(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 1a)

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Actually Edena said you could perform multiple actions at a time. However if you do to much then your attack/defense might not be holdable/creatable.

Those aren't now actions anyway, they're over the whole day.

(No one day actions in there, note)

Zelda Themelin

First Post
What we will do with 11th level magic quickly.

1- You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 3. (We will, we need more powerful spellcasters and more skillful rangers and experts now, after many of our prior heroes died)

2 - You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Bissel. (we continue doing this, if we have can, we fix Furyondy sized area)

3 - You can immediately begin growing a forest. (after this, we do that, we want some of our forerst back faster)

What we will do with 11th level magic in a few minutes.

4 - You can create a lake of Oerthblood. (I do this)

5 - Thousands of your people can shapechange, gaining all of the powers of the creature assumed. (we pick volunteerers who will we shown how it will be to exist as this kind of creature)

(You rather see me doing these actions in separete posts?)

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Oh, yes, we also alter our tecnology so, it don't cause enviromental damage (I thought our use of tecnnology never did, we always were very careful in this, we did not want to piss off our druids and shamans).

Did you get my e-mail, Edena?

(Oh, hopefully I get familiar enough with this game, so I can actually work some personal projects, or rather, dare to e-mail them, hehheh ;) )

'o Skoteinos

First Post
11th level magic actions

1 hour actions:

1) You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 20.

2) You and your people can project to several thousand beings, as per above. [I explain to the people of Mystrara what creep is, what it's function is, why I am placing it and that they should stop destroying it!]

3) Tens of thousands of your people can be permanently given the ability to Shapechange, gaining all of the abilities of the creature assumed. Your Power gains 1000 PL.

4) You can begin the creation of a new mountain range, new rivers, new lakes, new hills, rearranging the geography over an area the size of Bissel. [I will create a huge mountain range on Mystrara. My "tens of thousands of shapechanging people" will become Delvers, Purple Worms etc. to create chambers / hallways in this mountain range.]

5) You can complete a Mythal over a 4,000 square mile area. Within that area, you can place several dozen enchantments of 1st through 9th level, and they are permanent. [This Mythal is (partly) over that mountain range, with at least the following powers: Non-lawful creatures can't enter, Teleportation Block, Creep regenerates very fast and its healing function is enhanced, Light effects so there are no shadows]

6) You and your mages can create tens of thousands of permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities. You can summon 1,000 PL in help from those places. [Formians]

7) You can choose to permanently increase all of your NPC's PL by 10.

Quick Actions:

1) You can create a great geyser of Oerthblood, which continues to spew upward indefinitely. [in the mountain range]

2) You can grant yourself and your mages psionic abilities (you gain all the psionic classes), and your Power increases in PL by 50.

3) You can dig a tunnel down to any depth in the earth. [Only used if the normal creatures can't dig through.]
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Black Omega

First Post
Place holder. This post under construction.:)


You can create a great geyser of Oerthblood, which continues to spew upward indefinitely. Hey, need a good source of the Oerthblood.

You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 5.

You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Bissel. (Being done in Bissel.)

You can bring sustenance (rain, enriching the soil, etc.) to the natural ecosystem over an area the size of Bissel. (Being done in Bissel.)

You can grant yourself and your mages psionic abilities (you gain all the psionic classes), and your Power increases in PL by 50. (Done).

You can immediately start creating permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 10 PL in help from those places. (Summoning from Upper outer planes.)

You can sense a major change in reality, but cannot do anything about it. (Trying to determine what Anabstercorian is doing with or near the Sun.)


You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 10. (Done)

You can withstand Acererak's attacks, and employ those attacks yourself against several dozen enemies. (Done)

You can grant yourself and your mages all the special insights of the dragons, and your Power increases in PL by 100. (Done)

Thousands of your people can shapechange, gaining all of the powers of the creature assumed.

You and your mages can immediately start creating thousands of permanent Gates to other Planes, other parts of the Prime Material Plane, and to Alternate Realities.
You can summon 100 PL in help from those places. (Done, Upper Outer Planes.)


You can choose to permanently increase your PC's PL by 20. (Done)

You can create 100 pocket dimensions, size LL. (Done, evacuating civilians to them. Will allow civilians of allies to go there as well.)

You can permanently alter your Power's technology so that it causes no environmental damage. (Done.)

Tens of thousands of your people can be permanently given the ability to Shapechange, gaining all of the abilities of the creature assumed. Your Power gains 1000 PL. (Done.)

'o Skoteinos

First Post
Quickly raise PL, Minutes raise PL and hour raise PL stack??? Is that also true for NPC's?

Kris: als je wil kan je mijn goochelaars met geestenkrachten (;)) gebruiken om je speler karakter (;)) krachtiger te maken tegen Rajaat. We mogen trouwens geen gedeelde natie worden...:/.
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First Post
Actions for day one:

Create one pocket dimension as others with astral travel given to all those inside. Also add twin mind and twin spell to allow all people to have 2 astral projections while inside. (Doubling my pl and spell casters) Ward the pocket dimension against all known attacks and establish a Mythal that doubles the power of all spells cast inside the Mythal while halving all spells cast into the Mythal from outside (my attack/defense x2, others attack ½)

my total attack and defense for a quick action (3/3) should now be (12/12)
(3(normal)*2(pocket dimension)*2(Mythal) / 3(normal)*2(pocket dimension)*2(Mythal))

Contact the Mordon Primus and seek an alliance with him/it. Ask him to assist me in bringing order to the spheres. Offer him a bargain where he can establish a base to work from here to help bring order to the people.

Create geysers of Oreth blood on Hope Isle along with accompanying spells to force the spray into to a mist that covers the entire island in a continuous fog.

Use magic and tech from Toril to scry watch what is going on around the sun. Launch an envoy up to there to ask to be allowed to observe the proceedings. Cast all known mind-protecting spells on observers and equip each with one of the psionic nullifying devices.

Continue summoning cats of nine lives and celestial golems
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First Post
Whoo. Tour.

Spoof said:
Actions for day one:
Use magic and tech from Toril to scry watch what is going on around the sun. Launch an envoy up to there to ask to be allowed to observe the proceedings. Cast all known mind-protecting spells on observers and equip each with one of the psionic nullifying devices.

<< And this is the residential quarter, where the new citizens of Penumbra live. Thanks to our vast overabundance of psionic power and real estate, each one of them has their own luxurious home staffed with psionic constructs...>> Anabstercorian hovered down the street, showing the representatives from Hope Isle about.

"This is all well and good, Anabstercorian," one of the Hound Archons spoke up, "But we'd like to see the construction process itself."

<< Of course, >> transmitted Anabstercorian, setting up a Teleport Circle. << If you'll follow me? >>


The delegates stood on a vast, transparent plane of force a hundred thousand miles above the surface of the sun. If the delegates hadn't all been celestials, they would have been promptly vaporized by the heat, but as is they were merely sweaty. << This is the superstructure for the Penumbral Hub, a plane of force extending around the sun. We use this as a support for the Substare that makes up the majority of the ring until the loop is completed and reinforced to stand under its own strength... Until then, we must absorb some of the energy put out by the sun to power the vast force fields, which accounts for the drop in luminosity on the surface of Oerth. >>

The Lantern Archon bobbing near him seemed sad. "You're making it dark?"

<< A little, yes, but only for the time being. It's darker than usual now because we're preparing to kick the hell out of some of our enemies, but that will pass as well. >>

"You shouldn't be so mean..." The lantern archon seemed to almost pout.

<< Relax, it's all for the best in the end. >>

"So," broke in one of the Solar, "You insist that you are not destroying the sun."

<< No, >> sighed Anabstercorian, looking exasperated. << I'm not destroying the sun. >>

"And those flying Illithid larvae that move at the speed of sound and burrow in to peoples brains and turn them in to Illithid against their will?"

<< Pet project. I'm thinking of using them as a weapon of war - Why kill the enemy when you can make them see your point of view? Yes, it's nasty - But it's not THAT nasty. I mean, hell, if you're going to yell at me for anything, yell at me for the Luna incident. That was evil. This is just unconventional. >>

"Right, whatever."

Voidrunner's Codex

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