant of the Old Ones, must possess a fixed amount of spells known which you cast spontaneously.
Benefit: You maintain a journal of the mad revelations of your dreads masters. For each level of spells known you possess, select a single spell from your spell list or a spell with the Mythos descritor which is 'written' in this journal. Each day when you regain your spells slot per day you may consult this journal to temporarily exchange one or more of your spells known with spells of the same level within this journal gaining them as a spell known for the day in exchange for the spells chosen to exchange; this exchange lasts until you next regain your spells slot per day. Whenever you gain access to a new level of spells known you gain a new spell in your journal of the same level.

The writing in your journals is in fact merely blasphemous and nightmarishly disturbing gibberish. It contains no true magical insights, and the change of spells known is merely a delusional placebo effect. If you lose your journal(s) you may make a new one with merely a week of writing of your nightmares and mad 'insights'.

Maddening Breath [Mythos, Monster]
Your breath carries your madness with it, a corruptive force which infects the mind and drives your foes to madness.
Prerequisites: Constitution 13+, Charisma 13+, you must possess a breath weapon, Servant of the Old Ones.
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon you may elect to release a maddening breath. All creatures damaged by your breath weapon suffer 1 point of Wisdom damage per 2 mythos feats you possess, if they succeeded on a save to reduce the damage dealt by your breath weapon this Wisdom damage is reduced by half. Once you have used your maddening breath you cannot use it again for 1d4+1 rounds even if you could use your breath weapon more quickly; if you use multiple breath weapons at once your Maddening Breath only applies to one of those breath weapons.

Psalm of Madness [Bardic, Mythos]
You sing a song of praise and glorification of all those things that whisper to your mind and all the horrid delusions that writhe in your brain.
Prerequisites: Bardic Performance class feature, Servant of the Old Ones, Perform 6 ranks.
Benefit: When you use bardic performance you may instead sing a Psalm of Madness. Any non-mythos creatures or non-mythos cultist hearing you sing suffers 1 point of Wisdom damage per round, a Will save (DC 10 + ½ your Bard level + your Cha modifier) every round negate the Wisdom damage, once a creature suffer a number of Wisdom damage equal to their character level they become immune to Wisdom damage inflicted in this way (even by other psalms of madness) for 2 days. A creature is not aware of this effect unless they succeed on a Sense Motive check (same DC of the bardic performance).

Your Inspire Courage (if any) is also irrevocably altered. It no longer has any effect on non-mythos creatures or non-mythos cultist. For mythos creatures and mythos cultist its bonus to saves now applies to all mind-affecting effects and not merely charm and fear and grant immunity to Fear.

Remnant of Sanity [Mythos]
Your mad gods have seen fit to leave you with a remnant of your sanity to better serve them. Weaving it into the psychic force of your mind you hold your will in place, releasing yourself into madness when mentally threatened.
Prerequisites: Servant of the Old Ones, ability to cast spell.
Benefit: When you make a Will save against a mind-affecting effect you may expend one of you higher spell prepared or spell slot that you have available at that time (a sorcerer 10th must start consuming his 5th level slots, if he ran out of them all he must consume one of 4th and so on) to add your spellcasting modifier to your saving throw as a profane bonus. You cannot expend at-will spell-like abilities, cantrips, or spells/spell slots that can be used without a daily limit. You must declare this ability before making the roll.

Step of the Silver Key [Mythos]
You move out of phase with the world your steps carrying you between worlds seeming to flicker in and out of existence as you move.
Prerequisites: Servant of the Old Ones, 1 other feat with Servant of the Old One as a prerequisite, Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) 10 ranks.
Benefit: As a free action you may take 2 Wisdom drain which cannot be prevented or reduced in any way, to use dimension door as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your ranks in Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher). You can’t teleport a distance greater than twice your base speed in this way, and you must have both line of sight and line of effect to your destination. After casting dimension door, you can take any actions you still have remaining on your turn. For the rest of the round in which you use this effect you seem to flicker in and out of existence as you move, actually teleporting extremely short distances, and any attacks made against you while you are moving suffer a 50% miss chance. While you cast this spell-like ability you can make a DC 25 Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) check as a free action, and if you succeed, for the rest of the round you ignore dimensional anchor and other effects that prevent teleportation. The Wisdom drain suffered with this feat, is automatically removed after 24 hours. This feat count as dimensional agility for prerequisites.

Unbalanced Reciprocity [Mythos]
His answer was death, my answer was madness.
Prerequisites: Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) 5 ranks and Servant of the Old Ones or Madness domain (or its subdomains) class feature.
Benefit: Once per day, if you are successfully damaged by a melee attack, you can chose to inflict a madness (chosen by you and the GM based on the past experience and mentality of the creature, for selecting an appropriate) on the attacker with an onset of instantaneous as an immediate action. A successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your higher mental modifier) negates thie effect, homewer you only expend the daily use of this ability if the subject fail its save. A subject that makes its save is immune to this effect generated by you for 24 hours.

Words of Binding Madness [Mythos]
You are able to use conversation to draw a creature into a web of madness, subtly altering their world view as you do so, making them perceive you in the best light possible even as they begin to see the world in a new, darker light.
Prerequisites: Charisma 15+, Bluff 6 ranks, Diplomacy 6 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 profane bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks. In addition by talking to a single humanoid creature for 1 minute you may, 1/day work words of madness and despair into their psyche causing yourself to seem to be a deeply trusted friend even as you work a sense of depravity into their psyche. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Charisma modifier) or be affected as if by Charm Person for 1 hour. A Restoration, Heal, or Greater Restoration spell immediately ends this effect.
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Disciple of Yog-Sothoth
Originally (Servant of the Great Old One - Disciple of Yog-Sothoth (PrC))
Those who sell themselves into thrall to the Keeper of the Silver Key do so for knowledge as much as power. Yog-Sothoth demands his followers act to work towards the opening of ancient seals and the release of the Great Old Ones into the modern universe, even as he bestows upon them the knowledge that this will mean the end of all that is; though the most vain of his followers believe that they may survive as something more than mortal.

Becoming a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth

Hit Die:

Becoming a disciple of Yog-Sothoth requires finding the Ritual of the Threshold and performing it to contact Yog-Sothoth.

Ritual of the Threshold

This ritual initiates the celebrant into the road to become a disciple of Yog-Sothoth. The disciple must successfully complete the ritual in order to obtain the first level of the prestige class and to advance to the next levels.

School conjuration (calling); Level 5

Casting Time 6 hours

Components V, F (a specially prepared book filled with the knowledge of the conjuration school worth 20,000 gp)

Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 32, 2 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC 32, 2 successes; Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) DC 32, 2 successes

Optional Components SC (up to 6, each of whom must be a creature with ties to Yog-Sothoth (GM’s discretion); +1 bonus on ritual skill checks per SC)

Range personal

Target you

Duration instantaneus

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Backlash The would be disciple anyway meets Yog-Sothoth’s approval and is blessed with its dark knowledge. The primary caster take 2d6 ability drain to all mental ability score, this drain ignore immunity to ability drain.

Failure The ritual fails horribly and all the participants are rendered permanently insane to the point that they cannot care for themselves, their mind destroyed by the horrors revealed to them. A limited wish spell can cure this insanity.


The primary caster gain a permanent +2 to all Knowledge, Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) and Spellcraft checks. Also, he can enter the disciple of Yog-Sothoth prestige class if he meet the other prerequisites.


Any Chaotic.

Deity: Must worship Yog-Sothoth or its Avatar 'Umr At-Tawil.

Feats: Dread Knowledge, Servant of the Old Ones, Step of the Silver Key.

Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 10 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 10 ranks, Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) 10 ranks.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast a 5th level spells.

Special: Must find knowledge of the Ritual of the Threshold and perform it.

Class Skills

The Disciple of Yog-Sothoth’s class skills (and the key ability modifier for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per Day
Dream Communion, Knowledge (Secret Whispers)​
Peer Through Time​
+1 level of existing class​
Obtain Secrets​
+1 level of existing class​
Read Dreams​
+1 level of existing class​
Dream Transport​
+1 level of existing class​
Magic of Knowledge, Telepathy​
Non-Euclidean Travel, Peer Deeply​
+1 level of existing class​
Call through the Threshold​
+1 level of existing class​
Free of Space and Time​
+1 level of existing class​
View from Beyond Time​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth.

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies
Disciple of Yog-Sothoth do not gain proficiency with any additional weapons or armor.

At the indicated levels, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Dream Communion (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is able to petition his master for knowledge. Once per day, when a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth sleeps for at least 8 hours, he may question Yog-Sothoth as if he had cast Contact Other Plane (caster level equals his character level). Yog-Sothoth is considered a Greater Deity for this purpose, but if he fail the Intelligence check the ability decrease is only for 1 hour after waking and the question is in any case answered. Yog-Sothoth will always lie if telling the truth would inconvenience its personal plans, and a Disciple who turns against his master will find this information increasingly useless.

Knowledge (Ancient Whispers) (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains the special ability to increse the power of his Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher). Now it can be used in place of any normal Knowledge skill, not only in regard of the Elder Mythos. The disciple count always as being trained in all Knowledge skills for the pourpose of use Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher). As such using this skill is a supernatural ability. The Disciple of Yog-Sothoth replace Wisdom with his spellcasting modifier for Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher). A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat.

Peer through Time (Sp)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains some measure of their master’s knowledge which is detached from time. Beginning at 2nd level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may use Augury once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level.

Obtain Secrets (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth develops a minor telepathic skill which allows them to fish for the truth behind the lies of others. Beginning at 3rd level, if a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth beats an opponent’s Bluff check with a Sense Motive check by at least 5, he learn what truth the opponent was Bluffing to hide. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Read Dreams (Su)
Once a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth has reached 4th level they gain the ability to sense the happenings of the dreams of others. By concentrating on a creature for 10 minutes a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can create a link with that creature which reveals to the Disciple the details of that creature’s dreams for the night. This ability only works if the creature is currently asleep and within 1 mile per class level. A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may expend a 6th level or higher spell slot to expand this range to 10 miles per class level, an 8th level or higher slot to expand it to anywhere on the same plane, or a 9th level spell slot to expand it to anywhere on any plane. In addition a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can sense whenever they are being dreamt and who is dreaming about them, regardless of distance (this ability functions even when the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is sleeping themselves).

Dream Transport (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may move through dreams. Beginning at 5th level, whenever a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth sleeps for at least 4 hours they may teleport to any known location on any plane as if they had used either Greater Teleport or Plane Shift (as appropriate) except it transports only the Disciple, any creatures with which it can share spells, and 50 lbs of worn equipment. This teleport effect travel through the Dreamlands instead of the Astral Plane, unlike a normal Greater Teleport or Plane Shift. Using this ability does not awaken the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth and therefore one should not use it to transport somewhere dangerous. If a creature is dreaming about the Disciple then him may teleport to it regardless of his knowledge of its location.

Magic of Knowledge
Beginning at 6th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains one of the following beneficts:
  • if he prepare spells, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can prepare all of his spells in only 15 minutes, and his minimum preparation time is only 1 minute.
  • if he prepare slots, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can prepare all of his slots in only 15 minutes, and his minimum preparation time is only 1 minute.

Telepathy (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth’s mental puissance continues to extend as they devote themselves to their inhuman lord. Beginning at 6th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains telepathy out to a range of 60 ft.

Non-Euclidean Travel (Su)
Starting at 7th level, as a move action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can teleport up to 10 feet per caster level. The Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his spellcasting modifier. A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can bring other willing creatures with him, but he must expend an equal amount of distance for each additional creature brought with him. This is not a conjuration or teleportation effect and dimensional anchor or similar effects cannot block it.

Peer Deeply (Sp)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can look more deeply through the fogs of time. Beginning at 7th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may cast once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level a Divination spell from any spell list, provided he can cast spells of that level.

Call through the Threshold (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is able to speak the secret names whispered to them by their unspeakable master and call forth the servants of their master. Beginning at 8th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may summon 1 of the following options once per day as a standard action: 1 Leng Spider or Flying Polyp, 2 Yithian, Leng Ghoul, Leng Hound, or Ghug, 4 Denizen of Leng, Hound of Tindalos, or Shantak, 6 Mi-Go, or 8 Nightgaunt. The creature(s) appear within 60 ft. and remains for 2 rounds per Disciple of Yog-Sothoth level. When a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth cast a summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell, the casting time is 1 standard action instead of 1 round.

Free of Space and Time (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth has become divorced from reality, existing only lightly tethered to it. Beginning at 9th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may remove themselves from reality to appear anywhere else in it, transporting themselves, any creature with which they can share spells, and up to 50 lbs of carried gear and equipment, as if with Greater Teleport or Plane Shift. For this effect there are no percentages to roll, the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gets exactly where he wants to go. In addition a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may choose to vanish from time for a duration of their choice when they use this ability. If they do so the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth ceases to exist for the period they choose, no time passing for them or effects upon them, until they return. Unfortunately a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is still lightly tethered to reality and cannot move backwards in time with this ability.

Time Creature (Ex)
Beginning at 10th level, the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains the time subtype: creatures with the time subtype are immune to spells and effects that affect time (like time stop or slow) unless they want to be subject of them. They also possess the following trait:

  • Foresight (Su) Creatures with the time subtype are able to see a few seconds into the future preventing them from being surprised, caught flat-footed, or flanked. It also grants the creature an insight bonus to AC equal to its spellcasting modifier (Wisdom if no one). This ability can be negated (with the feint action), but can be restarted as a free action on the creature’s next turn.

View from Beyond Time and Space (Sp)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth learns to see the world through eyes similar to their unspeakable lord’s. Beginning at 10th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can once per day, cast Hindsight as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level.


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Disciple of Yog-Sothoth
Originally (Servant of the Great Old One - Disciple of Yog-Sothoth (PrC))
Those who sell themselves into thrall to the Keeper of the Silver Key do so for knowledge as much as power. Yog-Sothoth demands his followers act to work towards the opening of ancient seals and the release of the Great Old Ones into the modern universe, even as he bestows upon them the knowledge that this will mean the end of all that is; though the most vain of his followers believe that they may survive as something more than mortal.

Becoming a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth

Hit Die:

Becoming a disciple of Yog-Sothoth requires finding the Ritual of the Threshold and performing it to contact Yog-Sothoth.

Ritual of the Threshold

This ritual initiates the celebrant into the road to become a disciple of Yog-Sothoth. The disciple must successfully complete the ritual in order to obtain the first level of the prestige class and to advance to the next levels.

School conjuration (calling); Level 5

Casting Time 8 hours

Components V, F (a specially prepared book filled with the knowledge of the conjuration school worth 20,000 gp)

Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 32, 2 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC 32, 2 successes; Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) DC 32, 2 successes

Optional Components SC (up to 6, each of whom must be a creature with ties to Yog-Sothoth (GM’s discretion); +1 bonus on ritual skill checks per SC)

Range personal

Target you

Duration instantaneus

Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

Backlash The would be disciple anyway meets Yog-Sothoth’s approval and is blessed with its dark knowledge. The primary caster take 2d6 ability drain to all mental ability score, this drain ignore immunity to ability drain.

Failure The ritual fails horribly and all the participants are rendered permanently insane to the point that they cannot care for themselves, their mind destroyed by the horrors revealed to them. A limited wish spell can cure this insanity.


The primary caster gain a permanent +2 to all Knowledge, Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) and Spellcraft checks. Also, he can enter the disciple of Yog-Sothoth prestige class if he meet the other prerequisites.


Must worship Yog-Sothoth or its Avatar 'Umr At-Tawil.

Feats: Dread Knowledge, Servant of the Old Ones, Step of the Silver Key.

Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 10 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 10 ranks, Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) 10 ranks.

Spellcasting: Ability to cast a 5th level spells.

Special: Must find knowledge of the Ritual of the Threshold and perform it.

Class Skills

The Disciple of Yog-Sothoth’s class skills (and the key ability modifier for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per Day
Dream Communion, Knowledge (Secret Whispers)​
Peer Through Time​
+1 level of existing class​
Obtain Secrets​
+1 level of existing class​
Read Dreams​
+1 level of existing class​
Dream Transport​
+1 level of existing class​
Magic of Knowledge, Telepathy​
Non-Euclidean Travel, Peer Deeply​
+1 level of existing class​
Call through the Threshold​
+1 level of existing class​
Free of Space and Time​
+1 level of existing class​
View from Beyond Time​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth.

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies
Disciple of Yog-Sothoth do not gain proficiency with any additional weapons or armor.

At the indicated levels, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Dream Communion (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is able to petition his master for knowledge. Once per day, when a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth sleeps for at least 8 hours, he may question Yog-Sothoth as if he had cast Contact Other Plane (caster level equals his character level). Yog-Sothoth is considered a Greater Deity for this purpose, but if he fail the Intelligence check the ability decrease is only for 1 hour after waking and the question is in any case answered. Yog-Sothoth will always lie if telling the truth would inconvenience its personal plans, and a Disciple who turns against his master will find this information increasingly useless.

Knowledge (Ancient Whispers) (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains the special ability to increse the power of his Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher). Now it can be used in place of any normal Knowledge skill, not only in regard of the Elder Mythos. The disciple count always as being trained in all Knowledge skills for the pourpose of use Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher). As such using this skill is a supernatural ability. The Disciple of Yog-Sothoth replace Wisdom with his spellcasting modifier for Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher). A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat.

Peer through Time (Sp)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains some measure of their master’s knowledge which is detached from time. Beginning at 2nd level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may use Augury once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level.

Obtain Secrets (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth develops a minor telepathic skill which allows them to fish for the truth behind the lies of others. Beginning at 3rd level, if a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth beats an opponent’s Bluff check with a Sense Motive check by at least 5, he learn what truth the opponent was Bluffing to hide. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Read Dreams (Su)
Once a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth has reached 4th level they gain the ability to sense the happenings of the dreams of others. By concentrating on a creature for 10 minutes a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can create a link with that creature which reveals to the Disciple the details of that creature’s dreams for the night. This ability only works if the creature is currently asleep and within 1 mile per class level. A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may expend a 6th level or higher spell slot to expand this range to 10 miles per class level, an 8th level or higher slot to expand it to anywhere on the same plane, or a 9th level spell slot to expand it to anywhere on any plane. In addition a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can sense whenever they are being dreamt and who is dreaming about them, regardless of distance (this ability functions even when the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is sleeping themselves).

Dream Transport (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may move through dreams. Beginning at 5th level, whenever a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth sleeps for at least 4 hours they may teleport to any known location on any plane as if they had used either Greater Teleport or Plane Shift (as appropriate) except it transports only the Disciple, any creatures with which it can share spells, and 50 lbs of worn equipment. This teleport effect travel through the Dreamlands instead of the Astral Plane, unlike a normal Greater Teleport or Plane Shift. Using this ability does not awaken the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth and therefore one should not use it to transport somewhere dangerous. If a creature is dreaming about the Disciple then him may teleport to it regardless of his knowledge of its location.

Magic of Knowledge
Beginning at 6th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains one of the following beneficts:
  • if he prepare spells, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can prepare all of his spells in only 15 minutes, and his minimum preparation time is only 1 minute.
  • if he prepare slots, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can prepare all of his slots in only 15 minutes, and his minimum preparation time is only 1 minute.

Telepathy (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth’s mental puissance continues to extend as they devote themselves to their inhuman lord. Beginning at 6th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains telepathy out to a range of 60 ft.

Non-Euclidean Travel (Su)
Starting at 7th level, as a move action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can teleport up to 10 feet per caster level. The Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his spellcasting modifier. A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can bring other willing creatures with him, but he must expend an equal amount of distance for each additional creature brought with him. This is not a conjuration or teleportation effect and dimensional anchor or similar effects cannot block it.

Peer Deeply (Sp)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can look more deeply through the fogs of time. Beginning at 7th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may cast once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level a Divination spell from any spell list, provided he can cast spells of that level.

Call through the Threshold (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is able to speak the secret names whispered to them by their unspeakable master and call forth the servants of their master. Beginning at 8th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may summon 1 Leng Spider, 1 Flying Polyp, 2 Yithian, 2 Leng Ghoul, 2 Leng Hound, 2 Ghug, 4 Denizen of Leng, 4 Hound of Tindalos, 4 Shantak, 6 Mi-Go, or 8 Nightgaunt as a standard action once per day. The creature(s) appear within 60 ft., are under the control of the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth and remains for 2 rounds per Disciple of Yog-Sothoth level. When a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth cast a summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell, the casting time is 1 standard action instead of 1 round.

Free of Space and Time (Su)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth has become divorced from reality, existing only lightly tethered to it. Beginning at 9th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may remove themselves from reality to appear anywhere else in it, transporting themselves, any creature with which they can share spells, and up to 50 lbs of carried gear and equipment, as if with Greater Teleport or Plane Shift. For this effect there are no percentages to roll, the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gets exactly where he wants to go. In addition a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth may choose to vanish from time for a duration of their choice when they use this ability. If they do so the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth ceases to exist for the period they choose, no time passing for them or effects upon them, until they return. Unfortunately a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth is still lightly tethered to reality and cannot move backwards in time with this ability.

Time Creature (Ex)
Beginning at 10th level, the Disciple of Yog-Sothoth gains the time subtype: creatures with the time subtype are immune to spells and effects that affect time (like time stop or slow) unless they want to be subject of them. They also possess the following trait:

  • Foresight (Su) Creatures with the time subtype are able to see a few seconds into the future preventing them from being surprised, caught flat-footed, or flanked. It also grants the creature an insight bonus to AC equal to its spellcasting modifier (Wisdom if no one). This ability can be negated (with the feint action), but can be restarted as a free action on the creature’s next turn.

View from Beyond Time and Space (Sp)
A Disciple of Yog-Sothoth learns to see the world through eyes similar to their unspeakable lord’s. Beginning at 10th level, a Disciple of Yog-Sothoth can once per day, cast Hindsight as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level.
How come it doesn't have an alignment requirement? I would think any chaotic would make sense.


Player in Yellow
Originally found here (Servant of the Great Old Ones - Player in Yellow (PrC)), I rewrote many abilities by taking from Hastur-related archetypes (Weekly Wonders - Eldritch Archetypes Volume IV - Archetypes of Hastur - Necromancers of the Northwest | Weekly Wonders | and from the King in Yellow template (The King In Yellow - Spheres of Power Wiki)
A Player in Yellow is a servant of the King in Yellow, tainted by his touch of madness which has changed them to the depths of their souls. The players go forth and spread his cult, the cult of the Yellow Sign, using the insidious and addictive beauty of the play named for their lord as their weapon.

Becoming a Player in Yellow

Hit Die:

Becoming a player in yellow requires watching the play the King in Yellow and approaching an existing servant of the King in Yellow to teach you the ways of the King, to teach you your role in the play. Those who are deemed worthy of a role can become Players in Yellow to spread their King’s will.


Chaotic Evil.

Class Feature: Bardic Performance.

Deity: Must worship Hastur or its Avatar the King in Yellow.

Feats: Deific Obedience (Hastur), Servant of the Old Ones, Words of Binding Madness.

Skills: Bluff 10 ranks, Disguise 10 ranks, Perform (Act) 10 ranks, Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) 10 ranks.

Special: Must have watched or read the King in Yellow.

Class Skills
The Player in Yellow’s class skills (and the key ability modifier for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per Day
Act of Madness, Maddening Play, Pallid Mask, Servant of the Yellow King​
Plea to the King, Soliloquy of Maddening Passion​
+1 level of existing class​
Fascinating Performance​
+1 level of existing class​
Command of the Yellow Sign, Lesser Yellow Sign​
+1 level of existing class​
Blessing of the Yellow Sign, Masque of the Yellow Shroud, Mystery Shroud​
+1 level of existing class​
Soliloquy of Carcosa​
I Wear no Mask, The King’s Voice​
+1 level of existing class​
Enter the Empty City, The King’s Tatters​
+1 level of existing class​
Role of the Shepherd​
+1 level of existing class​
Call the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, The King in Yellow, The Unspeakable Name​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Player in Yellow.

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies
Player in Yellow do not gain proficiency with any additional weapons or armor.

At the indicated levels, a Player in Yellow gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Player in Yellow, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Act of Madness (Su)
A Player in Yellow's class levels stack with any levels he may possess in order to determine the benefits of his bardic performance class feature.

Maddening Play (Su)
A Player in Yellow can create a lesser version of the opera King in Yellow using 10 rounds of his bardic performance. This spectacle is performed as either a 1 man play or with aides. The first act is 30 minutes and somewhat trite, while the 2nd act is another 30 minutes but has a fascinating effect. Creatures which attempt to leave during the second act must make a Will save (same DC of your Bardic Performance) or be forced to remain and watch. A creature can make a new save every 10 minutes. Any creature which watches the entirety of the 2nd Act gains a mild or moderate depravity of your choice (same applied to entire audience) for 1 week (see below). If this is used on the same creature before a week has passed the new depravity replaces the former (they do not stack). In addition a creature that has watched a Maddening Play feels compelled to watch it again. If able to watch for a reasonable price (a few gold at most, but within their means) a creature must make a Will save or be compelled to watch it again given the opportunity; every month that has passed since a creature watched a Maddening Play grants a +1 bonus on this save and a successful save stifles the urge for 1 day. The fascinating is a charm, mind-affecting effect while the compulsion to watch it again is a compulson mind-affecting effect.

Mild Depravity Effects
  • Aggressive: You are easily angered and cannot hide your feelings. In combat, you try so hard to hurt your enemies that you neglect your own defense, and you take a –1 penalty to Armor Class.
  • Bestial: You take on a ferocious, wild demeanor. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Handle Animal, Ride, and wild empathy checks. You take a –1 penalty on other Charismabased ability checks and skill checks.
  • Compulsive: Pick a compulsive ritual to adopt. For example, you and your equipment are never clean enough. You can only break out of the compulsive pattern by eating bugs, which sometimes disagree with you. Once each day, make a DC 10 Fortitude save; if you fail, take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage.
  • Crazed: You can no longer easily cope with sudden changes in circumstance. If you are surprised at the outset of an encounter, for your fi rst action you have an equal chance of charging the foe or running away.
  • Disoriented: You lose track of events. If you are surprised at the outset of an encounter, you are dazed for 1 round.
  • Mildly Phobic: You gain a lesser phobia, which requires you to succeed on a Will save or become shaken whenever you encounter the object of your phobia. The DC of the save equals 12 + the CR of the challenge that is the object of the phobia. (Treat CRs of less than 1 as 0.)
  • Neglectful: You disregard hygiene and cultural mores. You take a –2 penalty on Charisma-based ability checks and skill checks.
  • Opinionated: You are so wrapped up in commenting on everything you hear that you are often caught off-guard. You are always flat-footed in the first round of combat.
  • Prophetic: Your dark dreams torment you with strange visions of things that might occur in the future. You zealously proclaim a different prophecy each week, making sure everyone you meet knows what is about to transpire. Your DM determines what prophetic insight you envision each week (10% are actually accurate!). In addition, you take all the usual ill effects of continual nightmares (see Dreams and Nightmares, page 52).
  • Sycophantic: You fill the air with a torrent of unctuous flattery of your companions, opponents, or imaginary friends. You take a –2 penalty on Perception checks. Enemies gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to hear you.​

Moderate Depravity Effects
  • Delusional: You’re convinced that the world is an illusion and that you and your companions are being controlled by inhabitants of a distant, alien realm. You take a –2 penalty on Wisdom-based ability checks and skill checks.
  • Deranged: Your grasp upon reality becomes tenuous. You take a –2 penalty on Intelligence-based ability checks and skill checks.
  • Distracted: You pay more attention to the whispers in your mind than to your surroundings. You take a –2 penalty on skill checks.
  • Hallucinating: You see things that aren’t there, and often have trouble sorting reality from your imagination. You take a –6 penalty on initiative checks.
  • Hysterical: Everything you meet is hilarious. It takes a short time to perceive the humor; then a laughing jag overwhelms you. During the second round of a combat encounter, you can take only a single move action or standard action.
  • Jittery: You are easily startled and spooked. If you are hit while flat-footed, you become panicked.
  • Moderately Phobic: You gain a moderate phobia, which requires you to succeed on a Will save (DC 14 + the CR of the challenge) or become frightened whenever you encounter the object of your phobia. This symptom replaces (doesn’t stack) with mildly phobic.
  • Solipsistic: You believe that you are the only thing that matters in the universe. As a result, whenever you are struck in combat, you have to make a DC 20 Will save. If you fail the save, you take an additional 1 point of damage per die of damage received.
  • Treacherous: Any time the chance to make an attack of opportunity presents itself, whether against an opponent or an ally, make a DC 20 Will save. If you fail the save, you must make the attack of opportunity, even if the target is your closest ally. If presented with multiple targets, determine randomly which you attack.
  • Weak-Willed: The constant presence of strange voices whispering in your ears has sapped your will. You take a –3 penalty on Will saves.

Pallid Mask (Ex)
Your face is a mask perfectly under your own control and the distinction between the actor and the character begins to blur making your personal truth highly malleable. You gain a bonus to Bluff checks made to convince another of the truth of your words of 5 + your character level; this bonus does not stack with that granted by a Glibness spell. If a magical effect is used against you that would detect your lies or force you to speak the truth the user of the effect must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 20 + twice your Player in Yellow level to succeed. Failure means the effect does not detect your lies or force you to speak only the truth. A creature is not aware of making this caster level.

Servant of the Yellow King (Ex)
You have pledged your soul to the King in Yellow, while his touch has maddened you leaving your sanity marred it shields you against the deepest madness. You gain the greater madness schizophrenia with the following difference: the Will save is 16 instead of 22, the penalty on Wisdom and Charisma-based checks is only -2 (with the exception of Profession [Yog-Sothothery Philosopher] which does not take the penalty) and you can take 10 or 20 but the dice result is halved (5 and 10 respectively). This madness can only be removed with miracle or wish and in any case even if removed it returns in 1d4 days. However, with this madness comes true clarity. You use your Charisma score instead of Wisdom for your Will saves and use Charisma for all Wisdom-based skill checks and rolls. You gain immunity to confusion, madness, insanity, and nightmare (with the exception of your schizophrenia madness). You gain Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat.

Plea to the King (Su)
At 2nd level, the Player in Yellow can make a secret plea to the King in Yellow himself by writing his name in his own blood upon a flat surface under starlight. Once per day, as a full-round action, the Player in Yellow can make a plea to Hastur to gain deep insight about an object, person, or place. The Player in Yellow makes a special check, rolling 1d20 and adding his Bard level, his Player in Yellow level and his Charisma modifier, and the DC for this check depends on how well known the subject of the plea is. If the subject is relatively well known, the DC is 10; if the subject is not well known, the DC is 20; if the subject is obscure, the DC is 30. If the check is successful, then when the Player in Yellow next sleeps, he receives detailed dream visions of the subject’s history, as with the spell legend lore. If the subject was a magic item, he also identifies all the properties of that item, whether or not the item is cursed, and how to activate any of its abilities. If the result of the check is a natural 1, then regardless of whether the check was successful or not, the Player in Yellow is wracked with horrible dreams and visions regarding the subject, being subjected to the nightmare spell with no saving throw (this overcome the immunity given by servant of the yellow king class feature).

Soliloquy of Maddening Passion (Su)
At 2nd level, the Player in Yellow can use his bardic performance to create a tune which forces a single creature within 30 feet who can hear the Player in Yellow to succeed on a Will save (same DC of the bardic performance) or be affected by confusion. Further, any character that is affected by this ability cannot attack the Player in Yellow unless he can act normally (even if he is nearest creature). A natural 1 on this saving throw results in the target suffering permanent confusion, as the spell insanity. This is sonic, language-dependent, compulsion, mind-affecting effect.

Fascinating Performance (Su)
At 3rd level, the Maddening Play now fascinates viewers (Will negate, same DC of the bardic performance) at the start of the 2nd act, who fails the save against the charm cannot make the save for leave early. Obvious dangers immediately break the charm effect. Also, one of the creature which watches the entirety of the 2nd Act of your choice is more charmed and becomes infatuated with you (Will negate, same DC of the bardic performance), if it’s attracted to your gender (as an elixir of love with unlimited duration and that work on any type of creature of any size, not only humanoid of Medium or smaller size). The creature can reroll the save once per day. At the start of each day, you can chose to consume half of your total daily round of bardic performance to automatically cause the creature to fail its saving throw. If you take overtly hostile or dangerous actions against the infatuated creature, the charm is automatically broken. This is a charm, mind-affecting effect.

Command of the Yellow Sign (Su)
At 4th level, as a standard action you can use 1 round of your bardic performance to make the Yellow Sign appear and glow on your face or hand and issue a command to a single creature within 60 ft. which falls into one of the following categories:
  • the creature is a worshipper of Hastur or of the King in Yellow.
  • the creature is of a race typically associated with the worship of Hastur or of the King in Yellow (like the Byakhee, the Flying Polyp or a Keeper of the Yellow Sign).
  • the creature has assisted to the play or has read The King in Yellow, has ever watched a Maddening Act or has suffered the effect of an active Yellow Sing or Lesser Yellow Sign (see below).
This work as a dominate monster with caster level equal to your character level with the difference that ignore immunity to enchantment, mind-affecting or compulsion effect if the creature falls into one of the first two categories. A creature forced to take actions against its nature does not receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus if he falls into one of the first two categories (obviously self-destructive orders are still not carried out). A Will save (same DC of the bardic performance) negate the effect and the creature become immune to command of the yellow sing for 24 hours from the same Player in Yellow.

Lesser Yellow Sign (Su)
At 4th level, once per day, the Player in Yellow can make a lesser yellow sign which forces anyone who views it to succeed on a Will (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) save or become known to Hastur (B4), and possibly subject to Hastur’s attacks and special abilities, including its dream, demand, and other abilities. A yellow sign created in this way lasts for 1 year, or until the Player in Yellow creates a new one (the old sign remains, but simply loses its potency).

Blessing of the Yellow Sign (Su)
At 5th level, mindless undead creatures do not attack you unless attacked first, and all other undead and mythos creature/cultist understand that the Player in Yellow to be an ally and are well-disposed toward him in most cases (the starting attitude of undead creatures and mythos creature/cultist change to friendly unless the specific undead or cultist has its specific reasons for having a different attitude [like the cult of Cthulhu]).

Masque of the Yellow Shroud (Su)
At 5th level, the Player in Yellow can use his bardic performance to create a tune which enhance his combat capacity. While this performance is active you gain a profane bonus on attack rolls or a profane bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier. At the beginning of each round you may change to which the bonus applies.

Mystery Shroud (Sp)
The Player in Yellow shrouded in an aura of mystery. At 5th level, the Player in Yellow gains nondetection as a constant spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level. At 10th level, this increase to a mind blank spell.

Soliloquy of Carcosa (Su)
At 6th level, the Player in Yellow can use his bardic performance to create a tune which forces a single creature within 30 feet who can hear the Player in Yellow to succeed on a Will save (same DC of the bardic performance) or be locked in a vision of the Empty Carcosa; a creature that fails is locked as long as you continue. Each round they may make another Will save at -4 but they are otherwise flat-footed and unaware of their surroundings. Any damage dealt to the creature frees it from the revelry. A creature that receives these visions finds their dreams haunted by them, the visions arriving in daydreams if they do not sleep. Each night the recipient must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or suffer an effect of nightmare with caster level equal to your caster level. This is sonic, language-dependent, compulsion, mind-affecting effect.

I Wear No Mask (Su)
At 7th level, as a swift action you can suppress your Pallid Mask ability and reveal the full horror of your soul. When you do so, you radiate an aura of evil which can be felt even without magic; you are considered an evil cleric of your hit dice for the purposes of Detect Evil and any creature within 60 ft. of you gets the unswerving knowledge that you are in fact Evil and of your presence (this is blocked by line of effect). A Knowledge (planes) or Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) DC 25 reveals you serve an Outer God, a DC 30 check reveals you serve Hastur. Any creature that is not an ally who is well acquainted with your nature as a servant of The Unspeakable One must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or be frightened for as long as they can directly sense you and 1d6 rounds thereafter, if they are placed within this area again they grow terrified once more; success grants immunity for 24 hours. You gain a melee touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 3 HD; this damage bypasses all damage reduction and energy resistance. It is a pain effect. A creature that take this damage must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or suffer the effect of confusion for 1d6 rounds. You can reveal your true nature in this way for only a limited period of time each day, for a number rounds equal to your Player in Yellow level plus your Charisma modifier. The rounds don’t have to be used consecutively, but must be used in 1-round increments. It is a swift action to reveal your nature but a free action to conceal it once more.

The King’s Voice (Su)
At 7th level, once per round as a free action, you may pose a question to a single target within 30 feet. The target can resist with a successful Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier). If the save fails, the character immediately answers the question in the most efficient and truthful manner possible. This is a sonic, language-dependent, compulsion, mind-affecting effect and the creature must be able to understand the question (a common language and sufficient intelligence). Once the saving throw is successful, a creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Enter the Empty City (Sp)
At 8th level, a Player in Yellow can escape this reality, entering the Empty Carcosa (Carcosa - PathfinderWiki). He can cast interplanetary teleport once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level, but only to travel to Carcosa, or to return to the planet on the Material Plane from which he departed from Carcosa. The first time he uses this ability to travel to Carcosa, he arrives in a random location there. Thereafter, each time he uses this ability to travel to the planet on the Material Plane from which he departed, he arrives within 5d100 feet of where he was when he last left the plant, and each time he uses the ability to travel to Carcosa, he arrives within 5d100 feet of where he was when he last left Carcosa. He can bring up to eight willing creatures with her each time she uses this ability.

The King’s Tatters (Su)
At 8th level, a Player in Yellow is increasingly similar to the King in Yellow. You can become shrouded in tattered strips of yellow cloth that wind over and across your body. You can dismiss or recall this cloth as a move action. These tatters do not take up a magic item slot, nor do they interfere with worn magic items. While worn this cloth give you an armor bonus to AC equal to your Player in Yellow but you cannot wear any armor or use any shield while those cloth are present. Whenever a non-worshipper of Hastur or King in Yellow creature makes a melee weapon attack against the Player in Yellow or ends its movement in a square adjacent to the Player in Yellow while those cloth are presented, it must make a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) to avoid being touched by one of these animated tatters of cloth. A creature that makes a melee attack with an unarmed strike, touch spell, or natural weapon is automatically touched by the tatters. Upon being touched, the creature’s dreams will forever more be haunted by the King’s whispers and poisonous truths. The victim suffers a –4 penalty on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects or effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion created by the Player in Yellow or any other servant of Hastur. This penalty increases to –8 against the effects of a nightmare spell cast by any creature. This is a mind-affecting curse effect.

Role of the Shepherd (Su)
At 9th level, all the creatures which watches the entirety of the 2nd Act of Maddening Play and have less HD of your Player in Yellow levels must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or change their alignment to Chaotic Evil, becoming fanatical Hastur cultist. They see you as they cult leader and follow you wherever you lead. Only wish or miracle can remove the effect.

Call the King in Yellow (Su)
At 10th level, the Player in Yellow can invoke the lines of the King in Yellow to call an avatar of his master Hastur into existence for a short time. Once per month, by expending 20 rounds of bardic performance, the Player in Yellow player can summon Hastur as a full-round action. When he does, he suffers 1d10 points of Wisdom damage. Hastur is not under the control of the Player in Yellow, and is able to act however it wishes for 3 hours, after which time it departs from whence it came.

Yellow Sing (Su)
At 10th level, once per day as a swift action, you can touch any solid surface and inscribe the Yellow Sign upon it. Once inscribed, the Yellow Sign remains for a year, but is active only on certain nights when the light from Hastur’s distant world shines in the night sky as a star. Any creature that looks upon an active Yellow Sign must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier, or 40; whichever is higher) to avoid becoming dominated by Hastur (as dominate monster); whether or not the save is successful, the creature doesn’t have to save against that Yellow Sign again for 24 hours. A Yellow Sign can be removed with dispel chaos, dispel evil, or erase, any of which requires the caster to succeed at a DC (15 plus twice your Player in Yellow level) caster level check. Mage’s disjunction automatically removes a Yellow Sign.

The King in Yellow (Su)
At 10th level, once per year, you can perform the play The King in Yellow. The play is divided into two parts of 1 hour each. The play The King in Yellow and its two parts count as Maddening Play for the need to make a Will save for leave during the second act and for the purpose of Fascinating Performance and Role of the Shepard. The first act is simple, almost banal, while the second act is of unearthly, poisonous beauty that enthralls the mind and soul. Performing the opera requires a suitable venue (a theater is generally fine), 10,000 gp on props, at least 1,000 spectators, at least 20 aiders as actors, and 2 successful Performance (Act) checks DC 40. If the work is performed in an unsuitable place, without the expense for the props, without enough spectators or aiders or without being able to perform the two skill checks, no supernatural effect occurs. If all the preparations and execution are correct the true power of the King in Yellow is revealed. Within one-mile radius x your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), centered on the opera's performance site, everything begins to get sucked into Carcosa. Starting from the moment of activation, creatures have 10 rounds to leave before everything is brought to Carcosa as per the effect of Plane Shift (Will DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier, or 40; whichever is higher; negate the effect). Dimensional anchor, dimensional lock, and other non-mythic methods of avoiding teleport give a +8 saving throw. The only way to stop the transport of the Region to Carcosa is to kill or incapacitate you before the end of the tenth round. You cannot leave the location in which you have activated the power during this period by moving or by magical methods, any effects automatically fail, even wish or miracle. The buildings and environments of the region are not transported directly but their "soul" is torn and taken to Carcosa where they create an area equal to that of the ritual. In the original area all that remains is the silent environments and crumbling and ghostly buildings that are soon occupied by spectre and worst horrors, attracted by the evil that took place there. Generally, just before starting the opera or just as soon as the opera is finished, a Player in Yellow uses his Call King in Yellow ability to protect himself from would-be heroes.

The Unspeakable Name (Sp/Su)
At 10th level, whenever any creature on the same plane as you speaks your name you can sense it and can cast Scrying as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to your character level upon them for 5 rounds as a swift action. As a standard action, during this period, you may cast Greater Teleport as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to your character level for transport yourself and potentially others allies to their location. If a creature is immune to scrying, you still sense the direction and vaguely distance (you are off by up to 15%) that your name was spoken, in although you may not teleport there.


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Player in Yellow
Originally found here (Servant of the Great Old Ones - Player in Yellow (PrC)), I rewrote many abilities by taking from Hastur-related archetypes (Weekly Wonders - Eldritch Archetypes Volume IV - Archetypes of Hastur - Necromancers of the Northwest | Weekly Wonders | and from the King in Yellow template (The King In Yellow - Spheres of Power Wiki)
A Player in Yellow is a servant of the King in Yellow, tainted by his touch of madness which has changed them to the depths of their souls. The players go forth and spread his cult, the cult of the Yellow Sign, using the insidious and addictive beauty of the play named for their lord as their weapon.

Becoming a Player in Yellow

Hit Die:

Becoming a player in yellow requires watching the play the King in Yellow and approaching an existing servant of the King in Yellow to teach you the ways of the King, to teach you your role in the play. Those who are deemed worthy of a role can become Players in Yellow to spread their King’s will.


Chaotic Evil.

Class Feature: Bardic Performance.

Deity: Must worship Hastur or its Avatar the King in Yellow.

Feats: Deific Obedience (Hastur), Servant of the Old Ones, Words of Binding Madness.

Skills: Bluff 10 ranks, Disguise 10 ranks, Perform (Act) 10 ranks, Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) 10 ranks.

Special: Must have watched or read the King in Yellow.

Class Skills
The Player in Yellow’s class skills (and the key ability modifier for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Base Attack
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spells per Day
Act of Madness, Maddening Play, Pallid Mask, Servant of the Yellow King​
Plea to the King, Soliloquy of Maddening Passion​
+1 level of existing class​
Fascinating Performance​
+1 level of existing class​
Command of the Yellow Sign, Lesser Yellow Sign​
+1 level of existing class​
Blessing of the Yellow Sign, Masque of the Yellow Shroud, Mystery Shroud​
+1 level of existing class​
Soliloquy of Carcosa​
I Wear no Mask, The King’s Voice​
+1 level of existing class​
Enter the Empty City, The King’s Tatters​
+1 level of existing class​
Role of the Shepherd​
+1 level of existing class​
Call the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, The King in Yellow, The Unspeakable Name​

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Player in Yellow.

Weapons and Armor Proficiencies
Player in Yellow do not gain proficiency with any additional weapons or armor.

At the indicated levels, a Player in Yellow gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which he belonged before taking the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if he is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Player in Yellow, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Act of Madness (Su)
A Player in Yellow's class levels stack with any levels he may possess in order to determine the benefits of his bardic performance class feature.

Maddening Play (Su)
A Player in Yellow can create a lesser version of the opera King in Yellow using 10 rounds of his bardic performance. This spectacle is performed as either a 1 man play or with aides. The first act is 30 minutes and somewhat trite, while the 2nd act is another 30 minutes but has a fascinating effect. Creatures which attempt to leave during the second act must make a Will save (same DC of your Bardic Performance) or be forced to remain and watch. A creature can make a new save every 10 minutes. Any creature which watches the entirety of the 2nd Act gains a mild or moderate depravity of your choice (same applied to entire audience) for 1 week (see below). If this is used on the same creature before a week has passed the new depravity replaces the former (they do not stack). In addition a creature that has watched a Maddening Play feels compelled to watch it again. If able to watch for a reasonable price (a few gold at most, but within their means) a creature must make a Will save or be compelled to watch it again given the opportunity; every month that has passed since a creature watched a Maddening Play grants a +1 bonus on this save and a successful save stifles the urge for 1 day. The fascinating is a charm, mind-affecting effect while the compulsion to watch it again is a compulson mind-affecting effect.

Mild Depravity Effects
  • Aggressive: You are easily angered and cannot hide your feelings. In combat, you try so hard to hurt your enemies that you neglect your own defense, and you take a –1 penalty to Armor Class.
  • Bestial: You take on a ferocious, wild demeanor. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Handle Animal, Ride, and wild empathy checks. You take a –1 penalty on other Charismabased ability checks and skill checks.
  • Compulsive: Pick a compulsive ritual to adopt. For example, you and your equipment are never clean enough. You can only break out of the compulsive pattern by eating bugs, which sometimes disagree with you. Once each day, make a DC 10 Fortitude save; if you fail, take 1d4 points of nonlethal damage.
  • Crazed: You can no longer easily cope with sudden changes in circumstance. If you are surprised at the outset of an encounter, for your fi rst action you have an equal chance of charging the foe or running away.
  • Disoriented: You lose track of events. If you are surprised at the outset of an encounter, you are dazed for 1 round.
  • Mildly Phobic: You gain a lesser phobia, which requires you to succeed on a Will save or become shaken whenever you encounter the object of your phobia. The DC of the save equals 12 + the CR of the challenge that is the object of the phobia. (Treat CRs of less than 1 as 0.)
  • Neglectful: You disregard hygiene and cultural mores. You take a –2 penalty on Charisma-based ability checks and skill checks.
  • Opinionated: You are so wrapped up in commenting on everything you hear that you are often caught off-guard. You are always flat-footed in the first round of combat.
  • Prophetic: Your dark dreams torment you with strange visions of things that might occur in the future. You zealously proclaim a different prophecy each week, making sure everyone you meet knows what is about to transpire. Your DM determines what prophetic insight you envision each week (10% are actually accurate!). In addition, you take all the usual ill effects of continual nightmares (see Dreams and Nightmares, page 52).
  • Sycophantic: You fill the air with a torrent of unctuous flattery of your companions, opponents, or imaginary friends. You take a –2 penalty on Perception checks. Enemies gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to hear you.​

Moderate Depravity Effects
  • Delusional: You’re convinced that the world is an illusion and that you and your companions are being controlled by inhabitants of a distant, alien realm. You take a –2 penalty on Wisdom-based ability checks and skill checks.
  • Deranged: Your grasp upon reality becomes tenuous. You take a –2 penalty on Intelligence-based ability checks and skill checks.
  • Distracted: You pay more attention to the whispers in your mind than to your surroundings. You take a –2 penalty on skill checks.
  • Hallucinating: You see things that aren’t there, and often have trouble sorting reality from your imagination. You take a –6 penalty on initiative checks.
  • Hysterical: Everything you meet is hilarious. It takes a short time to perceive the humor; then a laughing jag overwhelms you. During the second round of a combat encounter, you can take only a single move action or standard action.
  • Jittery: You are easily startled and spooked. If you are hit while flat-footed, you become panicked.
  • Moderately Phobic: You gain a moderate phobia, which requires you to succeed on a Will save (DC 14 + the CR of the challenge) or become frightened whenever you encounter the object of your phobia. This symptom replaces (doesn’t stack) with mildly phobic.
  • Solipsistic: You believe that you are the only thing that matters in the universe. As a result, whenever you are struck in combat, you have to make a DC 20 Will save. If you fail the save, you take an additional 1 point of damage per die of damage received.
  • Treacherous: Any time the chance to make an attack of opportunity presents itself, whether against an opponent or an ally, make a DC 20 Will save. If you fail the save, you must make the attack of opportunity, even if the target is your closest ally. If presented with multiple targets, determine randomly which you attack.
  • Weak-Willed: The constant presence of strange voices whispering in your ears has sapped your will. You take a –3 penalty on Will saves.

Pallid Mask (Ex)
Your face is a mask perfectly under your own control and the distinction between the actor and the character begins to blur making your personal truth highly malleable. You gain a bonus to Bluff checks made to convince another of the truth of your words of 5 + your character level; this bonus does not stack with that granted by a Glibness spell. If a magical effect is used against you that would detect your lies or force you to speak the truth the user of the effect must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 20 + twice your Player in Yellow level to succeed. Failure means the effect does not detect your lies or force you to speak only the truth. A creature is not aware of making this caster level.

Servant of the Yellow King (Ex)
You have pledged your soul to the King in Yellow, while his touch has maddened you leaving your sanity marred it shields you against the deepest madness. You gain the greater madness schizophrenia with the following difference: the Will save is 16 instead of 22, the penalty on Wisdom and Charisma-based checks is only -2 (with the exception of Profession [Yog-Sothothery Philosopher] which does not take the penalty) and you can take 10 or 20 but the dice result is halved (5 and 10 respectively). This madness can only be removed with miracle or wish and in any case even if removed it returns in 1d4 days. However, with this madness comes true clarity. You use your Charisma score instead of Wisdom for your Will saves and use Charisma for all Wisdom-based skill checks and rolls. You gain immunity to confusion, madness, insanity, and nightmare (with the exception of your schizophrenia madness). You gain Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat.

Plea to the King (Su)
At 2nd level, the Player in Yellow can make a secret plea to the King in Yellow himself by writing his name in his own blood upon a flat surface under starlight. Once per day, as a full-round action, the Player in Yellow can make a plea to Hastur to gain deep insight about an object, person, or place. The Player in Yellow makes a special check, rolling 1d20 and adding his Bard level, his Player in Yellow level and his Charisma modifier, and the DC for this check depends on how well known the subject of the plea is. If the subject is relatively well known, the DC is 10; if the subject is not well known, the DC is 20; if the subject is obscure, the DC is 30. If the check is successful, then when the Player in Yellow next sleeps, he receives detailed dream visions of the subject’s history, as with the spell legend lore. If the subject was a magic item, he also identifies all the properties of that item, whether or not the item is cursed, and how to activate any of its abilities. If the result of the check is a natural 1, then regardless of whether the check was successful or not, the Player in Yellow is wracked with horrible dreams and visions regarding the subject, being subjected to the nightmare spell with no saving throw (this overcome the immunity given by servant of the yellow king class feature).

Soliloquy of Maddening Passion (Su)
At 2nd level, the Player in Yellow can use his bardic performance to create a tune which forces a single creature within 30 feet who can hear the Player in Yellow to succeed on a Will save (same DC of the bardic performance) or be affected by confusion. Further, any character that is affected by this ability cannot attack the Player in Yellow unless he can act normally (even if he is nearest creature). A natural 1 on this saving throw results in the target suffering permanent confusion, as the spell insanity. This is sonic, language-dependent, compulsion, mind-affecting effect.

Fascinating Performance (Su)
At 3rd level, the Maddening Play now fascinates viewers (Will negate, same DC of the bardic performance) at the start of the 2nd act, who fails the save against the charm cannot make the save for leave early. Obvious dangers immediately break the charm effect. Also, one of the creature which watches the entirety of the 2nd Act of your choice is more charmed and becomes infatuated with you (Will negate, same DC of the bardic performance), if it’s attracted to your gender (as an elixir of love with unlimited duration and that work on any type of creature of any size, not only humanoid of Medium or smaller size). The creature can reroll the save once per day. At the start of each day, you can chose to consume half of your total daily round of bardic performance to automatically cause the creature to fail its saving throw. If you take overtly hostile or dangerous actions against the infatuated creature, the charm is automatically broken. This is a charm, mind-affecting effect.

Command of the Yellow Sign (Su)
At 4th level, as a standard action you can use 1 round of your bardic performance to make the Yellow Sign appear and glow on your face or hand and issue a command to a single creature within 60 ft. which falls into one of the following categories:
  • the creature is a worshipper of Hastur or of the King in Yellow.
  • the creature is of a race typically associated with the worship of Hastur or of the King in Yellow (like the Byakhee, the Flying Polyp or a Keeper of the Yellow Sign).
  • the creature has assisted to the play or has read The King in Yellow, has ever watched a Maddening Act or has suffered the effect of an active Yellow Sing or Lesser Yellow Sign (see below).
This work as a dominate monster with caster level equal to your character level with the difference that ignore immunity to enchantment, mind-affecting or compulsion effect if the creature falls into one of the first two categories. A creature forced to take actions against its nature does not receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus if he falls into one of the first two categories (obviously self-destructive orders are still not carried out). A Will save (same DC of the bardic performance) negate the effect and the creature become immune to command of the yellow sing for 24 hours from the same Player in Yellow.

Lesser Yellow Sign (Su)
At 4th level, once per day, the Player in Yellow can make a lesser yellow sign which forces anyone who views it to succeed on a Will (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) save or become known to Hastur (B4), and possibly subject to Hastur’s attacks and special abilities, including its dream, demand, and other abilities. A yellow sign created in this way lasts for 1 year, or until the shaman creates a new one (the old sign remains, but simply loses its potency).

Blessing of the Yellow Sign (Su)
At 5th level, mindless undead creatures do not attack you unless attacked first, and all other undead and mythos creature/cultist understand that the Player in Yellow to be an ally and are well-disposed toward him in most cases (the starting attitude of undead creatures and mythos creature/cultist change to friendly unless the specific undead or cultist has its specific reasons for having a different attitude [like the cult of Cthulhu]).

Masque of the Yellow Shroud (Su)
At 5th level, the Player in Yellow can use his bardic performance to create a tune which enhance his combat capacity. While this performance is active you gain a profane bonus on attack rolls or a profane bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier. At the beginning of each round you may change to which the bonus applies.

Mystery Shroud (Sp)
The Player in Yellow shrouded in an aura of mystery. At 5th level, the Player in Yellow gains nondetection as a constant spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level. At 10th level, this increase to a mind blank spell.

Soliloquy of Carcosa (Su)
At 6th level, the Player in Yellow can use his bardic performance to create a tune which forces a single creature within 30 feet who can hear the Player in Yellow to succeed on a Will save (same DC of the bardic performance) or be locked in a vision of the Empty Carcosa; a creature that fails is locked as long as you continue. Each round they may make another Will save at -4 but they are otherwise flat-footed and unaware of their surroundings. Any damage dealt to the creature frees it from the revelry. A creature that receives these visions finds their dreams haunted by them, the visions arriving in daydreams if they do not sleep. Each night the recipient must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or suffer an effect of nightmare with caster level equal to your caster level. This is sonic, language-dependent, compulsion, mind-affecting effect.

I Wear No Mask (Su)
At 7th level, as a swift action you can suppress your Pallid Mask ability and reveal the full horror of your soul. When you do so, you radiate an aura of evil which can be felt even without magic; you are considered an evil cleric of your hit dice for the purposes of Detect Evil and any creature within 60 ft. of you gets the unswerving knowledge that you are in fact Evil and of your presence (this is blocked by line of effect). A Knowledge (planes) or Profession (Yog-Sothothery Philosopher) DC 25 reveals you serve an Outer God, a DC 30 check reveals you serve Hastur. Any creature that is not an ally who is well acquainted with your nature as a servant of The Unspeakable One must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or be frightened for as long as they can directly sense you and 1d6 rounds thereafter, if they are placed within this area again they grow terrified once more; success grants immunity for 24 hours. You gain a melee touch attack which deals 1d6 damage per 3 HD; this damage bypasses all damage reduction and energy resistance. It is a pain effect. A creature that take this damage must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or suffer the effect of confusion for 1d6 rounds. You can reveal your true nature in this way for only a limited period of time each day, for a number rounds equal to your Player in Yellow level plus your Charisma modifier. The rounds don’t have to be used consecutively, but must be used in 1-round increments. It is a swift action to reveal your nature but a free action to conceal it once more.

The King’s Voice (Su)
At 7th level, once per round as a free action, you may pose a question to a single target within 30 feet. The target can resist with a successful Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier). If the save fails, the character immediately answers the question in the most efficient and truthful manner possible. This is a sonic, language-dependent, compulsion, mind-affecting effect and the creature must be able to understand the question (a common language and sufficient intelligence). Once the saving throw is successful, a creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Enter the Empty City (Sp)
At 8th level, a Player in Yellow can escape this reality, entering the Empty Carcosa (Carcosa - PathfinderWiki). He can cast interplanetary teleport once per day as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to his character level, but only to travel to Carcosa, or to return to the planet on the Material Plane from which he departed from Carcosa. The first time he uses this ability to travel to Carcosa, he arrives in a random location there. Thereafter, each time he uses this ability to travel to the planet on the Material Plane from which he departed, he arrives within 5d100 feet of where he was when he last left the plant, and each time he uses the ability to travel to Carcosa, he arrives within 5d100 feet of where he was when he last left Carcosa. He can bring up to eight willing creatures with her each time she uses this ability.

The King’s Tatters (Su)
At 8th level, a Player in Yellow is increasingly similar to the King in Yellow. You can become shrouded in tattered strips of yellow cloth that wind over and across your body. You can dismiss or recall this cloth as a move action. These tatters do not take up a magic item slot, nor do they interfere with worn magic items. While worn this cloth give you an armor bonus to AC equal to your Player in Yellow but you cannot wear any armor or use any shield while those cloth are present. Whenever a non-worshipper of Hastur or King in Yellow creature makes a melee weapon attack against the Player in Yellow or ends its movement in a square adjacent to the Player in Yellow while those cloth are presented, it must make a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) to avoid being touched by one of these animated tatters of cloth. A creature that makes a melee attack with an unarmed strike, touch spell, or natural weapon is automatically touched by the tatters. Upon being touched, the creature’s dreams will forever more be haunted by the King’s whispers and poisonous truths. The victim suffers a –4 penalty on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects or effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion created by the Player in Yellow or any other servant of Hastur. This penalty increases to –8 against the effects of a nightmare spell cast by any creature. This is a mind-affecting curse effect.

Role of the Shepherd (Su)
At 9th level, all the creatures which watches the entirety of the 2nd Act of Maddening Play and have less HD of your Player in Yellow levels must make a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier) or change their alignment to Chaotic Evil, becoming fanatical Hastur cultist. They see you as they cult leader and follow you wherever you lead. Only wish or miracle can remove the effect.

Call the King in Yellow (Su)
At 10th level, the Player in Yellow can invoke the lines of the King in Yellow to call an avatar of his master Hastur into existence for a short time. Once per month, by expending 20 rounds of bardic performance, the Player in Yellow player can summon Hastur as a full-round action. When he does, he suffers 1d10 points of Wisdom damage. Hastur is not under the control of the Player in Yellow, and is able to act however it wishes for 3 hours, after which time it departs from whence it came.

Yellow Sing (Su)
At 10th level, once per day as a swift action, you can touch any solid surface and inscribe the Yellow Sign upon it. Once inscribed, the Yellow Sign remains for a year, but is active only on certain nights when the light from Hastur’s distant world shines in the night sky as a star. Any creature that looks upon an active Yellow Sign must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier, or 40; whichever is higher) to avoid becoming dominated by Hastur (as dominate monster); whether or not the save is successful, the creature doesn’t have to save against that Yellow Sign again for 24 hours. A Yellow Sign can be removed with dispel chaos, dispel evil, or erase, any of which requires the caster to succeed at a DC (15 plus twice your Player in Yellow level) caster level check. Mage’s disjunction automatically removes a Yellow Sign.

The King in Yellow (Su)
At 10th level, once per year, you can perform the play The King in Yellow. The play is divided into two parts of 1 hour each. The first act is simple, almost banal, while the second act is of unearthly, poisonous beauty that enthralls the mind and soul. Performing the opera requires a suitable location (a theater is generally fine), 10,000 gp on props, at least 1,000 spectators, at least 20 aiders as actors, and 2 successful Performance (Act) checks DC 40. If the work is performed in an unsuitable place, without the expense for the props, without enough spectators or aiders or without being able to perform the two skill checks, no supernatural effect occurs. If all the preparations and execution are correct the true power of the King in Yellow is revealed. Within one-mile radius x your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), centered on the opera's performance site, everything begins to get sucked into Carcosa. Starting from the moment of activation, creatures have 10 rounds to leave before everything is brought to Carcosa as per the effect of Plane Shift (Will DC 10 + your Player in Yellow level + your Charisma modifier, or 40; whichever is higher; negate the effect). Dimensional anchor, dimensional lock, and other non-mythic methods of avoiding teleport give a +8 saving throw. The only way to stop the transport of the Region to Carcosa is to kill or incapacitate you before the end of the tenth round. You cannot leave the location in which you have activated the power during this period by moving or by magical methods, any effects automatically fail, even wish or miracle. The buildings and environments of the region are not transported directly but their "soul" is torn and taken to Carcosa where they create an area equal to that of the ritual. In the original area all that remains is the silent environments and crumbling and ghostly buildings that are soon occupied by spectre and worst horrors, attracted by the evil that took place there. Generally, just before starting the opera or just as soon as the opera is finished, a Player in Yellow uses his Call King in Yellow ability to protect himself from would-be heroes.

The Unspeakable Name (Sp/Su)
At 10th level, whenever any creature on the same plane as you speaks your name you can sense it and can cast Scrying as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to your character level upon them for 5 rounds as a swift action. As a standard action, during this period, you may cast Greater Teleport as a spell-like ability with caster level equal to your character level for transport yourself and potentially others allies to their location. If a creature is immune to scrying, you still sense the direction and vaguely distance (you are off by up to 15%) that your name was spoken, in although you may not teleport there.
Oh this is cool actually. I like it


Today i bring the Great Old One Yig (Yig - PathfinderWiki). I build him by using the base PF1 version (Great Old One, Yig – d20PFSRD), the version of Luis Loza (Monstrous Physique — Yig, Father of Serpents | Know Direction) and my template Great Old One.

Yig, Father of the Snakes

Beyond Alignment (CN) Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic, chaotic, great old one, mythos, shapechanger)

Init +39 (always first); Senses blindsense 600 ft., darkvision 1.200 ft., divine senses (x10), greensight 600 ft., low-light vision, scent, serpent sight, true seeing; Perception +55

Aura cloak of chaos (DC 34), divine (410 ft., DC 26), fiery storm (100 ft., 3d4 divine damage), madness (410 ft., DC 41), rattle (500 ft., DC 41), unspeakable presence (300 ft., DC 41)


AC 91, touch 57, flat-footed 70 (+10 deflection, +15 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +10 insight, +34 natural)

hp 2.170 (31d20+465)x2; fast healing 20, regeneration 31 (elder sign or epic and lawful)

Fort +59, Ref +59, Will +53

Defensive Abilities all-around vision, amorphous, beyond morality, dimensional mastery, foresight, freedom of movement, hyperdimensional body, immortality, lesser cosmic firmament, mad mind (DC 41), messiah of snakes, sixth sense; DR 30/epic and lawful; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, aging, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, damage from non-magical weapons, death fro massive damage, Terrestrial and Stellar Hazards; Resist fire 30, Dimensional Hazard; PR/SR 47, any power or spell which fails to penetrate Yig resistance is reflected back upon the caster


Speed 180 ft., climb 180 ft., swim 180 ft.; air walk, reality shift, greater starflight (2d6)

Melee bite +72 (8d10+27 plus grab and poison), 2 claws +72 (4d10+27/19–20), tail slap +72 (4d10+27 plus grab)

Ranged lesser gamma ray burster +63 touch (15d20 half fire half divine damage) or venomous spit +63 touch (40d10 acid plus special)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tail slap)

Special Attacks alter reality, call of the serpent father, constrict (4d10+21), curse of Yig (DC 41), dimensional rip (DC 41), mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), nova (DC 46), poison (DC 46), rend (2 claws, 4d10+27), serpent’s curse (DC 41), serpentine dreams (DC 41), swallow whole (8d10+27 damage plus 15d6 acid damage, 27 AC, 217 hp), unnamable doom

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 37th; concentration +53)

Constantair walk, cloak of chaos (DC 34), foresight (self only), freedom of movement, mind blank, speak with animals (reptiles only), tongues, true seeing

At willancient sorcery of serpentfolk, animal shape (snakes only), astral projection, awaken (snakes only), baleful polymorph (DC 31, into harmless snakes only), charm animal (DC 27, snakes only) charm monster (DC 30), command (DC 27), commune with nature, control weather (as a druid), curse of yig (DC 33), demand (DC 34), dimension door, dominate monster (DC 35, snake and snake-like only), dream council, dream scan, dream voyage, fire snake (DC 31), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, insanity (DC 33), interplanetary teleport, mind thrust VI (DC 32), nightmare (DC 31), overwhelming poison, plane shift (DC 33), pocketful of vipers (DC 28), poison (DC 30), psychic crush V (DC 35), reverse gravity, sending, sepia snake sigil (DC 29), snake staff (DC 32), suggestion (DC 29), summon monster IX (mythos only), summon nature’s ally IX (snakes only), summon king snake, sundered serpent coil, transport via plants

3/daydominate monster (DC 35), feeblemind (DC 31), gate, geas/quest, heal, maze of madness and suffering, weird (DC 35), wish

1/dayimplosion (DC 35), microcosm (DC 35), symbol of persuasion (DC 32), summon (level 9, mythos creatures with total base HD not superior of double the great old one HD 100%), time stop, true resurrection


Str 38, Dex 40, Con 41, Int 30, Wis 33, Cha 30

Base Atk +31; CMB +66 (+68 sunder); CMD 103 (105 vs. sunder)

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Mythos SummonerB, Power Attack, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills All skills 40 + ability modifier

Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Druidic, Serpentfolk, Undercommon; speak with animals (reptiles only), telepathy 100 ft.

SQ amphibious, change shape (any serpentine form; shapechange) [this replace unspeakable form], compression, devastating, ignore reality, lesser constant insight, madness sovereing, maven, might, omnicompetent, otherworldly insight, snake empathy +47, virtual size category +1, unspeakable grip

Yig renounce to the integrated class feature for double the divine slot

Divine Abilities

• Amaranthine Mind (Ex): Con as circumstance to attack rolls

• Amaranthine Soul (Ex): Con as circumstance to saving throw

• Devasting Strike (Ex): Your attack is particularly devastating

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

Cosmic Abilities (esoteric)

• Abrogate (Su): Any single opponent within your divine aura has its greatest ability negated

Double Chaos Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You cast chaos spell at +1 caster level

• Transmutation Immunity (Su): You are immune to transmutation based attacks

• Transmutation Reflection (Su): Reflect any transmutation attack within your divine aura/realm

• Greater Scion of Chaos (Ex): +12 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while you are within a chaos aligned locale

• Perfect Summoning (Chaos) (Ex): Chaotic creatures summoned have 200% more HD

• Greater Taint of Chaos (Su): Healing against your damage 25% effective except in lawful aligned locale

Double Snake Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain a primary natural bite attack that deals 1d6 plus your Str modifier with the grab ability (for Medium size). If you already have a bite attack, instead that attack increase its damage by one size and gains the grab ability.

• Maw of the Snake (Ex): You gains the swallow whole ability with the same damage of your bite plus 1d6 acid damage/2 HD

• Poison Immunity (Su): You are immune to poison

• Snake Hunting Ground (Ex): +12 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer

• Perfect Summoning (snake) (Ex): Snakelike creatures summoned have 200% more HD

• Toxic (Su): Immunities against your poison ineffective

Alter Reality (Su)
A great old one ignore the reality. Once per hour, as a standard action, Yig can duplicate any 9th level spell. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal or less of 70. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Call of the Serpent Father (Su)
Once per day, Yig may call to his children to do his bidding. As a full-round action, Yig calls all snakes and snake-like creatures with 25 HD or fewer and without Divine Rank within 10 miles radius. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or more can make a Will save DC 41 for negate this ability. These creatures arrive within 1 hour of the call. All creatures called in this manner follow Yig’s orders unquestionably for up to 24 hours, after which they return to their homes. Creatures binded to others (like a druid animal companion) always gains a saving throw for negate this ability and add their companion Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus on the saving throw. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Curse of Yig (Su)
Once per round as a free action when he touches or damages a creature with any natural attack, Yig can target that creature with a potent curse. The target must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or it takes a –6 penalty on all saving throws against poison effects and loses the ability to recover from poison effects naturally (though magical effects that remove poison effects still work). The cursed creature cannot gain the benefit of immunity to poison, be it from a class or racial ability, a magic item, or any other source. As long as it suffers under the curse of Yig, the victim becomes staggered for 1d6 rounds whenever it fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting or poison effect, and any offspring sired or birthed are deformed in some hideous (but mostly cosmetic) fashion. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Divine Traits (Great Old One) (Ex)
As a Great Old One, Yig gains a +6 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, etc.); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. Yig’s natural attacks or any weapons he wields, are treated as chaotic and epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Yig does not age and requires no food or drink to sustain itself.

Devastating (Ex)
All of Yig’s natural attacks are primary attacks that add 1-1/2 his Strength modifier to their damage. Yig ignores hardness less than 21 for any object he strikes.

Immortality (Ex)
If Yig is slain, he explode with nova as normal, but he does not stay dead for long. He is reborn 3 months after his death, hatching from the egg of a venomous serpent (although not necessarily on the same planet on which his previous incarnation was slain). He spends a year in the form of a venomous (but otherwise normal) snake, after which he sheds his skin and emerges once again as Yig. Typically, Yig does not hold grudges against those who slew him, but this is not always the case.

Messiah of Snakes (Su)
Snake and snake-like creatures without DR cannot take hostile actions against Yig. All other snake and snake-like creatures have a starting attitude of friendly against Yig.

Might (Ex)
Yig deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Mythic (Ex)
Yig has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. Yig can use any of his spell, spell-like abilities and Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell, spell-like abilities and effects.

Poison (Ex)
Bite or venomous spit—injury; save Fort DC 46; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 1d6 Strength and Constitution drain plus nauseated for 1 round; cure 3 consecutive saves. A creature killed by this poison explode in a bubble of acid that deal 10d6 acid damage in a 20 ft. radius (Reflex DC 46 half the damage). From this bubble spawn 4d6 snake swarms. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Rattle (Ex)
A constant, mind-altering rattling surrounds Yig. This rattle can be heard up to 500 feet away. Any creature exposed to the sound of the rattling must succeed a DC 41 Will save or become compelled to approach the source of the sound. Creatures within 90 feet of the rattle must succeed on a second save or become fascinated for 2d6 rounds. Creatures fascinated receive a –4 penalty to save against any effects create by Yig. Offensive actions from Yig do not break this fascination. Yig may silence this rattling as a free action. Deaf creatures or creatures withing areas of silence or similar effects are still able to perceive the rattling, but receive a +8 bonus to save against this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpent’s Curse (Su)
As a full-round action, Yig may curse a creature within 120 ft. to transform into a snake. The creature must succeed on a DC 41 Will save or succumb to the curse, gaining snake-like features. The creature immediately receives 2 Intelligence drain. Every week, the creature must succeed on another DC 41 Will save or receive an additional 2 ability drain to the same scores and slip further into the appearance of a snake. When this Intelligence drain would reduce the victim’s Intelligence score below 2, the victim is instead transformed (as if via baleful polymorph) into a Tiny venomous snake under Yig’s control. This snake form is immune to aging. The curse and its ability drain can only be alleviated by a creature with DR. This is a curse, polymorph effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpent Sight (Su)
By concentrating, Yig can share the senses of any snake or snake-like within 10 miles of him, allowing him to see, smell, and hear as if he were that creature. These creatures are unaware of Yig’s presence or that they share their senses with him during this time. A creature with Intelligence of 4 or higher or DR can make a Will save DC 41 for negate this ability. A creature that succeed the save, is immune to this ability for 24 hours. A creature is unaware of making this save. While he is sharing senses, Yig is still aware of his surroundings, but receives a –8 penalty to any Perception checks. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpentine Dreams (Su)
Any creature that has ever willfully harmed a snake, has suffered the effects of the curse of Yig (see above), or has slain one of Yig’s cultist can be targeted by the Great Old One’s serpentine dreams, regardless of the distance between the creature and Yig—even across planar boundaries. In order to use serpentine dreams against a target, Yig must first successfully affect the target with his nightmare spell-like ability. If the victim fails its save against nightmare, it must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or take 2d6 points of Intelligence drain in addition to the normal effects of nightmare. When this Intelligence drain would reduce the victim’s Intelligence score below 2, the victim is instead transformed (as if via baleful polymorph) into a Tiny venomous snake. This is a curse, mind-affecting, polymorph effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Snake Empathy (Ex)
This ability functions as a druid’s wild empathy, save that it works only on snake and snake-like creatures despite type and Intelligence score. Yig gains a racial bonus on this check equal to his Hit Dice.

Unspeakable Presence (Ex)
Failing a DC 41 Will save against Yig’s unspeakable presence causes the victim to become more susceptible to curse effects. The victim takes a –6 penalty on all saving throws against curse effects, and the effective DC to remove a curse from such a victim increases by 6. A creature normally immune to curses that is affected by Yig’s unspeakable presence can now be affected by curses (but takes no further penalty against curses as a result of the Great Old One’s unspeakable presence). This effect lasts for 1 year or until removed by a miracle or wish. If a creature suffering from this effect dies and is brought back to life, there is a 50% chance the effect persists upon the creature’s restoration to life.

Venomous Spite (Ex)
As a standard action Yig can spit a handful of poison as a ranged touch attack with a range of 120 ft. and no range increment. A creature hit must make a Fortitude save DC 46 or is permanently blinded and come into contact with the poison (it must immediately make a save against the poison). The save DC is Constitution-based.


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Today i bring the Great Old One Yig (Yig - PathfinderWiki). I build him by using the base PF1 version (Great Old One, Yig – d20PFSRD), the version of Luis Loza (Monstrous Physique — Yig, Father of Serpents | Know Direction) and my template Great Old One.

Yig, Father of the Snakes

Beyond Alignment (CN) Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic, chaotic, great old one, mythos, shapechanger)

Init +39 (always first); Senses blindsense 600 ft., darkvision 1.200 ft., divine senses (x10), greensight 600 ft., low-light vision, scent, serpent sight, true seeing; Perception +55

Aura cloak of chaos (DC 34), divine (410 ft., DC 26), fiery storm (100 ft., 3d4 divine damage), madness (410 ft., DC 41), rattle (500 ft., DC 41), unspeakable presence (300 ft., DC 41)


AC 91, touch 57, flat-footed 70 (+10 deflection, +15 Dex, +6 divine, +6 dodge, +10 insight, +34 natural)

hp 2.170 (31d20+465)x2; fast healing 20, regeneration 31 (elder sign or epic and lawful)

Fort +59, Ref +59, Will +53

Defensive Abilities all-around vision, amorphous, beyond morality, dimensional mastery, foresight, freedom of movement, hyperdimensional body, immortality, lesser cosmic firmament, mad mind (DC 41), messiah of snakes, sixth sense; DR 30/epic and lawful; Immune ability damage and drain, acid, aging, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, petrification, poison, damage from non-magical weapons, death fro massive damage, Terrestrial and Stellar Hazards; Resist fire 30, Dimensional Hazard; PR/SR 47, any power or spell which fails to penetrate Yig resistance is reflected back upon the caster


Speed 180 ft., climb 180 ft., swim 180 ft.; air walk, reality shift, greater starflight (2d6)

Melee bite +72 (8d10+27 plus grab and poison), 2 claws +72 (4d10+27/19–20), tail slap +72 (4d10+27 plus grab)

Ranged lesser gamma ray burster +63 touch (15d20 half fire half divine damage) or venomous spit +63 touch (40d10 acid plus special)

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (20 ft. with tail slap)

Special Attacks alter reality, call of the serpent father, constrict (4d10+21), curse of Yig (DC 41), dimensional rip (DC 41), mythic power (10/day, surge +1d12), nova (DC 46), poison (DC 46), rend (2 claws, 4d10+27), serpent’s curse (DC 41), serpentine dreams (DC 41), swallow whole (8d10+27 damage plus 15d6 acid damage, 27 AC, 217 hp), unnamable doom

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 37th; concentration +53)

Constantair walk, cloak of chaos (DC 34), foresight (self only), freedom of movement, mind blank, speak with animals (reptiles only), tongues, true seeing

At willancient sorcery of serpentfolk, animal shape (snakes only), astral projection, awaken (snakes only), baleful polymorph (DC 31, into harmless snakes only), charm animal (DC 27, snakes only) charm monster (DC 30), command (DC 27), commune with nature, control weather (as a druid), curse of yig (DC 33), demand (DC 34), dimension door, dominate monster (DC 35, snake and snake-like only), dream council, dream scan, dream voyage, fire snake (DC 31), greater dispel magic, greater teleport, insanity, interplanetary teleport, mind thrust VI (DC 32), nightmare (DC 31), overwhelming poison, plane shift (DC 33), pocketful of vipers (DC 28), poison (DC 30), psychic crush V (DC 35), reverse gravity, sending, sepia snake sigil (DC 29), snake staff (DC 32), suggestion (DC 29), summon monster IX (mythos only), summon nature’s ally IX (snakes only), summon king snake, sundered serpent coil, transport via plants

3/daydominate monster (DC 35), feeblemind (DC 31), gate, geas/quest, heal, maze of madness and suffering, weird (DC 35), wish

1/dayimplosion (DC 35), microcosm (DC 35), symbol of persuasion (DC 32), summon (level 9, mythos creatures with total base HD not superior of double the great old one HD 100%), time stop, true resurrection


Str 38, Dex 40, Con 41, Int 30, Wis 33, Cha 30

Base Atk +31; CMB +66 (+68 sunder); CMD 103 (105 vs. sunder)

Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Greater Sunder, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Improved Vital Strike, Mythos SummonerB, Power Attack, Vital Strike

Epic Feats Good Fortitude, Improved Dodge, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Skills All skills 40 + ability modifier

Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Druidic, Serpentfolk, Undercommon; speak with animals (reptiles only), telepathy 100 ft.

SQ amphibious, change shape (any serpentine form; shapechange) [this replace unspeakable form], compression, devastating, ignore reality, lesser constant insight, madness sovereing, maven, might, omnicompetent, otherworldly insight, snake empathy +47, virtual size category +1, unspeakable grip

Yig renounce to the integrated class feature for double the divine slot

Divine Abilities

• Amaranthine Mind (Ex): Con as circumstance to attack rolls

• Amaranthine Soul (Ex): Con as circumstance to saving throw

• Devasting Strike (Ex): Your attack is particularly devastating

• Perfect Initiative (Ex): Always first

• Self Mastery (Ex): You can separate your individual appendages

• Seventh Sense (Ex): You can replay a number of rounds per day equal to your divine rank

Cosmic Abilities (esoteric)

• Abrogate (Su): Any single opponent within your divine aura has its greatest ability negated

Double Chaos Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You cast chaos spell at +1 caster level

• Transmutation Immunity (Su): You are immune to transmutation based attacks

• Transmutation Reflection (Su): Reflect any transmutation attack within your divine aura/realm

• Greater Scion of Chaos (Ex): +12 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while you are within a chaos aligned locale

• Perfect Summoning (Chaos) (Ex): Chaotic creatures summoned have 200% more HD

• Greater Taint of Chaos (Su): Healing against your damage 25% effective except in lawful aligned locale

Double Snake Portfolio Traits (Demi-Deity)

Granted Power: You gain a primary natural bite attack that deals 1d6 plus your Str modifier with the grab ability (for Medium size). If you already have a bite attack, instead that attack increase its damage by one size and gains the grab ability.

• Maw of the Snake (Ex): You gains the swallow whole ability with the same damage of your bite plus 1d6 acid damage/2 HD

• Poison Immunity (Su): You are immune to poison

• Snake Hunting Ground (Ex): +12 competence bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class while in an area with 80 degrees Fahrenheit or warmer

• Perfect Summoning (snake) (Ex): Snakelike creatures summoned have 200% more HD

• Toxic (Su): Immunities against your poison ineffective

Alter Reality (Su)
A great old one ignore the reality. Once per hour, as a standard action, Yig can duplicate any 9th level spell. This ability can also duplicate any epic spells of a DC equal or less of 70. Other use of this ability are GM’s discretion.

Call of the Serpent Father (Su)
Once per day, Yig may call to his children to do his bidding. As a full-round action, Yig calls all snakes and snake-like creatures with 25 HD or fewer and without Divine Rank within 10 miles radius. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or more can make a Will save DC 41 for negate this ability. These creatures arrive within 1 hour of the call. All creatures called in this manner follow Yig’s orders unquestionably for up to 24 hours, after which they return to their homes. Creatures binded to others (like a druid animal companion) always gains a saving throw for negate this ability and add their companion Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus on the saving throw. This is a compulsion, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Curse of Yig (Su)
Once per round as a free action when he touches or damages a creature with any natural attack, Yig can target that creature with a potent curse. The target must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or it takes a –6 penalty on all saving throws against poison effects and loses the ability to recover from poison effects naturally (though magical effects that remove poison effects still work). The cursed creature cannot gain the benefit of immunity to poison, be it from a class or racial ability, a magic item, or any other source. As long as it suffers under the curse of Yig, the victim becomes staggered for 1d6 rounds whenever it fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting or poison effect, and any offspring sired or birthed are deformed in some hideous (but mostly cosmetic) fashion. This is a curse effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Devastating (Ex)
All of Yig’s natural attacks are primary attacks that add 1-1/2 his Strength modifier to their damage. Yig ignores hardness less than 21 for any object he strikes.

Immortality (Ex)
If Yig is slain, he explode with nova as normal, but he does not stay dead for long. He is reborn 3 months after his death, hatching from the egg of a venomous serpent (although not necessarily on the same planet on which his previous incarnation was slain). He spends a year in the form of a venomous (but otherwise normal) snake, after which he sheds his skin and emerges once again as Yig. Typically, Yig does not hold grudges against those who slew him, but this is not always the case.

Messiah of Snakes (Su)
Snake and snake-like creatures without DR cannot take hostile actions against Yig. All other snake and snake-like creatures have a starting attitude of friendly against Yig.

Might (Ex)
Yig deals d10's for base damage dice of all melee, natural weapon, and unarmed attacks with virtual size categories, and his damage dice cannot go below this dice but this cannot increase to more dice than his HD.

Mythic (Ex)
Yig has Mythic Power (10/day, Surge +1d12) and counts as a 10th-rank Mythic creature. Yig One can use any of his spell, spell-like abilities and Alter Reality effects as the Mythic versions of those spells (if a Mythic version of that spell exists), expending Mythic Power as normal. He can also expend Mythic Power to use the augmented versions of these spell, spell-like abilities and effects.

Poison (Ex)
Bite or venomous spit—injury; save Fort DC 46; frequency 1/round for 10 rounds; effect 1d6 Strength and Constitution drain plus nauseated for 1 round; cure 3 consecutive saves. A creature killed by this poison explode in a bubble of acid that deal 10d6 acid damage in a 20 ft. radius (Reflex DC 46 half the damage). From this bubble spawn 4d6 snake swarms. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Rattle (Ex)
A constant, mind-altering rattling surrounds Yig. This rattle can be heard up to 500 feet away. Any creature exposed to the sound of the rattling must succeed a DC 41 Will save or become compelled to approach the source of the sound. Creatures within 90 feet of the rattle must succeed on a second save or become fascinated for 2d6 rounds. Creatures fascinated receive a –4 penalty to save against any effects create by Yig. Offensive actions from Yig do not break this fascination. Yig may silence this rattling as a free action. Deaf creatures or creatures withing areas of silence or similar effects are still able to perceive the rattling, but receive a +8 bonus to save against this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpent’s Curse (Su)
As a full-round action, Yig may curse a creature within 120 ft. to transform into a snake. The creature must succeed on a DC 41 Will save or succumb to the curse, gaining snake-like features. The creature immediately receives 2 Intelligence drain. Every week, the creature must succeed on another DC 41 Will save or receive an additional 2 ability drain to the same scores and slip further into the appearance of a snake. When this Intelligence drain would reduce the victim’s Intelligence score below 2, the victim is instead transformed (as if via baleful polymorph) into a Tiny venomous snake under Yig’s control. This snake form is immune to aging. The curse and its ability drain can only be alleviated by a creature with DR. This is a curse, polymorph effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpent Sight (Su)
By concentrating, Yig can share the senses of any snake or snake-like within 10 miles of him, allowing him to see, smell, and hear as if he were that creature. These creatures are unaware of Yig’s presence or that they share their senses with him during this time. A creature with Intelligence of 4 or higher or DR can make a Will save DC 41 for negate this ability. A creature that succeed the save, is immune to this ability for 24 hours. A creature is unaware of making this save. While he is sharing senses, Yig is still aware of his surroundings, but receives a –8 penalty to any Perception checks. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Serpentine Dreams (Su)
Any creature that has ever willfully harmed a snake, has suffered the effects of the curse of Yig (see above), or has slain one of Yig’s cultist can be targeted by the Great Old One’s serpentine dreams, regardless of the distance between the creature and Yig—even across planar boundaries. In order to use serpentine dreams against a target, Yig must first successfully affect the target with his nightmare spell-like ability. If the victim fails its save against nightmare, it must succeed at a DC 41 Will save or take 2d6 points of Intelligence drain in addition to the normal effects of nightmare. When this Intelligence drain would reduce the victim’s Intelligence score below 2, the victim is instead transformed (as if via baleful polymorph) into a Tiny venomous snake. This is a curse, mind-affecting, polymorph effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Snake Empathy (Ex)
This ability functions as a druid’s wild empathy, save that it works only on snake and snake-like creatures despite type and Intelligence score. Yig gains a racial bonus on this check equal to his Hit Dice.

Unspeakable Presence (Ex)
Failing a DC 41 Will save against Yig’s unspeakable presence causes the victim to become more susceptible to curse effects. The victim takes a –6 penalty on all saving throws against curse effects, and the effective DC to remove a curse from such a victim increases by 6. A creature normally immune to curses that is affected by Yig’s unspeakable presence can now be affected by curses (but takes no further penalty against curses as a result of the Great Old One’s unspeakable presence). This effect lasts for 1 year or until removed by a miracle or wish. If a creature suffering from this effect dies and is brought back to life, there is a 50% chance the effect persists upon the creature’s restoration to life.

Venomous Spite (Ex)
As a standard action Yig can spit a handful of poison as a ranged touch attack with a range of 120 ft. and no range increment. A creature hit must make a Fortitude save DC 46 or is permanently blinded and come into contact with the poison (it must immediately make a save against the poison). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Really good post! I like this creature alot. I love the way the abilities stack into each other. I think this is a dangerous and interesting lower level God.


Are any Great Old Ones CG?
Officially/Canonically no. They are entity beyond the comprension of mortals. If they do "good" as perceived by mortals, it is simply because at that moment their interest coincidentally coincides with that of mortals. Among the most "good" among the Great Old Ones we could classify Yig because he takes care of his snake children, protects them, and possibly avenges them if they are injured, but he too is "highly arbitrary and capricious nature. He was not wholly evil, and was usually quite well-disposed toward those who gave proper respect to him and his children, the serpents; but in the autumn he became abnormally ravenous, and had to be driven away by means of suitable rites." and "Of all the Great Old Ones, Yig is without a doubt the most benign. Yet those so foolish as to expect kindness from the so-called Father of Serpents would do well to think again, for Yig does not suffer fools and is as likely to devour those who beseech him for help as he is to provide aid. Even his most devout worshipers realize he may simply wish to feed at times, and on these occasions no amount of devotion can protect a supplicant from death.".
Going on, according to Lovecraft they were Beyond human understanding and morality but after his death his friend/colleague August Derleth took matters into his own hands and choose to continue the work of his friend but because of his vision, they diverge much from the initial gray morality. Derleth's writings center on the ongoing struggle between good and evil, in line with his Christian worldview and in contrast to the Lovecraftian idea of a universe devoid of any moral law. Derleth's tales are also distinct from Lovecraft's in their use of hope and his depiction of a struggle between good and evil, with the Great Old Ones and Outer God as evil.
The total distancing from the original work comes with the writer Brian Lumley in the 70s who creates Kthanid, the golden and good twin of Cthulhu who opposes the evil and treacherous Elder Mythos as if it were a kaiju movie and for this reason many fans do not consider it canon/they openly hate it.

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