(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 3 (thread 1)


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A message to the Father of Obedience

"Revered leader of the Scarlet Brotherhood, true ruler of the Suel race, I bring a message from the God Emperor of the Dark Union:
The alliance between our peoples is ancient and strong. Long we have stood by each others side against our common enemies, fought back to back and emerged triumphant. Thus it is most disturbing to me to see signs of your betrayal. The rebellion in the North Kingdom and Rel Astra, assassinations troughout the Union, the night of fire in Jalpa, all these incidents left clues pointing towards your brotherhood. Even so, the clues were often inconclusive and many of them seem to be planted to discredit you. Hidden beneath these clues are another set, pointed against a hidden order of Tharizdun worshipers in the ranks of the Scarlet Brotherhood. I have more faith in these, second group of, clues.
I therefore offer you aid in tracking down and destroying these imposters within your ranks. The spies and diviners of the Dark Union shall work independently of your brotherhood agents, studying the Scarlet brotherhood from the outside searching for anomalities. their findings will be reported directly to the God Emperor and the father of Obedience. One third of the Union elite agents will be put to this task."

The rest of the agents of the Dark Union will search for foreign agents and doppelgangers in the Union lands. All people in any position of power and responsibility will be put under thorough examination and will then re-swear their magically binding oaths of obedience to the God Emperor.

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What for stuff can increase your PC PL at any rate..? Just interested. And offcourse can he sense where we are if he liked since you can scry everyones ass off with 10th level magic.

But the shades have had our help for getting the pressure of their fronts the last month and we still are at VERY friendly relation ships with them. THe shade template is the proof of that and Vaeregoth feels the power of darkness as promised by lord Melkor and knows even better then she already knew that darkness is truth.. darkness is purity.
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Well, devouring the souls of tens of thousands of people, as Acererak just did, can increase your PL ... :)

So can great victories in battle (or great defeats, so long as you were there, and lived through it, as Anabstercorian would tell you.)

Edena, suddenly Vecna has a vision. In this vision, he descends further and further into The Darkness, which he identifies as The Deep Shadow of Shadow Plane. And in the heart of it, he finds a place so Dark that Shadow descends upon his very soul , and if there is still any goodness left in him, it is surpressed. And there, in the Heart Of Darkness, there is a Dark Throne. On this Throne, a giant figure sits, competely cowered in Armor of Shadow, emanting an aura of power so great that even Vecna must be impressed. Than the figure speaks, and every word is like an ice spark piercing through the heart:

-Behold, for I am Melkor The Shadowking, and this is my domain. Now that you see the glory of Darkness, will you help me spread it, upon Oerth, upon Toril, upon all the words?! For if you join me I will greatly help you in your divine acsension , for I plan to create The Pantheon Of Shadow, and in this pantheon you will have a place as a Lord of Magic, for you indeed deserve it. What is your response?

-Great choice, than I will share with you my power.

Than cloud of Darkness envelops Vecna, and he feels Dark Power growing within him( meta, Vecna has gained a Chosen Of Melkor template which should increase his pl by around 20%). He also feels something else, could it be a spark of divinity?

- I planted the seed of divinity within you, but you need worshippers to fully ascend, I will immediately tell my chlidren to start worshipping you alongside me. Now farewell!

Vision ends


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(rueful look from Moderator)

Melkor can speak to Vecna, but he cannot give him anything.

Divine intervention of that sort is not possible in the IR.
If it was, then all the Gods would become involved. That would ruin the IR, for obvious reasons.

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And of course Ahlissa is yours.


, Suddenly God-Emperor has a vision. In this vision, he descends further and further into The Darkness, which he identifies as The Deep Shadow of Shadow Plane. And in the heart of it, he finds a place so Dark that Shadow descends upon his very soul , and if there is still any goodness left in him, it is surpressed. And there, in the Heart Of Darkness, there is a Dark Throne. On this Throne, a giant figure sits, competely cowered in Armor of Shadow, emanting an aura of power so great that even God-Emperor must be impressed. Than the figure speaks, and every word is like an ice spark piercing through the heart:

-Behold, for I am Melkor The Shadowking, and this is my domain. Now that you see the glory of Darkness, will you help me spread it, upon Oerth, upon Toril, upon all the words?! For if you join me I will greatly help you in your divine acsension , for I plan to create The Pantheon Of Shadow, and in this pantheon you will have a place as a Lord of Rulership, for you indeed deserve it. What is your response?

Edena I think that sponsoring mortals to demigodhood is one of the few things that Melkor can do, due to Divine Code of Conduct. Anyway Shade start worshipping Vecna as God of Shadow Magic.


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While waiting for the snivelling, kender hugging Torilians and their Oerthian Collaborators (that is, the Traitors) to figure out, for themselves (they have brains to think with? Miracles!), whether they will or will not attack Vecna and the mighty Shadow Throne ...

Vecna is throughly enjoying himself with his new slavegirl, Ahlissa.

Vecna is beginning to feel like a young man again!

Perhaps, muses he, this is what is needed to give his Legions greater strength.

A slavegirl for every one of his fighters.

Hmmm ... those elven women are beautiful enough. They will make a good start ...
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