From the mind of the Lonely of Providence, fear the Great Old One and Outer God (template)

For Vitra you will use the version toned down (no Double Portfolios, no free Transcendental Abilities) or the full version?
I'll probably use a toned down version, but I might make both, depending on how difficult it is to stat both out, and I'll put it on here as a case study of sorts. Vlitra is supposed to have a "true form" anyway so that might work.

The tentacled mass thing I'll change out with 9 separate full round actions it can take as it has 8 snake heads and a central main face and each head has it's own persona and abilities but they all share an hp pool, but otherwise it'll have the same abilites as presented here
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@Beefermatic let me know for the new version for the Sunstruck ability.
There are some points that still baffle me, some abilities need to be nerfet, to overpowered:
1) Perfect Casting
2) Tentacle Mass
You feel Perfect Casting and Tentacled Mass need to be toned down? Honestly, the Perfect Casting thing is always op but thats just because magic is op. Tentacled Mass I didn't think was that bad especially given what this was representing. The only thing I'd think about reducing was the ability to grab any sized opponent


The tentacled mass thing I'll change out with 9 separate full round actions it can take as it has 8 snake heads and a central main face and each head has it's own persona and abilities but they all share an hp pool, but otherwise it'll have the same abilites as presented here
For the 9 full round action are you using an effective x9 Time Dilation that can only use for attack?

For the 9 full round action are you using an effective x9 Time Dilation that can only use for attack?
Similar but it'll fully be able to use all it's abilities, it just won't be able to draw certain attack forms more than 1 per it's whole body per round but any head could potentially use it, but things like spells, and supernatural abilities it'll be able to use normally from each and every head


@Obly99 Question: In the Outer God Template, it says Yog-Sothoth has the Space Double Portfolio. Is that the Travel portfolio, or is it a custom portfolio? If it's the latter, would you be willing to post it if you haven't already?


@Obly99 Question: In the Outer God Template, it says Yog-Sothoth has the Space Double Portfolio. Is that the Travel portfolio, or is it a custom portfolio? If it's the latter, would you be willing to post it if you haven't already?
Is a custom portfolio. It is currently still in the works because the current version looks like a couple from the Travel Portfolio. As soon as I finish it, I publish it in the Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc. thread.

Out in the mindless void the daemon bore me, Past the bright clusters of dimensioned space, Till neither time nor matter stretched before me, But only Chaos, without form or place. Here the vast Lord of All in darkness muttered Things he had dreamed but could not understand, While near him shapeless bat-things flopped and fluttered In idiot vortices that ray-streams fanned. They danced insanely to the high, thin whining Of a cracked flute clutched in a monstrous paw, Whence flow the aimless waves whose chance combining Gives each frail cosmos its eternal law. "I am His Messenger," the daemon said, As in contempt he struck his Master’s head.
~ XXII. Fungi From Yuggoth,


Thank you so much! I'd always been confused as to who is the supreme being in the Cthulhu Mythos, Azathoth or Yog-Sothoth. So thanks a bunch!

Voidrunner's Codex

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