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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 3 (thread 2)

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The power of the Mind.

Vaeregoth, glaering over the battle field and sensing Anabstercorians presense feels it's time to wage some battle, a worthy battle of the mind.

Anab if you want your little plan to come true pass me first!

Vaeregoth teleports in the vicinity of Anabstercorian and doesn't even bother with invisibility of some sort, like... if invisibility is going to work against a 15th+ level character.

As she sees the flayer, the sounds of battle in her ears the roaring of vecna's might he unleashes upon the world and darkness spreading like a plague she turn black as the turns into a shade and as the darkness takes grip of her she feels her power grow and darkness strenghthens her she eminates telepathically to every creature with a mind within 500 miles: "FOR DARKNESS, FOR MELKOR!!!"
And reels with power as she launches her full mental power at the mind flayer, this insolent creature will learn the power of the mind at it's fullest potential. I shall add his power to my own, She manifests dimensional anchors to prevent him from leaving the battle and opens with a Thrall upon the flayer (edena rule on this one) and protects herself with a mindblank. After this I expect the battle to engage in it's full violence as the two mental power collide. Vaeregoth packed full with in advance prepared defensive powers glows and breems with energy, Anabstercorian hanging high and coming reeling down guns blazing, let the titans of the mind collide! (need a rule if the thralls gayness works, manifested at manifester level 130).

(Let's see who's the supreme psionicist here with manifester level 20 vs manifester level 130 :D and 30 levels in arcanespellcasting.)

let's get the fight on!
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Staring upon death Sauros, Anabstecorian has a vision of a Shadowy figure, emanating great power, sittiing on a Throne of Darkness.

Congratulations, for you are mighty indeed. What a pity that you have to serve Ilsenine, for I can give you reward much greater, I promise to make you a God under me! Join me, join the true Darkness! Ilsenine`s power is declining since after New Umbra has fallen, while I am new power, full of vigor, groving in power!


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Upon hearing this voice, Anabstercorian raises his fist in to the heavens, his telepathic proclamation echoing across the battlefield for all to hear...

"Never again shall the children of Ilsensine fall to the honeyed tongue of a miserable god wreathed in impotent shadow! For against the Will, the Shadow is nothing, a mere stain to be blotted out against our infinite dictate! The Shade shall fall to the will of Ilsensine! I swear it!"

And he goes.

<< Edena, new update. Tomorrow, after I heal up, while my men are assembling... The DICTUM, I'm heading back to the battlefield, and I am KILLING the Shadowlady Ahlissa and the Lord of the Shadow Dragons, if feasible. >>


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I am back, finally, and what William said, stands.

The goal of the Kender was not to take the Doomgrinder from Iuz, but rather to take it from the Black Brotherhood.

We will work WITH the forces of Iuz to reclaim the Doomgrinder. And, sure, I'm sure that some of my forces may not be able to resist leaving with a trinket here and a bauble here, but they know better than to walk away with the Staff of Iuz.

They're not just random Kender -- they ARE military, after all. And that means that they can follow *some* orders :).

Iuz -- if you do not mind too much -- we'd like a member of the Black Brotherhood or two ourselves.

For questioning.

Lord Forrester
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William Ronald


John Brown did leave me in control of his forces until his return.

Iuz sends Forrester this message: I will give you two, as your people helped out. Let me know what you get out of them. Where do you want them?


Sincerely Iuz, Peacemaker

Forrester, they are sent wherever you want. Regrettably they have been gagged and paralyzed below the first cervical vertebrae. (Iuz considers himself a bit of a surgeon). However, they can still talk and can be made mobile with a regenrate spell.


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Bring it!

Okay, here are MY powers:

Mind Blast: This mind-affecting ability is a sphere centered on Anabstercorian with a radius of 120 feet. All within this sphere must make a Will Save (DC 29+24 for for miracles=DC 53) or be Stunned for 3d4 rounds. Should they fail the save, they must begin to make further saves at the same DC. For each one they fail, they suffer an additional ability.
1 Failure: Stunned for 3d4 rounds
2 Failures: Panicked for 3d4 rounds immediately after the stun effect ceases
3 Failures: Affected as by a Nightmare spell every time they sleep for 3d4 days.
4 Failures: Immediately affected as though by feeblemind.
5 Failures: Instant death due to the immediate explosive expulsion of the brain through the ears. But always instant death.

I also have Dreamedge, a Coup-De-Grace Vorpal Keen Longsword +5, and the Dream Guns, which are dual wielded and have the following statistics.

Dreamguns (Two Psionic Coup De Grace +6 Gauss-Powered High-Calibre Keen Sonic-Burst Sub-Machineguns of Psionic Impact. Plus, they automatically resummon ammo back to themselves after forming it form astral stuff.)
His Dream Guns are forged from the stray dreams of Erythnul as they drifted across the Astral Plane. Made of purest, toughest dream-matter, they fire a stream of ectoplasmic bolts moving faster than the speed of sound using magnetic propulsion. On a good square shot the bolts explosively self destruct, sending destructive harmonics through the target. With an infinite ammo supply and massive destructive capability, they can level a city block in a minute.

In addition to THAT, AND my 9th level Wizard and Cleric spells, AND my Monk20 special abilities, I have the Sunbuster Cannon.

Sunbuster Cannon (Psionomagitech Artifact - As a standard action 20x/day, this weapon can create a 20 ft. radius Sphere effect centered on any point within line of sight of the user - It's mind reading and magical aiming abilities ensure dead-on accuracy. All creatures within the radius of effect take 4d10 Fire, Acid, Cold, Lightning, Sonic, and Force damage, Reflex save for half. The actual target gets no such saving throw, and takes an additional d10 points of damage of each elemental type including Force.)
(Additionally, as a full round action that can only be used once every ten rounds, 3x/day, it can create a 100 ft. radius sphere with the same damage.)
Now, you can ignore the Fire and Acid damage and you're resistant to the Acid and Lightning, but the Sonic and Force damage will still affect you nicely. That, plus my SR 35 Belt of Disbelief and my Cloak of Dream Armor (DR 10/- and +20 Armor) should mean I have a darn good chance against you.

Now... Let's see who's the better munchkin. :: Cocky grin :: What's in your hand?


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Shees. Vecna is really starting to piss me off.

FINE. My forces regroup and retreat to the Lortmills.
EDENA -- there's something I very much (*we* very much) need to know before more posts. How much time has gone on in the month? I'm guessing that the entire plague and counter-plague thing took a good two or three weeks, and that started up maybe a week into Turn 3.

Are we three weeks in? Three-and-a-half? Almost four?

Inquiring Minds need to know.



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To William and the Oerth Alliance

William Ronald said:
men and women are dying."

A message is sent forth to all those powers not currently allied with Vecna, including the Underdark Alliance (led by Kalanyr, Festy Dog, and the Forsaken One) and the Dark Union (led by Serpenteye and Mr. Draco.

"We fight against Vecna and his followers now. Although we have even warred with some of you in the past, we ask that you consider sending some assistance to oppose Vecna. If we fall, you will have him as a neighbor. He is not known for reasonableness or sanity. Whatever decision you make, we shall respect it. In this hour, we wish all but Vecna and his allies well."

Rest assured, people of the "Oerth alliance" I have no desire to see Vecna win this war. I will not allow Vecna to win this war. But it seems increasingly likely that he will not. You have the situation well in hand. You, proud warriors, are slowly but surely grinding Vecna into dust. You do not need me to share your victory. The triumph of victory will be yours, as it should be. The glory of victory will be yours, you have earned it and I will not diminish it by taking a part. You have payed for it in blood and death and the rewards are yours to keep.


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Edena!!!! Very Improtant!!!!


I need some clarification (oh and great posts by the way, you are doing a superb job! :) ):

1. O.K., I’ve got control of Doomgrinder again….Where is it exactly? (Also, didn’t mean to surprise you with it. I thought you knew about it. I can scan and email the complete 2E stats for you if you like).

2. Are all of Vecna’s troops pursing the collapsing western front? Most? None?

3. I am just catching up with the action of today (again. :) ), could I get a couple minutes before Vecna eats me? :)


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