• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Insight's Secret Wars - Prelude (IC)


PANEL 1: Long shot of Halflife, Lady Nuke, and Meltdown approaching ATOMIC HQ.
Halflife: "I was a little worried about you, Melty. Without the radiation immunity the rest of us have, I figured -- "
Meltdown: "Don't remind me..."
Lady Nuke: "We all made it back alive and that's all that matters."
PANEL 2: Core stands before a scientific instrumentation panel in the EXAMINATION CHAMBER. Halflife, Lady Nuke, and Meltdown stand at a sliding door.
Halflife: "I hope you have good news for us."
PANEL 3: Core looks at his allies. Behind him, on monitors, are various energy signature wavelengths.
Core: "Well, I have news. You see, I'm not sure Meltdown's condition is reversible. Not immediately. But something has caught my attention."
PANEL 4: Halflife looks bored.
Halflife: "Wake me when the scientific techno-babble is over."


PANEL 1: SORO, the team's robotic servant, hovers in a different entrance to the chamber. Core is foreground, facing the robot.
SORO: "Apologies, master. I could not locate the specified energy signature in the galactic database."
Core: "That's what I feared!"
PANEL 2: Core addresses Lade Nuke, Halflife, and Meltdown as the SORO looks on (foreground).
Core: "While you were dealing with Dr. Disastro, I was working with my instruments and discovered this strange, alien energy signature. We must learn what it is."
Lady Nuke (O.S.): "It's not related to Dr. Disastro?"
Core: "No. I'm afraid not."
PANEL 3 (double): The Atomic League and SORO stare at a huge monitor in the MAIN CHAMBER.
Core: "I have trangulated the source of this energy to this spot: a park in Kansas City."
Halflife: "I suppose that means we have to go there...?"
Core: "You have guessed correctly."
CAP: "This story continues in Crusaders #344, on sale now!"
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PANEL 1: Super-Fly, foreground, watches Captain Epsilon talking to members of the the Chicago PD.
Super-Fly (thought): We need to wrap this up and soon. Cap knows I have a hot date tonight!
Captain Epsilon: "I believe you have everything you need, gentlemen..."
Cop: "Thanks again, Cap."
PANEL 2: In the sub-basement, Glitter Girl stands over Between and Metabo-Lad, who are kneeling in front of the huge TECHNO-BOMB.
Metabo-Lad: "Only a minute left!"
Glitter Girl: "None of us know how to disarm this thing. Call Steely!"
PANEL 3: Steelclad lands. Glitter Girl, Between, and Metabo-Lad, background.
Steelclad: "All right. I'm here. Show me this so-called bomb."
PANEL 4: Steelclad examines the Techno-Bomb.
Steelclad: "This is going to be trickier than I thought. Give me a minute."
Metabo-Lad (O.S.): "The timer is down to 30 seconds!"
Steelclad: "OK, so give me 30 seconds!"


PANEL 1: Close shot of Prodigy. Captain Epsilon in hazy "thought bubble".
Prodigy (Cap under "thought bubble"): Cap, grab the others and get back here soon! We have a... visitor!
PANEL 2: At CRUSADERS HQ, Captain Epsilon and Super-Fly just past entrance to MEETING ROOM. Seated are Between, Glitter Girl, and Steelclad. Metabo-Lad leaning against the wall.
Captain Epsilon: "We're here. What's the --"
PANEL 3: Avatu standing next to Prodigy at head of table. Monitor screen behind them, showing large energy field in the middle of a park. Glitter Girl and Steelclad foreground, watching Avatu/Prodigy/the monitor.
Avatu: "I apologize for my dramatic arrival at your headquarters. I did not mean to presume. There is an urgent matter, however, that deserves our attention. In fact, it deserves the attention of all the people of Earth!"
PANEL 4: Close shot of Avatu, monitor behind him.
Avatu: "That energy field, in a park in Kansas City, represents something from beyond this dimension. It could destroy all of reality as you know it."
PANEL 5: Captain Epsilon and Super-Fly, facing the room. Seated at the meeting table are Between, Glitter Girl, and Steelclad. Metabo-Lad leaning against the wall.
Captain Epsilon: "We must go there, then, and face this threat! EVERYONE -- to the Crusader Jet!"
Super-Fly (thought): There goes my hot date!
CAP: "This story continues in Avatu #99, on sale now!"
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PANEL 1: Sweeping shot of cityscape background as Avatu flies on his SKY-CYCLE.
Avatu (thought): That energy signature... something about it...
PANEL 2: Close shot on Avatu's face.
Avatu (thought): Seems like... home... That CANNOT be!
PANEL 3: City park. Crusader Jet landing. Avatu on Sky-Cycle approaches foreground.
CAP: Kessler Park, Kansas City.
Avatu (radio): Crusaders, I have visual on you. Approaching park.
Steelclad (radio): This is Steelclad. Acknowledged.
PANEL 4: At the foot of tha stairs leading up to the Crusader Jet, Captain Epsilon and Avatu stand together. They look surprised.
Avatu: "We don't have much time to --"
Captain Epsilon: "What are THEY doing here?"
PANEL 5: Standing before an energy field (background) are the Atomic League. Several other people are background near the field. Avatu and Captain Epsilon are foreground.
Captain Epsilon: "The Atomic League?"
Avatu: "This has alerted many of the Earth's heroes, then. And possibly others as well."
Captain Epsilon: "You said that this energy could destroy ALL of REALITY!"
Avatu: "Indeed. Now is the time when we may NEED all of these heroes! Do you best to be diplomatic, Captain."
CAP: "This story continues in Omen #26, on sale now!"


PANEL 1: Omen kicks Jumpstart, knocking the villain off-balance.
Omen: "I have no wish to kill you, but stop you I must!"
Jumpstart: "AARGH!!!"
PANEL 2: The Duelist -- with a THRUST of his rapier to the chest -- finishes off Jumpstart.
The Duelist: "This is much easier with the two of us, dear boy. Ever consider adding a partner?"
PANEL 3: Omen and the Duelist loom over fallen Jumpstart (foreground).
Omen: "He will not die."
Jumpstart: "No. Like myself, this one will never die. I suppose there's a way to finish him off, PERMANENTLY, but that does not interest me. Our work here is done --"
PANEL 4: Omen and the Duelist foreground. Six robots closing in.
Omen: "You sure about that?"
PANEL 5: Close up on Omen's face. Radiation lines around his head.
Omen (thought): Someone... trying to contact me... so familiar... must not... let... them... in..."


PANEL 1 (double): The Duelist fights the six robots, knocking them out in various ways (eg., stab through the electronic eye, severing cables, and so forth).
The Duelist: "Planning to help out, my friend? I suppose it does not matter. Such simple constructs. Not really worth the effort."
PANEL 2: Close up on Omen's face. The Oracle's face in hazy "thought balloon".
The Oracle (Cap under "thought bubble"): My son! You must come to Kessler Park in Kansas City. You know that I would not contact you unless this matter was utterly urgent.
PANEL 3: The Duelist is surrounded by six prone robots, in various pieces. The Omen background.
The Duelist: "Well, it appears our work here is done!"
Omen: "We must go. To Kansas City."
The Duelist: "Must we?"


PANEL 1: Energy surrounds Omen and the Duelist as they grasp hands.
The Duelist: "I hope you understand the significant strain teleporting this far puts on me. I will muddle through, I suppose!"
PANEL 2: The Duelist foreground, looking at the Oracle, who stands amidst some trees in the park. Background is the energy field.
CAP: Kessler Park, Kansas City.
The Duelist: "The ORACLE! What is HE doing here???"
The Oracle: "I invited you here. The both of you. There is an urgent matter which concerns us all. Indeed, it concerns all of mankind."
PANEL 3: Close on energy field. Crusaders are there, along with the Atomic League. Others (silhouette) beyond.
CAP (continues the Oracle's dialogue): This energy field is composed of extremely potent psychic energy, of a potency that not even I can fathom. Its source is not of this dimension, but another. You can see that its power has drawn other metahumans from around the globe. They know its power as well.
PANEL 4: Avatu stands next to the Oracle. Omen and the Duelist foreground.
Omen: "Avatu? We haven't met since -- *"
Avatu: "No time for fond remembrances, I'm afraid. This energy field threatens to destroy all of reality!"
CAP: (*) Omen 18, for the record -- ed.
PANEL 5: Close on Avatu and the Oracle.
The Oracle: "Our only chance to save reality as we know it is to combine our forces."
Avatu: "If we cannot, then everything is lost!"
CAP: "This story continues in Velocity #28, on sale now!"


PANEL 1: Velocity comes to a stop at a city street corner. She is looking down at her costume.
Velocity: "What is that? My phone? Guess I shouldn't speed and talk at the same time!"
PANEL 2-3 (split): Close ups on Omen and Velocity in a phone conversation.
Omen: "Velocity. Sharon... I mean. Look, I know we haven't talked in a while, but --"
Velocity: "You need me."
Omen: "Well, not how you might think. Look, you're friends with some of the people in Forever Freedom, right?"
PANEL 4: Velocity arrives at front of FOREVER TOWERS.
Velocity (thought): He waits WEEKS to call and THIS is what he has for me? The nerve! All right. I'm here.
PANEL 5: Velocity ZIPS up flights of stairs.
Velocity (thought): This had better be important. I'm not running all the way to Kansas City for nothing!


PANEL 1 (full): Velocity (background) bursts into a room. Forever Freedom -- Blitz, Echo, Optic, Nightengale, Ricochet, and the Vistor -- foreground, looking stunned.
Velocity: "Hello, guys. Sorry to burst in like this, but we've got to take a trip to a park in Kansas City!"
CAP: "This story continues in New Forever Freedom #68, on sale now!"


PANEL 1: Velocity stands in the doorway to Forever Freedom's large lounge area. Standing around are Blitz, Optic, Nightengale, and the Visitor. Echo is seated, while Ricochet has turned around from playing a pinball game.
Velocity: "You heard me. Kansas City. Look, I don't like it any more than you do. Omen didn't give me much to go on. He said it was urgent and that we had to go now. Some sort of energy disturbance."


This is where the PCs come in. Use this thread to engage your characters, find out more about what's going on, and take actions.

Please note that your character cannot take actions involving dice-rolling until you have submitted the final version to the RG thread.

For reference:
OOC Thread | RG Thread

Walking Dad

First Post
The Visitor

"If it is this urgent, Omen could have called us himself. On the other side, you are faster than a call.
Will you go ahead? Only Blitz is fast enough to keep somewhat up with you. The rest of us lacks the speed.
What do you say, Blitz, do you want to go ahead or shall we move as a team?"

D'lyn answers after a short moment of contemplation.

The Visitor

Conditions: -
Active Array: -
Hero Points: 1

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]OFFENSE[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]INITIATIVE +2[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Eye Beam +10 Ranged, Damage 9[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Unarmed +10 Close, Damage 10[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]DEFENSE[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]DODGE [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]6 [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]FORTITUDE [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]10[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]PARRY [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]6 [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]TOUGHNESS [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]14[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]WILL [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]8[/FONT]


First Post


“Somewhat? Hah!” Blitz replies. She sometimes has a talent for picking out the 'most important' part of what is being said.

A moment later, she has realized, that there was more to it, and adds: “Uhh... Kansas City... how long will it take you guys to get there? I guess, if Omen says he needs us there and that it is urgent, we better all go together, right? I mean, sure, I could zip ahead for a looksee, and let you in, but quite frankly... I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a scientist. Energy disturbidings? Not quite something I will be able to explain a whole lot about to you, anyways. I could only go there and then tell you what we know already. So, let's go together!”
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“Somewhat? Hah!” Blitz replies. She sometimes has a talent for picking out the 'most important' part of what is being said.

A moment later, she has realized, that there was more to it, and adds: “Uhh... Kansas City... how long will it take you guys to get there? I guess, if Omen says he needs us there and that it is urgent, we better all go together, right? I mean, sure, I could zip ahead for a looksee, and let you in, but quite frankly... I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a scientist. Energy disturbidings? Not quite something I will be able to explain a whole lot about to you, anyways. I could only go there and then tell you what we know already. So, let's go together!”

Velocity looks over at Ricochet. You can tell by her body language and facial tick (though you can only see the lower half of her face) that she wants to say something. She turns back to Blitz. "Let's go. The rest of your team can take the jet and catch up later. Look... you didn't hear Omen on the phone. He's a no-nonsense sorta guy. I take him at his word. It's urgent!"
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First Post


Blitz nods, when Velocity tells her to head there quickly, without waiting for the slower members of her team.

“Well then. Guys, hurry up. We will meet you in Kansas City! We'll give you a call, once we are there, so you know what to expect.”

She looks around, as if searching something, but really only looks for anything she might have missed, before heading out.

“Alright, I'm ready. Let's go!”
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Voidrunner's Codex

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