Into Khybers Gate

(Sorry about that, I'm here now.)

With utmost care, Sedar steps into the shop, trying to utilize as many hiding spots as may be necessary. Remembering that there was some sort of construct guardian, he gestures to his companions to take extra care.

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Johanel hangs back outside the shop, allowing his stealthy companions to vanish inside. He waits for a single so he'll know when to assist you. Inside, Sedar holds up a hand to signal Bloodtalon. You both press up against the wall as the sound of something approaching reaches you. You hear the sound of metal scraping on the stone floor. Cask's guardian, the metal dog you saw earlier, rounds the corner of the shelves and continues patroling the room. It passes by your hiding place without hesitating.
| B S  |
|IH H H|
| H H H|
| H H H|
|      |
| H H  |
| H H  |
| H   X|
|     X|

I = Iron Defender
B = Bloodtalon
S = Sedar
J = Johanel

X = Alchemist Bench
H = Shelving

Once the dog has passed, Bloodtalon motions to Sedar to move around one of the shelves to corner the dog between shelf and wall. Then he readies to sneak around behind the dog. Not that he thinks they'll have much advantage against a construct like that, but because they can prevent it from escaping.

Falling Towers! I don't think we can afford a fight now! Sedar thinks as he moves as Bloodtalon indicated to trap the metal dog, signalling his concern if possible. If we can stop the construct from making a sound... but it's too quiet in here!

The guardian construct continues in its programmed circuit. Its steps are so deliberate that you can imagine that you can see a trail worn in the stone from the repetitive circuit. You take up positions and ready yourself for the constructs return. After a long minute you see it round one of the far shelves and head in your direction.

OOC - Post your actions for the surprise round, then your initiative for the standard combat rounds.

When it looks like the two of them can get the jump on the dog Bloodtalon leaps in and attacks with his shortsword.

ooc: he gets +4 attack w/ flanking. so if he has it, that is +6 attack, 1d6+1 dmg

As the construct passes the doorway, Bloodtalon and Sedar detach from the shadows as one and strike. Bloodtalons sword rakes across the hard metal skin tearing gears and cables. Sedars dagger scrapes across the hard metal armor but fails to do any damage. The construct door makes a sound like metal scraping against itself as it turns to defend itself. Johanel steps in front of the open door and fires off a magic missile that impacts against the creatures side staggering it a step.

Surprise Round:
Bloodtalon - Hit for 6 hp
Sedar - Miss

Round 1
Johanel - 13 - Cast Magic Missile hit for 2 hp
Bloodtalon - 10 - Miss
Iron Defender - 7 - Hit Bloodtalon for 5
Sedar - 5 - Hit for 1 hp

ID down by 9 hp

| BIS  |
| H H H|
| H H H|
| H H H|
|      |
| H H  |
| H H  |
| H   X|
|     X|

I = Iron Defender
B = Bloodtalon
S = Sedar
J = Johanel

X = Alchemist Bench
H = Shelving

Bloodtalon Attack (1d20+6=22, 1d6+1=6)
Sedar Attack (1d20+4=12, 1d3=1)
Sedar Init, Bloodtalon Init, Johanel Init, Iron Defender Init (1d20+4=5, 1d20+2=10, 1d20+2=13, 1d20+2=7)
Johanel Magic Missile (1d4+1=2)
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