(IR) 3rd IR, Turn 1 - 2 (thread 1)

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William Ronald


I am glad that you like my proposal and accepted it. It should increase everyone's fun and decrease everyone's work. It will also allow me to do such things as eat without being in front of the computer.

Let's also try to moderate our posting.


The Forsaken One:

A lot of us did not have all actions considered. So, don't feel bad.


First Post
Um, hi guys.

I missed it too, entirely. Nothing yet when I went to bed, and this morning it was over already.

That was kinda anticlimactic :eek:

Unless it inconveniences anyone, do you think we might start the turns one or two hours earlier? I have to get up kind of early, so I usually can only stay around until about 19:00 EST (=1 am my time).

Now I'm off to read that monstrosity :)

Black Omega

First Post
I'm for anything that changes the turns from a frantic few hour sprint into something a little slower paced. I mean., I step out for a date and turn one has not even started yet. I come back and it's already over. A little discouraging.

As it stands I'm going to be out with friends Friday and Saturday night so I might miss those turns also. Is there a wayto appoint someone else to act in your stead when needed?


Black Omega

First Post
William Ronald said:
The Forsaken One:

A lot of us did not have all actions considered. So, don't feel bad.
Edited because I posted before I had done more than skim the thread. Disregard.:)
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First Post
Maudlin said:
Um, hi guys.

I missed it too, entirely. Nothing yet when I went to bed, and this morning it was over already.

That was kinda anticlimactic :eek:

Unless it inconveniences anyone, do you think we might start the turns one or two hours earlier? I have to get up kind of early, so I usually can only stay around until about 19:00 EST (=1 am my time).

Now I'm off to read that monstrosity :)

Sounds good. Guess it would be something near 21:00. opposed to the 23:00 we start now (where I live).

William Ronald

One thing I did was to e-mail some actions to Edena and work with my allies. Maybe just let Edena know about basic strategies and tactics.

Keep it short though. Edena is working hard on this thread, so if we can make it easier on him, I am for it. (Filling in for Edena as a moderator meant answering a ton of e-mails.)


If you call a turn every 24 hours. Let's say this. I'M OUT OF THIS IR because each time you start a turn I'm asleep and when I wake up it's long over. WE CAN'T EVEN POST EVEN IF WE WOULD WANT TO. THIS IS REDICULOUS.
We need time to post we can't do anything just because of the time zone.....
We had some grand plans for turn 1 and me kalanyr and festy couldn't do 1 thing because they we're at school and I'm in bed. Get's the fun out for all of us when we see that not me atacked the rain forest but festy and you got it wrong that way... Festy attacked it not me. I attack Sterich and Yeomanry and I mailed it because I wouldn't be here but noooooooooo I just get whacked by a few guys and almost lose Joltens? RIIIIGHHHHHHTT while I'm attacking the same ground with kalanyr and festy with about 150 PL intotal? You tell me he would still have killed the joltens guys what a BUNCH OF CRAP. THis really annoyes me, even more because I forswaw this and MAILED IT and it justs get ignored adn what we tell we are gonna do you get wrong and aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh. This just sucks.
I would at least like the faults made corrected and a change to have done something and not let us get the shaft because the timezones we live in THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

This would be that Festy KILL ALL THE ARMIDIO except that what belongs to him with 30+ PL. And he starts helping Zindia OFFCOURSE.
I mailed and you ignored it in the news poststhat I attack Yeomanry and Sterich with ALL OUT FORCE and william beat all that and just conquered my humanoid nations and giants...? RIGHT....... So i hope you correct some of this because this was really really really a bad thing to read and see whe just got heavily screwed and shafted.

And it would seem to me if they we're also attacking em and kalanyr they would be caught right out in the open where they would be completely THralled and devastated by my Spelljammers and Swarm and Kalanyrs forces. THey were attacking themselves so no entrenched guys but just nice in the open field righ to the slaughter. I hope you can correct that little mishap in our mountains.

(I don't kill enemies if I can but just enthrall them to add their strengh and knewledge to my own).
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