The only AD&D intelligent weapons I remember off the top of my head from modules was the three from White Plume Mountain.
Scanning some of my PDFs I see there is one in the Temple of Elemental Evil. GDQ has two in the hill giant part and adds two for slave lords (that were not there in the original modules). Desert of Desolation has none.
I generated a number of random magic items for NPCs and starting higher level PCs in AD&D and don't remember ever doing an intelligent sword. I don't think I rolled on the 1e intelligent sword chart when doing so. Looking back at it, putting that in its own section instead of the general magic swords part really obscures that it is supposed to apply as a chance for all random magic swords.
Scanning some of my PDFs I see there is one in the Temple of Elemental Evil. GDQ has two in the hill giant part and adds two for slave lords (that were not there in the original modules). Desert of Desolation has none.
I generated a number of random magic items for NPCs and starting higher level PCs in AD&D and don't remember ever doing an intelligent sword. I don't think I rolled on the 1e intelligent sword chart when doing so. Looking back at it, putting that in its own section instead of the general magic swords part really obscures that it is supposed to apply as a chance for all random magic swords.