(IR) IR Interlude, Turn 5 - Turn 6 (Thread 1)

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Hmm Acererak is getting one heck of a lot more than 20PL of undead a turn his Undead Arms Race jumped hugely and he's gained 400PL of undead from nowhere too and 10th level magic.
Plus if a lot of us knew Ace could pull this one no one would have touched Places like Rauxes, Medegia etc.

Hmm New Balance of Power: Advantage the Bad Guys.

So can the goop start making your limbs fall of now?

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Edena you got something wrong at my stuff.

I had 284 PL + 30 PL for the Secret Retreat. That got doubled as by your email. You stated it ALL get doubled, EVERYTHING. SO that get's me up to 628 already. And then you haven't even counted my 150 PL in civ advance (I missed the 50 cap was off:( )

so I should be up against the 800.


Minor oversight: You updated my Pocket Dimension and Secret with the extra 20 years Festy gave me but you missed my normal holdings gaining this PL. Also I think I have a different plan this turn than my previous one.


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The storm has been the worst in many weeks. Violent winds rage across the Flan. Peasants huddle in their homes as the rain slams into their hovels, and the cracks of thunder shake the earth. Something is wrong. The after-echoes of the thunderpeals almost sound like cruel, sepulchral laughter. The storms quickly worsen.

Black clouds now boil all over the continent, twisting more sickeningly than any natural phenomenon ought to. Green lightning coruscates across the skies, bathing the world in vile green luminescence. The thunder is no longer distinct, but one vast encompassing roar!

Nature screams, as the terrible storm comes to a thundering crescendo and the noise from the overwhelming violence numbs your senses. You scream along, but it no longer registers.

Then, in an eyeblink, the skies are clear, and all is quiet again.


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This is what the RttToH module booklet has to say about the Apotheosis:

"If his Apotheosis is a success, Acererak will be able to shift his controlling spirit to any undead creature on any world or plane. Acererak would in a sense become the Negative Energy Plane, invesing it with his consciousness. Thus every creature that depends on the Void would be susceptible to the erstwhile demilich complete and utter domination. The destruction of an undead body inhabited by him would merely cause him to skip to another undead creature nearby, or to one on another plane entirely, with equal ease."

Please consider what, of the things below, your nation would know about.

Throughout the Negative Elemental Plane, an exodus is happening. Every sinister creature that ever called it home, is on the march. Rifts open into the astral plane, as file after file of undead journey inexoraly towards the world of Oerth, like vultures to a dying animal.

All over Toril, the undead in that society are quietly liquidating their assets. They sell their homes, their businesses, abandon their responsibilities. Instead, they stock up on any technological marvels and arcane items of power, and... disappear.

Remember all those worlds that have a Tomb of Horrors on them? Acererak threw his nets deep and wide across the multiverse to entrap mighty adventurers and fuel his ascension. Those crypts are no longer passive. The undead of those worlds are swarmind towards it, razing the land in their path. On each of these worlds, report run like wildfire. Of regiments of mighty knights charging at the column of undead, or powerful priests trying to blast them into oblivion. These reports conclude with the story of one of the creatures, usually a humble skeleton, suddenly blazing with unholy green light and turning towards the threat to blast the flesh off their bones. A collective wail of despair resounds throughout the multiverse, as pests become fierce predators overnight.

+ My creatures become incorporeal.
+ My creatures gain a Ghost Touch ability.
+ My creatures become suffused by negative energy, gaining Positive Energy Protection. (no more Holy Cataclysms or Holy water rain, thankyouverymuch)

Serpent and Draco. I just love to remind you now about the escaped undead Ultra Trolls and Super Dracoliches.

Serpent: "Hey Acererak!"
Serpent: "What's that neat troll thing you got there and what's that steed your riding?"
Serpent: "Weren't those mine?"
Maudlin: "yeah but they are +6/+6 now! Neat huh?"
Serpent: "Yeah man that's awsome power!"
Maudlin: "thanks!"



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darn do I have to serve acererak now man I was just getting comfortable with my PC relaxing in ravenloft.


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zouron said:
darn do I have to serve acererak now man I was just getting comfortable with my PC relaxing in ravenloft.
Naw, just tell me how pretty I am and I'll leave you and yours alone.

Same goes for the Solistarim, they get to keep all liches and other undead, and their necromancy magic keeps functioning.

Zouron, no you don't you are a PC = unaffected. And you got 11th in your own world right? Makes your legions immune!

So you are able to go ahead and do your thing evil necro dude!

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