From the mind of the Lonely of Providence, fear the Great Old One and Outer God (template)


Question Obly99. What Lovecraft text states that Azathoth dreams all reality, including Yog-Sothoth?
Thanks @Lordnightshade2 for the quick reply. A bit of history: Lovecraft in his stories never says directly what the Outer Gods are or how they work but always moved through metaphors and puns. Azathoth is not told directly in any tale that he dreams of the universe but it is said indirectly in the verse Lordnightshade2 reported above. Lovecraft based much of his stories on the unknown and on the fact that the human being should never try to discover things for which he is not destined and when he discovers them, madness or death are the only possible result: "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. " The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories. The Outer Gods, their motives, and their goals are incomprehensible to the human mind and trying to interact with them only leads to catastrophes. That said, since many things are said / unspoken, much of Lovecraft's universe has been explained / expanded by his writers, friends and collaborators (small note that few know: Robert Ervin Howard, the writer and creator of Conan the Barbarian was a Lovecraft's dear friend and the two of them have been very callaborated. It is official that the universe of Conan the Barbarian and that of Lovecraft are the same) after Lovecraft's death in 1937. As for who generated whom, Lovecraft wrote in a letter the details of Azathoth's genealogy "In a letter to a friend who jokingly claimed descent from Jupiter, Lovecraft drew up a detailed genealogy charting his and fellow writer Clark Ashton Smith's shared descent from Azathoth, through Lovecraft's creation Nyarlathotep and Clark-Smith's Tsathoggua , respectively. As nowhere stated in Lovecraft's published work, primordial Azathoth here is made ancestor, through his children Nyarlathotep, "The Nameless Mist," and "Darkness, "of Yog-Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath, Nug and Yeb, Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, several deities and monsters unmentioned outside the letter, and a few of Lovecraft's and Ashton-Smith's fancifully-posited human forebears."


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Abdul Alhazred The Mad Poet

Male prophet venerable human diviner 10/loremaster 10/archmage 10

CE Medium humanoid (human, mythic)

Init +40M; Senses divine (x3); Perception +32

Aura divine (75 ft., DC 24)

AC 74, touch 51, flat-footed 64 (+13 armor, +12 deflection, +9 Dex, +2 divine, +1 dodge, +12 insight, +10 natural, +5 profane)

hp 830 (20d6+710) regeneration 20

Fort +57, Ref +55, Will +62;

Defensive Abilities hard to kill, mythic saving throws, unstoppable; DR 20/good and lawful and 10/magic; Immune ability damage and drain, aging effect, charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, petrification, poison, and all forms of madness; SR 41 (Kitab Al-Azif), 35 (arcane only, from true archmage), 32 (from Prophet template)

Speed 40 ft.

Melee +5 defending wounding dagger +43/+38 (1d4+7/19–20 plus 1 bleed)

Special Attacks force of will, mythic power (23/day, surge +1d12)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22th; concentration +36) divination and enchantment +1 caster level

At will—clairaudience/clairvoyance, command (DC 25), confusion (DC 28), detect secret doors, detect thoughts (DC 26), discern location, dispel magic, divination, find the path, foresight, insanity (DC 31), legend lore, lesser confusion (DC 25), mind fog (DC 29), phantasmal killer (DC 30), rage (DC 27), symbol of insanity (DC 32), tongues, touch of idiocy (DC 26), true seeing, weird (DC 33)

2/day—commune, sending

Wizard School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22th; concentration +43)

Constant—detect scrying

22/day—diviner’s fortune (+5)

Diviner Spells Prepared (CL 22th; concentration +43)

9th—ascension, dominate monster (DC 40), true resurrection, gate, summon monster IX, time stopM, wishM

8th—demand (DC 39), greater possession (DC 39), mass charm monster (DC 39), mind blank, moment of prescience, prismatic wall (DC 39), symbol of insanity (DC 39)

7th—banishment (DC 36), finger of deathM (DC 38), greater teleport, insanity (DC 38), resurrection, quickened suggestion (DC 38), vision, word of chaosM (DC 38)

6th—disintegrateM (DC 37), quickened invisibilityM, healM, legend lore, quickened mirror imageM, misleadM (DC 37), summon monster VI, true seeing

5th— baleful polymorphM (DC 36), break enchantmentM, breath of lifeM, mind fog (DC 36), mind probe (DC 36), overland flight, quickened magic missileM

4th—akashic communion, bestow curse (DC 35), black tentaclesM, deathlessM, dimension doorM, greater false life, mindwipe (DC 35), scrying (DC 35)

3rd—arcane sight, contact entity II, dispel magicM (2), displacement, nondetection, oneiric horror (DC 34), suggestion (DC 34), summon monster III

2nd—blindness/deafness (DC 33) detect thoughts (DC 33), glitterdust (DC 33), invisibilityM, mirror imageM, misdirection, paranoia (DC 33), summon monster I

1st—comprehend languages, greaseM (DC 32), keep watch, mage armorM, magic missileM, ray of enfeeblement (DC 32), shieldM, true strike, ventriloquism (DC 32)

0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic

Str 24, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 49, Wis 31, Cha 35

Base Atk +10; CMB +19; CMD 68

Feats Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous ItemB M, Enlarge SpellB, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved InitiativeM, Psychic Sensitivity, Quicken SpellM, Scribe ScrollB M, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell PenetrationM, Still Spell, ToughnessB

Skills Apprise +25, Bluff +34, Craft (bookbinding) +44, Craft (writing) +44, Diplomacy +37, Disable Device +25, Intimidate +34, Knowledge (arcana) +55, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +49, Linguistic +29, Perception +32, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +44 (+54 to determine the properties of a magic item), Stealth +31, Survival +32, Use Magic Device +37

Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Arabic, Aramaic, Auran, Celestial, Common, Coptic, Cyclops, Draconic, Elder Thing, Giant, Greek, Ignan, Infernal, Latin, Mi-Go, Necril, Protean, Senzar, Sphinx, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon, Yithian

SQ amazing initiative, arcane bond (ring of freedom of movement), crafting mastery, enduring armor, exceptional stats, flexibile counterspell, forewarned, forceful presence, greater lore, harmonious mage, inherent bonuses, immortal, kitab al-azif, legendary hero, lore, master of magic, mirror dodge, mythic spellcastingx2, mythic sustenance, mythos master, perfect preparation, portfolios (knowledge, madness), rapid preparation, recuperation, sanctum, scrying adept, secrets (dodge trick, lore of true stamina, secret health, secret knowledge of avoidance, secrets of inner strength), speedy summons, star walker, student of mythos, true archmage, true lore, wild arcana

Combat Gear boots of teleportation, pearl of power (6x4th level, 6x5th level, 4x6th level, 4x7th level, 3x8th level and 2x9th level), potions of cure critical wounds (10); Other Gear +5 defending wounding dagger, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical perfection +6, cloak of resistance +5, headband of mental superiority +6, helm of telepathy, ring of freedom of movement, truesight goggles, Kitab Al-Azif

Divine Abilities

• Intellectual Mind (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls equal to your Int modifier

• Intellectual Soul (Ex): Competence bonus to saving throws equal to your Int modifier

Knowledge Portfolio Traits (Prophet)
Domain Power: You cast divination spell at +1 caster level.

Sheep’s Strength: Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) to strength.

Ring of Truth: It is impossible for you to tell a lie (you can not answer / tell a misunderstanding truth).

• Shield of Knowledge (Su): You are immune to intelligence damage/drain.

Madness Portfolio Traits (Prophet)
Domain Power: You cast enchantment spell at +1 caster level.

Lemming’s Wisdom: Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) to wisdom.

Shaky Morale: You cannot benefit from morale bonuses.

• Shield of Madness (Su): You are immune to mind affecting effects.

Exceptional Stats (Ex)
Alhazred was born a perfect specimen of humanity. As a result, his ability scores were much higher than other humans. Additionally, Alhazred has much more gear than an NPC of his level would normally have.

Forceful Presence (Ex)
Alhazred adds his Charisma modifier as an insight bonus to his Armor Class and on all of his saving throws. In addition, Alhazred uses his Charisma score as well as his Constitution score when calculating hit points.

Inherent Bonuses (Ex)
Alhazred has used wish spells to gain a +5 inherent bonus to all of his ability scores.

Kitab Al-Azif (Su)
Alhazred carries the Kitab Al-Azif, the original version of the tome that would become known as the Necronomicon. The Kitab Al-Azif functions as Alhazred’s spellbook. As long as he carries the book in his hand, it grants him a +5 profane bonus to his Armor Class, increases his maximum hit point total by 200, negates the need for material, focus or divine focus components for spells he casts, grants spell resistance 41, damage reduction 20/good and law and regeneration 20. If Alhazred sets this book down or otherwise loses it, the book vanishes, but he can cause it to reappear in his hand as a move action, or as a swift action if expend one use of mythic power.

Master of Magic (Ex)
Alhazred knows all sorcerer/wizard spells, as well as all spells with the mythos descriptor. Alhazred also has knowledge of many other spells that he has researched. Many of these are arcane versions of divine spells like true resurrection or breath of life. In addition, Alhazred can create artifacts, the greatest of which is the Kitab Al-Azif. Alhazred gain crafting mastery and rapid preparation as a bonus path ability.

Mythos Mastery (Su)
Pacts with forces from the Dark Tapestry allow Alhazred to conjure mythos entity. Alhazred add all creature with the mythos subtype to the list of summon monster, these creature are summoned with spells appropriate with their CR. Mythos entity summoned by Alhazred gain the benefit of Augment Summon. Alhazred can use gate to call aberration or creature with the mythos subtype to his location to perform a service rather than an outsider. Alhazred gain speedy summons as a bonus path ability.

Student of Mythos (Ex)
Mystical arcane powers, mythic abilities, and complex eldritch rituals have extended Alhazred’s life. He gains the +3 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores for having lived beyond venerable age, but he doesn’t gain the penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution resulting from this advanced age. Alhazred’s supernaturally empowered life grants his complete immunity to ability damage and drain, aging effect, charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, and all forms of madness.


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Abdul Alhazred The Mad Poet

Male prophet venerable human diviner 10/loremaster 10/archmage 10

CE Medium humanoid (human, mythic)

Init +40M; Senses divine (x3); Perception +32

Aura divine (75 ft., DC 24)

AC 74, touch 64, flat-footed 74 (+13 armor, +12 deflection, +9 Dex, +2 divine, +1 dodge, +12 insight, +10 natural, +5 profane)

hp 750 (20d6+680) regeneration 20

Fort +57, Ref +55, Will +62;

Defensive Abilities hard to kill, mythic saving throws, unstoppable; DR 20/good and lawful and 10/magic; Immune ability damage and drain, aging effect, charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting, petrification, poison, and all forms of madness; SR 41 (Kitab Al-Azif), 35 (arcane only, from true archmage), 32 (from Prophet template)

Speed 40 ft.

Melee +5 defending wounding dagger +43/+38 (1d4+7/19–20 plus 1 bleed)

Special Attacks force of will, mythic power (23/day, surge +1d12)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22th; concentration +36) divination and enchantment +1 caster level

At will—clairaudience/clairvoyance, command (DC 25), confusion (DC 28), detect secret doors, detect thoughts (DC 26), discern location, dispel magic, divination, find the path, foresight, insanity (DC 31), legend lore, lesser confusion (DC 25), mind fog (DC 29), phantasmal killer (DC 30), rage (DC 27), symbol of insanity (DC 32), tongues, touch of idiocy (DC 26), true seeing, weird (DC 33)

2/day—commune, sending

Wizard School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22th; concentration +43)

Constant—detect scrying

22/day—diviner’s fortune (+5)

Diviner Spells Prepared (CL 22th; concentration +43)

9th—ascension, dominate monster (DC 40), true resurrection, gate, summon monster IX, time stopM, wishM

8th—demand (DC 39), greater possession (DC 39), mass charm monster (DC 39), mind blank, moment of prescience, prismatic wall (DC 39), symbol of insanity (DC 39)

7th—banishment (DC 36), finger of deathM (DC 38), greater teleport, insanity (DC 38), resurrection, quickened suggestion (DC 38), vision, word of chaosM (DC 38)

6th—disintegrateM (DC 37), quickened invisibilityM, healM, legend lore, quickened mirror imageM, misleadM (DC 37), summon monster VI, true seeing

5th— baleful polymorphM (DC 36), break enchantmentM, breath of lifeM, mind fog (DC 36), mind probe (DC 36), overland flight, quickened magic missileM

4th—akashic communion, bestow curse (DC 35), black tentaclesM, deathlessM, dimension doorM, greater false life, mindwipe (DC 35), scrying (DC 35)

3rd—arcane sight, contact entity II, dispel magicM (2), displacement, nondetection, oneiric horror (DC 34), suggestion (DC 34), summon monster III

2nd—blindness/deafness (DC 33) detect thoughts (DC 33), glitterdust (DC 33), invisibilityM, mirror imageM, misdirection, paranoia (DC 33), summon monster I

1st—comprehend languages, greaseM (DC 32), keep watch, mage armorM, magic missileM, ray of enfeeblement (DC 32), shieldM, true strike, ventriloquism (DC 32)

0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic

Str 24, Dex 28, Con 32, Int 49, Wis 31, Cha 35

Base Atk +10; CMB +19; CMD 68

Feats Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous ItemB M, Enlarge SpellB, Extend Spell, Forge Ring, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved InitiativeM, Psychic Sensitivity, Quicken SpellM, Scribe ScrollB M, Silent Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell PenetrationM, Still Spell, ToughnessB

Skills Apprise +25, Bluff +34, Craft (bookbinding) +44, Craft (writing) +44, Diplomacy +37, Disable Device +25, Intimidate +34, Knowledge (arcana) +55, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility, planes, religion) +49, Linguistic +29, Perception +32, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +44 (+54 to determine the properties of a magic item), Stealth +31, Survival +32, Use Magic Device +37

Languages Aboleth, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Arabic, Aramaic, Auran, Celestial, Common, Coptic, Cyclops, Draconic, Elder Thing, Giant, Greek, Ignan, Infernal, Latin, Mi-Go, Necril, Protean, Senzar, Sphinx, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon, Yithian

SQ amazing initiative, arcane bond (ring of freedom of movement), crafting mastery, enduring armor, exceptional stats, flexibile counterspell, forewarned, forceful presence, greater lore, harmonious mage, inherent bonuses, immortal, kitab al-azif, legendary hero, lore, master of magic, mirror dodge, mythic spellcastingx2, mythic sustenance, mythos master, perfect preparation, portfolios (knowledge, madness), rapid preparation, recuperation, sanctum, scrying adept, secrets (dodge trick, lore of true stamina, secret health, secret knowledge of avoidance, secrets of inner strength), speedy summons, star walker, student of mythos, true archmage, true lore, wild arcana

Combat Gear boots of teleportation, pearl of power (6x4th level, 6x5th level, 4x6th level, 4x7th level, 3x8th level and 2x9th level), potions of cure critical wounds (10); Other Gear +5 defending wounding dagger, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of physical perfection +6, cloak of resistance +5, headband of mental superiority +6, helm of telepathy, ring of freedom of movement, truesight goggles, Kitab Al-Azif

Divine Abilities

• Intellectual Mind (Ex): Competence bonus to attack rolls equal to your Int modifier

• Intellectual Soul (Ex): Competence bonus to saving throws equal to your Int modifier

Knowledge Portfolio Traits (Prophet)
Domain Power: You cast divination spell at +1 caster level.

Sheep’s Strength: Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) to strength.

Ring of Truth: It is impossible for you to tell a lie (you can not answer / tell a misunderstanding truth).

• Shield of Knowledge (Su): You are immune to intelligence damage/drain.

Madness Portfolio Traits (Prophet)
Domain Power: You cast enchantment spell at +1 caster level.

Lemming’s Wisdom: Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) to wisdom.

Shaky Morale: You cannot benefit from morale bonuses.

• Shield of Madness (Su): You are immune to mind affecting effects.

Exceptional Stats (Ex)
Alhazred was born a perfect specimen of humanity. As a result, his ability scores were much higher than other humans. Additionally, Alhazred has much more gear than an NPC of his level would normally have.

Forceful Presence (Ex)
Alhazred adds his Charisma modifier as an insight bonus to his Armor Class and on all of his saving throws. In addition, Alhazred uses his Charisma score as well as his Constitution score when calculating hit points.

Inherent Bonuses (Ex)
Alhazred has used wish spells to gain a +5 inherent bonus to all of his ability scores.

Kitab Al-Azif (Su)
Alhazred carries the Kitab Al-Azif, the original version of the tome that would become known as the Necronomicon. The Kitab Al-Azif functions as Alhazred’s spellbook. As long as he carries the book in his hand, it grants him a +5 profane bonus to his Armor Class, increases his maximum hit point total by 200, negates the need for material, focus or divine focus components for spells he casts, grants spell resistance 41, damage reduction 20/good and law and regeneration 20. If Alhazred sets this book down or otherwise loses it, the book vanishes, but he can cause it to reappear in his hand as a move action, or as a swift action if expend one use of mythic power.

Master of Magic (Ex)
Alhazred knows all sorcerer/wizard spells, as well as all spells with the mythos descriptor. Alhazred also has knowledge of many other spells that he has researched. Many of these are arcane versions of divine spells like true resurrection or breath of life. In addition, Alhazred can create artifacts, the greatest of which is the Kitab Al-Azif. Alhazred gain crafting mastery and rapid preparation as a bonus path ability.

Mythos Mastery (Su)
Pacts with forces from the Dark Tapestry allow Alhazred to conjure mythos entity. Alhazred add all creature with the mythos subtype to the list of summon monster, these creature are summoned with spells appropriate with their CR. Mythos entity summoned by Alhazred gain the benefit of Augment Summon. Alhazred can use gate to call aberration or creature with the mythos subtype to his location to perform a service rather than an outsider. Alhazred gain speedy summons as a bonus path ability.

Student of Mythos (Ex)
Mystical arcane powers, mythic abilities, and complex eldritch rituals have extended Alhazred’s life. He gains the +3 bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores for having lived beyond venerable age, but he doesn’t gain the penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution resulting from this advanced age. Alhazred’s supernaturally empowered life grants his complete immunity to ability damage and drain, aging effect, charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, and all forms of madness.
Oh that's crazy. I read the Necronomicon, or what's sold as the Necronomicon, many years ago, scary ass book lol.

Is Alhazred the prophet of a specific god? Or just the Great Old Ones/Outer Gods in general?
in general i think since he wrote the Necronomicon and to do that requires knowledge of all the entities within it. it is specfically state he worshipped cthulhu and yog-sothoth by name though
He was only an indifferent Moslem, worshipping unknown entities whom he called Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu.


Oh that's crazy. I read the Necronomicon, or what's sold as the Necronomicon, many years ago, scary ass book lol.
The Necronomicon is a fictional book creater by Lovecraft for his stories. What can you buy as the Necronomicon is usually a set of Lovecraft stories.
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Yep, that's what i meant by "What's sold as the Necronomicon." Lol
You want the Necronomicon? Ok.

Kitab Al-Azif

The Kitab Al-Azif is a staggering 823 pages in length. While its individual pages are astonishingly thin, they are equally durable and allow for no bleed-through of the ink on the opposite side. The book’s writing is entirely in Arab, although there are numerous diagrams and illustrations, many of which depict creatures of the Elder Mythos in astonishing detail. The dread book is divided in 9 distinct sections. The reader can study each of these sections individually, each of which requires 8 hours of study. With each section, non Elder Mythos user must succeed at a DC 45 Will save or take 1d20 points of drain to Wisdom and Charisma; a successful save instead deals 1d10 points of damage to Wisdom and Charisma (with the rule of sanity this deal 20d6 sanity damage, Will 45 half). This ability damage is as much a result of comprehending the book’s contents as it is the alien feeling of the book itself imparting its knowledge to the reader at a rate much faster than mortal minds are equipped to learn—as if the Kitab Al-Azif itself were eager for its secrets to be known. Elder Mythos who read the book must make a DC 20 Will save or become fatigued as the book itself imparting its knowledge in its mind at a rate much faster than normal, creature already fatigued become exhausted on a failed save. Once a section of the Kitab Al-Azif is successfully studied, the reader can make use of that section as detailed below without further risk of ability drain or damage.

Pages 1–66: These pages consist of the book’s introduction, and contain a detailed accounting of Alhazred’s wanderings through the deserts of Earth. Successfully studying this section imparts similar knowledge to the reader, granting a permanent +5 bonus on Survival checks attempted in desert environments and a +4 bonus on Fortitude saving throws against environmental effects or against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion.

Pages 67–192: This section contains information on contacting and interacting with various creatures of the Elder Mythos. Once this section is successfully studied, the reader can use the section once per day to cast any of the following spells as spell-like abilities: contact entity I, contact entity II, contact entity III, or contact entity IV. However, the reader must still provide the material component normally required by the spell, unlike with most spell-like abilities. All four of these spells are detailed in Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures.

Pages 193–428: The largest and most formidable section of the Kitab Al-Azif focuses primarily on the Elder Mythos. The secrets revealed on these pages are particularly dangerous to mortal minds, and any ability damage or drain caused by an attempt to master this section is doubled (but not the sanity). However, once the section is mastered, the reader gains a +8 bonus on saving throws against the drain effect from studying further sections of the Kitab Al-Azif. This information also grants a permanent +10 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks pertaining to the Elder Mythos.

Pages 429–526: A densely written section on magic follows the pages on the Elder Mythos. This portion functions as a spellbook that contains all the Elder Mythos spell (spell with the descriptor mythos) and rituals, even Call Azathoth.

Pages 527–576: This highly detailed and extensively illustrated section focuses on the nature of the similarities between humanity and the deep ones. Once this section is mastered, the reader has the option to gain the deep one corruption. The corruption is always gained as a useful corruption rather than a vile corruption. This section of the book also helps one remove an existing deep one corruption, but only if that corruption came about via a method other than via the Kitab Al-Azif. When this information is used to remove a corruption, the target must be either willing or helpless. The character who mastered this section of the book then must spend 24 hours performing a simple ritual involving minor surgery and the administration of rare alchemical reagents worth 1,000 gp to the target’s body to remove the deep one corruption. This imparts 2 negative levels to the recipient but removes all evidence of the deep one corruption from the body, mind and soul.

Pages 577–656: This section of the book switches from a more physical examination of the human condition to a mental one, focusing particularly on methods of transfering the mind of one body to another. Once mastered, this section allows the reader to cast mind swap or major mind swap once per day each, but when casting major mind swap, the user must still provide 10,000 gp worth of diamonds as material components. Both spells are detailed in Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures.

Pages 657–734: Formulae for contacting many of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods can be found in this section. Once it’s mastered, a reader can use this section of the Kitab Al-Azif to cast contact other plane once per day, save that rather than contacting another plane, the reader contacts one of the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods. The question to be asked must be one that fits into the category appropriate for the entity’s areas of concern—for example, one would contact Atlach-Nacha for a question involving construction or Yog-Sothoth for a question about the nature of time or space. Certain questions could well fall under multiple areas of concern. Contacting a Great Old One uses the “Outer Plane, demigod” table entry for resolving the spell’s effects, while contacting an Outer God uses the “Outer Plane, greater deity” table entry (contacting an Outer God is even more damaging to a mortal mind than contact with most deities[Avoid Int/Cha Decrease DC 20/8 weeks]).

Pages 735–798: This section contains information on the Dreamlands, as well as methods to travel to and from that realm. Mastery of this section allows the reader to visit the Dreamlands at will when she sleeps.

Pages 799–823: The final section of the Kitab Al-Azif notes that, despite this book’s length, more secrets remain untold throughout the universe. Rather than attempt to catalog them all within the remaining pages, the book instead presents information on how the reader can manipulate time and space. Once mastered, this section allows the user to cast greater teleport and interplanetary teleport once per day each, and also aids in the study and mastery of freestanding portals. If the Kitab AlAzif is consulted while studying a portal, the reader gains a +10 circumstance bonus on the Spellcraft check to understand the portal’s function or destination.


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You want the Necronomicon? Ok.

Kitab Al-Azif

The Kitab Al-Azif is a staggering 823 pages in length. While its individual pages are astonishingly thin, they are equally durable and allow for no bleed-through of the ink on the opposite side. The book’s writing is entirely in Arab, although there are numerous diagrams and illustrations, many of which depict creatures of the Elder Mythos in astonishing detail. The dread book is divided in 9 distinct sections. The reader can study each of these sections individually, each of which requires 8 hours of study. With each section, non Elder Mythos user must succeed at a DC 45 Will save or take 1d20 points of drain to Wisdom and Charisma; a successful save instead deals 1d10 points of damage to Wisdom and Charisma (with the rule of sanity this deal 20d6 sanity damage, Will 45 half). This ability damage is as much a result of comprehending the book’s contents as it is the alien feeling of the book itself imparting its knowledge to the reader at a rate much faster than mortal minds are equipped to learn—as if the Kitab Al-Azif itself were eager for its secrets to be known. Elder Mythos who read the book must make a DC 20 Will save or become fatigued as the book itself imparting its knowledge in its mind at a rate much faster than normal, creature already fatigued become exhausted on a failed save. Once a section of the Kitab Al-Azif is successfully studied, the reader can make use of that section as detailed below without further risk of ability drain or damage.

Pages 1–66: These pages consist of the book’s introduction, and contain a detailed accounting of Alhazred’s wanderings through the deserts of Earth. Successfully studying this section imparts similar knowledge to the reader, granting a permanent +5 bonus on Survival checks attempted in desert environments and a +4 bonus on Fortitude saving throws against environmental effects or against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion.

Pages 67–192: This section contains information on contacting and interacting with various creatures of the Elder Mythos. Once this section is successfully studied, the reader can use the section once per day to cast any of the following spells as spell-like abilities: contact entity I, contact entity II, contact entity III, or contact entity IV. However, the reader must still provide the material component normally required by the spell, unlike with most spell-like abilities. All four of these spells are detailed in Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures.

Pages 193–428: The largest and most formidable section of the Kitab Al-Azif focuses primarily on the Elder Mythos. The secrets revealed on these pages are particularly dangerous to mortal minds, and any ability damage or drain caused by an attempt to master this section is doubled (but not the sanity). However, once the section is mastered, the reader gains a +8 bonus on saving throws against the drain effect from studying further sections of the Kitab Al-Azif. This information also grants a permanent +10 circumstance bonus on Knowledge checks pertaining to the Elder Mythos.

Pages 429–526: A densely written section on magic follows the pages on the Elder Mythos. This portion functions as a spellbook that contains all the Elder Mythos spell (spell with the descriptor mythos) and rituals, even Call Azathoth.

Pages 527–576: This highly detailed and extensively illustrated section focuses on the nature of the similarities between humanity and the deep ones. Once this section is mastered, the reader has the option to gain the deep one corruption. The corruption is always gained as a useful corruption rather than a vile corruption. This section of the book also helps one remove an existing deep one corruption, but only if that corruption came about via a method other than via the Kitab Al-Azif. When this information is used to remove a corruption, the target must be either willing or helpless. The character who mastered this section of the book then must spend 24 hours performing a simple ritual involving minor surgery and the administration of rare alchemical reagents worth 1,000 gp to the target’s body to remove the deep one corruption. This imparts 2 negative levels to the recipient but removes all evidence of the deep one corruption from the body, mind and soul.

Pages 577–656: This section of the book switches from a more physical examination of the human condition to a mental one, focusing particularly on methods of transfering the mind of one body to another. Once mastered, this section allows the reader to cast mind swap or major mind swap once per day each, but when casting major mind swap, the user must still provide 10,000 gp worth of diamonds as material components. Both spells are detailed in Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures.

Pages 657–734: Formulae for contacting many of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods can be found in this section. Once it’s mastered, a reader can use this section of the Kitab Al-Azif to cast contact other plane once per day, save that rather than contacting another plane, the reader contacts one of the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods. The question to be asked must be one that fits into the category appropriate for the entity’s areas of concern—for example, one would contact Atlach-Nacha for a question involving construction or Yog-Sothoth for a question about the nature of time or space. Certain questions could well fall under multiple areas of concern. Contacting a Great Old One uses the “Outer Plane, demigod” table entry for resolving the spell’s effects, while contacting an Outer God uses the “Outer Plane, greater deity” table entry (contacting an Outer God is even more damaging to a mortal mind than contact with most deities[Avoid Int/Cha Decrease DC 20/8 weeks]).

Pages 735–798: This section contains information on the Dreamlands, as well as methods to travel to and from that realm. Mastery of this section allows the reader to visit the Dreamlands at will when she sleeps.

Pages 799–823: The final section of the Kitab Al-Azif notes that, despite this book’s length, more secrets remain untold throughout the universe. Rather than attempt to catalog them all within the remaining pages, the book instead presents information on how the reader can manipulate time and space. Once mastered, this section allows the user to cast greater teleport and interplanetary teleport once per day each, and also aids in the study and mastery of freestanding portals. If the Kitab AlAzif is consulted while studying a portal, the reader gains a +10 circumstance bonus on the Spellcraft check to understand the portal’s function or destination.
Lol nice!

Voidrunner's Codex

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