(IR) IR Interlude, Turn 5 - Turn 6 (Thread 1)

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You also missed the fact that the Turn 6 lists say you apotheosised if you're still upset about good to bad ratio of you plans.

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Kalanyr said:
You also missed the fact that the Turn 6 lists say you apotheosised if you're still upset about good to bad ratio of you plans.
Ooh, that's new :) I also gained 10th level magic, too, though it's not on the lists yet :D

I've always said that Edena makes every effort to be fair. It's just that almost all my good fortune comes from his charity rather than anything I manage to do myself. Anyway, enough bad vibes :)

Edena, for my 10th level enchantments, I would try to give all my population Shadow Walk once per day, and double stats increases from Shade Template. Possible? By the way I should have highest attack/defense rating in Ir for having:

-equipping all my troops with Red Steel( was it +1/+2?)

-third highest tech score and nuclear weapons

-10th level magic( +2/+2)
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Did I get the undead population of Rauxes resurrected with my other undead before Ace ascended? (Cuz otherwise I got big trouble at my door).

Quick BTW to Anab- Good luck in stealing those books since they aren't in this dimension (I'm not that dumb Squidboy).

10th doesn't stack with red steel = ruled.

And from 20 in tech = another +1/+0

you are +2/+0 tech
+1/+2 red steel
+1/+1 from red goo effect = +4/+5

Well, +4/+5 is still much. A question to Edena when he has time to answer:

What is a pl of Lloth`s Planar Armies?

Anabstecorian, I suggest you try to aquire help of your brethren that Edena mentioned.
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That explains a lot about your secret retread Melkor and you insistence to kill me. I guess I'm in Lolth's BAD books.

Oh and rules update from Edena to my email sometime yesterday:

10th does stack with Goop.

This is soley my opinion:
Goop is Edena's answer to the bad guys lack of power. Go Go Go Evil Goop Rangers. Either that or you are all going to have your limbs fall off from negative effects this turn.

I have very good reasons on my own to hate( IC of corse) you, Kalanyr, your betrayal really messed up with my plans. But NO ONE who tries to foil plans of Melkor The Great gets away with this.


If I'd stayed Evil you'd be a dead power by now, Evil me does not stand for people trying to destroy his world even if they think they can control the agents of incredible destruction they intend to release.


I'm gonna ask this nicely: "Can I have Riftcrag please?"

That mean the whole rift and what's in it and beneath it, It's PL I don't need just the location.


Godspires I do not care for (yet). Malacki, you may have them for now and if Anab doesn't claim them back I'll be coming for them in the future, and I will not just attack then, I'll be discussion a possible deal with you in the near future after I see how a few things fare.


Gnomeworks, are you returning to the lortmills? If not I might want to set up residence over there or just collapse the whole thing with Screeching.


I am after the Underdark, if you help me get that, I help you get what you want. I am not in any alliance so I really don't care who offers what. If you don't help I'm not fighting you except if you are in the underdark and we could agree on a deal on deviding territories or of you leaving the underdark!


Anabstercorian I will be talking to you soon, since you are a smart person I think you'll be liking that conversation, if you are to stupid to see when to bend and budge a bit is a must you are NOT going to liek that conversation. But all in all I think we are going to have a very pleasant chat!


DU/UO I really don't care what you call yourselfs now but would you plz be so kind to get the hell out of the Barrier Peaks/HellFurnaces/CrystalMysts, thank you very much!
We were always kind to eachother and I ask you respect my claims and leave me alone, so plz get your forces out of there.


OA, if you again want to catastrophe me or attack me I just wanted to let you know that you will see around 800 PL +4/+5 that have been neutral pick a side and it won't be yours! And with the UO and Acererak and god knows who all around I think you would rather get your arrogant mammal asses a bit chilled down and relax! Give me what I want, or come to a nice agreament on it instead of threatening with Catastrophes and nukes! I'm neutral now and you know now how to gain my favors. Your choise. You can guess the consequenses. Be nice and I lend you a hand with yours, I have no surface ambitions. Do not aid me and I will go alone after my ambitions and desires and you might very well be in the way sometimes. If you threaten me aain or attack me I might be suddenly interested to convert my Illithid population to Ilsensine's heir Anab and spreading the bloodwast as well and infesting as much as I can with red goo and help releasing the elder ones and make as many undead as I can for Acererak.


Let me all know if you are going to help me, do nothing, talk to me, threaten me. I'll be waiting!

I'm in here for myself and for the control of the underdark, nothing more but certainly nothing less.

I'm a reasonable person and I am willing to make good deals so if you are planning to talk to me about possible in the future contesed Underdark territory make me an offer or just call me names and I'll know where you stand in the matter :D

I am not contesting the subterrenean bunkers/safehouses/research centres someone might have unless it's DEEP in my if all goes well 2B territory. So I'm starting from a mile down orso :)

This aren't threats, just letting you all know where I stand and what I want. Sometimes you just have to give in a bit to be able to gain more. Remember that (it counted for em as well).

VaeREgoth GreeeTZz
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