(IR) IR Interlude, Turn 5 - Turn 6 (Thread 1)

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Calling Acererak, "big ugly bone skullface" works for me.

Melkor has wanted that Avatar for 2 Turns now. So it has nothing to do with simulcra. I love the way player characters are becoming 1-4 PL above mine at an amazing rate. (Really means: I'm gonna go think of a stunt to get my PC PL 10 or more too).

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Thanks for support Kalanyr!:) By the way, I think that many of you have seen Deities and Demigods preview in Dragon, Greater Gods have around 80th Hit Dice. What do you think about drastically reducing everyone`s level, actually this book comes quite soon, and few players have divine characters. And congratualtions for your apothesis Acerarak, and on this Annatar thing, nice to see that someone else is inspired by Tolkien!
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First Post
Ok, see here, folks ...

It's no good trying to ask questions about the Lists while I'm working on them.
I can't answer the questions.

There is no limit on Advancing Your Civilization.
As the 360 PL expenditure by the Union of Oerth (and the subsequent 12 point advances in all their countries) shows.

Melkor may have his PC. But he does not have any simulacrums.

The only people who do are Kaboom and Sollir.
They only have 10 each.

And considering the point values being thrown around on the Lists, I wouldn't complain about them getting some points for Simulacrums.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
So, when does 6th turn start?

Btw, Edena, I did send you list of NPC's. Ok, they had something confusing elements (like alignment tendercies, you can skip them).

You haven't still updated it, this being only reason I ask. Yep, I haven't used all 16 points, so don't put rest on 'my unknow PL'-NPC.

How come Red Goo rating is 0 for everyone, was it countered or is it still unfished?

Whatever happaned to the Wanderer, in the end, as short version? It's probably somewhere in those four threads, just asking if somebody remembers.

(Oh, funny thing, Red Goo somehow remains me, probably because of couple of humor posts of that slime in Ghostbuster 2, that was evil, but they turned little part of it good and that saved the day in the end).


First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
There is no limit on Advancing Your Civilization.
As the 360 PL expenditure by the Union of Oerth (and the subsequent 12 point advances in all their countries) shows.
Erk? There sure used to be! When did this get changed? I think there might have been some other people besides the UO who would have liked to know about that.

Personally (time for another whine), I think the UO is getting off far, far too easily. They waltzed over my 200 PL of undead without suffering even a sprained ankle (this after I spent the better half of 2 rounds taking just 4PL Irongate with a 10-1 advantage, and then only after I threw a tantrum at a post saying they were rallying out to slaughter me). They took all my lands in 1 day, and lost almost nothing. Granted, my troops weren't *all* slotted in defense, but these are vampires, liches, dracoliches, my undead trolls, demons, etc.. They wouldn't have just sat there at their microscopes while the UO's armies came in to lob their heads off.

Now he announces he's exterminating about 10% of his population and 100% of the people in my former lands, and again the worst consequence is some lady in medegia got the hiccups. This is civil war! That means blowing up of facilities, raids on armoury stores, slaughter in the streets, martial law, guerilla raids, the whole shabang. Now it turns out not only doesn't he lose any PL at all to this, but he quite serenely went along with advancing his knowledge at over twice the rate anyone else could do it before? Not entirely fair.

Edit- Oh, good call on the Simulacrums :)
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My 10th level enhancements are wrong, by a little what I did was give the entire Population the following:

Spell-Like Abilities: Invisibility,Protection from Arrows
Physical Stuff: Enhanced Constitution,No Sunlight Vulnerability,Wings.


Maudlin-Civ advance limit was removed when Spoof joined, go back and check that interlude thread, its in there somewhere. Some of the PL the Dark Union where waltzing over got blown up by antimatter nukes and a Holy Cataclysm too.

Black Omega

First Post
I offer the AnaKeri full membership in the Kevellond League and the benefit of the remarkable new power that we have. I also offer to share tech with them and give them sovereignity over their lands.

ANSWER: Will anyone beat Williams? He is bidding for the alliance of the continent of AnaKeris.
If you do not contest him, the Kevellond League will gain the peoples of AnaKeris.
Not really sure what to do here since William's a strong ally but this was also what I was working toward. The Coalition of LnS can offer membership in the Coalition, sharing tech, benefits of fabulous fae magic and they retain sovereighty over their lands. My preference is this not be a contest though and something be negotiated.

Black Omega

First Post
Zelda Themelin said:
Whatever happaned to the Wanderer, in the end, as short version? It's probably somewhere in those four threads, just asking if somebody remembers.
Sure, he was devoured messily by Ace, in front of witnesses no less, while he was trying to convince people to see his side of things. Or ranting, depending on your point of view.:)


First Post
Kalanyr said:
Maudlin-Civ advance limit was removed when Spoof joined, go back and check that interlude thread, its in there somewhere. Some of the PL the Dark Union where waltzing over got blown up by antimatter nukes and a Holy Cataclysm too.
Oh? I missed that, thanks. Don't know why, that was a decent rule. Needless to say, this does not decrease my argument that the UO gets off easily, nobody gains more from that than they do (esp when they gain 10th level too, which can't be long off now).

And they were nuked as much as I was. I accept the consequences of the cataclysm, but let's not get silly here :)

Just a bit frustrated I guess. My actions so far can be broken down into

75% that failed, was turned down or never happened (for me, at least, in 2 distinct cases it was later allowed for another player).
20% that worked to a degree, but backfired even harder.
5% that worked. This is just the conquest of the iron hills (under the circumstances I mentioned above) and my frollicking in the battle with Vecna. This is the sum total of everything that I've ever tried to do, that has worked.

You should see the list of my efforts in my correspondence with Edena. You'd bust a gut laughing if you were into the whole schadenfreude thing. One more reason why I was in favour of the freeform thing.

So yes, I'm green with envy at the UO's fortune :D
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