Sow the Seeds, Reap the Harvest
An adventure for 5 characters of 3rd level
Aeons ago, one of the first spirits to walk the earth died. The body decomposed, creating a valley of rich, fertile soil, which would grow crops with amazing quality. And in that valley, the Reagen family made their legacy.
They built a plantation in the valley, growing tabacc of tremendous reputation. Throughout the nation, Tearglen Tabacc was known as a brand of wealth and quality, and it lined the pipes of the most influential lords and merchants. The town of Tearglen grew; many workers were needed to run the plantation, and other labourers found work abundant in the booming town.
Young Lord Arthur Reagen had taken over the plantation following his father’s death. A handsome young man, he soon married a beautiful young lady from the nearby city of Castilla. Lord and Lady both were a vision to behold, and they looked a fairytale couple. Or so it seemed.
Lord Reagen had chosen his wife poorly. Mellandre was a student of the arcane arts, but she had been expelled from her school. She lacked the discipline to apply herself solely to her studies; she wanted power and wanted it quickly, with little effort on her part. Left with no future in magic, she sought to improve her social standing through marriage.
Her temper and demeanor surfaced shortly following the marriage, and Lord Reagen discovered, to his dismay, that he hated Mellandre. And she, in turn, hated him right back. The noble family bickered and fought, first in private, and later, in public. Finally, the Women’s Circle of Tearglen had to step in.
The Women’s Circle was charged with taking care of household disputes, and even the Lord and Lady were not above their counsel. They interviewed both parties, and came to their decision; Lady Mellandre Reagen would become an obedient housewife, while Lord Arthur Reagen would grant his wife three boons.
The Lady asked for a protector, for she often liked to walk in the woods. She asked for fine jewellery, befitting her station. And she asked for a grand ball, with music, food, and all sorts of important people in attendance. The Lord, being petty and snide, twisted her requests; he gave her a barely-civilized ogre bodyguard, a finely carved wooden amulet, and agreed to host a party in honor of his birthday.
Furious, Lady Mellandre realized she could not appeal to the Council. But that night, in her dreams, she was touched by the voices; the earth spirits spoke to her, whispering that they held the solution to her problems. For the wooden amulet bestowed to her was, unbeknownst to her husband, the Amulet of the First Spirits, a powerful druidic amulet that channelled the voices of the powerful spirits bound to the plantation’s soil.
She, with her ogre bodyguard in tow, traveled out into the forest, and the whispering voices led her across a log bridge over the river and into a serene clearing with a low, flat rock in the center. There the elemental spirits appeared to her, speaking the will of the first spirits. They could make the young Lord fall deathly ill, if she provided them with the very stuff of life; blood. The elemental weirds spoke to the ogre too, binding him to do the lady’s bidding on pain of death.
Under cover of night, Lady Mellandre and her ogre stole many small animals from the local farms and sacrificed them in the forest grove. The elemental weirds went with them, using their magic to obscure the trail. Steadily, night by night, Lord Reagen’s health declined. At first, merely a mild headache or an upset stomach troubled him, but the symptoms became more severe. He found that walking tired his limbs quickly, and his complexion grew pale. Regardless, he would host his ball; it was one of the boons, and he did not want to give any impression of dodging them, twisted though they were.
On the day of the party, Lady Mellandre and her ogre kidnapped a young woman, Salacia Bennet. What better time to complete the ritual than on the eve of the party, where Lord Reagen’s demise would be so public? She would be the sole heir to the plantation and the Reagen family fortune, and she could not be blamed, sitting at his side the whole night. While crossing the log bridge, however, Mellandre lost her footing, and her backpack full of ritual components and books fell into the river and floated downstream.
Furious, Mellandre could do nothing but tie Salacia to a tree and return to the plantation with her ogre. If she wasn’t at the party, that would raise all sorts of suspicion. She would have to spend the next day gathering more components and preparing to finish the ritual. Tomorrow, then, Arthur Reagen would die.
Adventure Summary:
The adventurers have all been invited to Lord Reagen’s birthday party. The Lord’s idea of a joke is to invite adventurers as important people to spite his wife. The party is a stately affair, with live music and fine food, though Lord Reagen seems to be a man of poor constitution. A good insight check can determine that the man is sick.
Mellandre, for her part, is every bit the doting lady. She expresses concern for her husband, and is polite to the adventurers. She is careful to hide her displeasure at their appearance, though if any of the PCs are finely dressed, she will pay more attention to them.
If the PCs ask around, various party guests can fill in details of how the Lord and Lady used to fight, of the three boons and the twists the Lord made, and how the plantation is growing more successful every year. Some of the guests mention that livestock has been going missing, though the general opinion is that careless farmers are responsible.
If confronted about the boons and his twists, the Lord denies any malice in his twists:
“What better protector than a loyal ogre? What bandit or forest beast in their right mind would take on so ferocious a foe?”
“Finely carved wood makes for a distinct, unique jewellery, truly a testament to Mellandre’s singular beauty.”
“Isn’t this a fine party, no matter the reason? Fine music, choice food, and good company.”
Lady Mellandre will pay lip service to these reasons, if confronted, but only a moderate insight check is required to note her genuine displeasure.
The party will last well into the night, and Lord Reagen will put up the adventurers in rooms in his manor house.
In the morning, they are all summoned to Lord Reagen’s study on urgent business. He informs them of Salacia Bennet’s kidnapping, and asks them to find her, offering a generous reward for her recovery. Lady Mellandre, at this point, is in the plantation’s cellar, finding replacement ritual components.
The adventurers can follow a few leads at this point. The obvious lead is the Bennet house, where the young woman’s parents are too distraught to be of any help. Salacia’s older brother, Mat, will talk to the PCs. Salacia visited at the mill, where he works. He thought he heard heavy footsteps outside shortly after she left. If the PCs have not heard about the animals disappearing, Mat will mention this too.
The adventurers can search the mill and the surrounding area. The only clue present is that the cobblestones nearby have recently been washed by water (the work of a water weird). No bucket can be found, nor can any tracks be found. Anyone trained in the arcane arts might be able to detect the magic.
The adventurers can investigate the farms where animals have gone missing. One farmer swears he saw a huge, hulking brute at least twenty feet tall snatch one of his sheep in the night, though he saw it from his window after having a mug or two. A farmgirl named Liselle heard strange noises in the woods while she was dallying around with Oliver in the forest. One of the farms has had a patch of ground near where the sheep graze turned to mud (work of a water weird).
The adventurers might also hear that Old Jed found something washed up on the shore of the river early that morning. If they track him down, he shows them the soaking wet backpack he hauled from the river, which despite being out of the water, is still soaking wet. Once opened, the bag releases a trapped water weird, who tries to fight its way free.
Looking at the bag, it clearly housed some ritual components, and there’s a waterlogged tome which still retains some legibility; it contains the ritual Mellandre is using to sicken Lord Reagen. Old Jed mentions that the only place the backpack could have fallen into the water is a log bridge up the river. If pressed or persuaded, he mentions that he thinks the backpack belongs to Mellandre; Old Jed is reluctant to put the adventurers on her trail in case he’s wrong.
If the adventurers decide to go to the plantation and confront Mellandre about her missing bag, she will try to lure them into the woods where her ogre can deal with them quietly. If they won’t come with her, she and her ogre will attack. She plans to tell everyone the adventurers attacked her.
Otherwise, the adventurers can make their way to the clearing, where they find the sacrificial grove. If they made it to the clearing before nightfall, Salacia is alive, tied to one of the nearby trees. If they show up the following day, or during the night, Salacia’s body is nowhere to be found (the ogre ate it) and the stone altar is awash with drying blood. If the adventurers arrive directly at nightfall, they will find Lady Mellandre performing the rite, and can interrupt the ritual.
Once the adventurers have investigated the clearing for a few minutes, the elemental weirds gather their strength and attack, trying to repel the intruders.
If the adventurers rescue Salacia, she can tell them who kidnapped her. If they were too late, the ogre’s footprints are easily followed here in the soft soil of the woods.
The adventurers press on to the plantation to confront Lady Mellandre and her ogre bodyguard. She will fight ferociously, especially if Salacia has been rescued, and will give nor offer no quarter. She stands to lose everything if the adventurers live.
The Elements In Use:
Plantation - The adventure is set on and around the Reagen family tabacc plantation.
Soaking Backpack - The backpack provides an important clue, pointing to Mellandre's involvement.
Ogre Bodyguard - Mellandre's ogre bodyguard fits the description quite nicely.
Three Wishes - The three boons granted to Mellandre by her husband are the three wishes. The wishes themselves also become some of the elements; the ogre and the symbol, in particular.
Elemental Weirds - The elemental weirds serve as messengers and agents for the first spirits. They also obscure the tracks, and one hides in the soaking backpack.
Symbol of the First Spirits - The wooden medallion given to Mellandre is the symbol. Also, the fertile valley itself could be seen as a symbol of the first spirits.
An adventure for 5 characters of 3rd level
Aeons ago, one of the first spirits to walk the earth died. The body decomposed, creating a valley of rich, fertile soil, which would grow crops with amazing quality. And in that valley, the Reagen family made their legacy.
They built a plantation in the valley, growing tabacc of tremendous reputation. Throughout the nation, Tearglen Tabacc was known as a brand of wealth and quality, and it lined the pipes of the most influential lords and merchants. The town of Tearglen grew; many workers were needed to run the plantation, and other labourers found work abundant in the booming town.
Young Lord Arthur Reagen had taken over the plantation following his father’s death. A handsome young man, he soon married a beautiful young lady from the nearby city of Castilla. Lord and Lady both were a vision to behold, and they looked a fairytale couple. Or so it seemed.
Lord Reagen had chosen his wife poorly. Mellandre was a student of the arcane arts, but she had been expelled from her school. She lacked the discipline to apply herself solely to her studies; she wanted power and wanted it quickly, with little effort on her part. Left with no future in magic, she sought to improve her social standing through marriage.
Her temper and demeanor surfaced shortly following the marriage, and Lord Reagen discovered, to his dismay, that he hated Mellandre. And she, in turn, hated him right back. The noble family bickered and fought, first in private, and later, in public. Finally, the Women’s Circle of Tearglen had to step in.
The Women’s Circle was charged with taking care of household disputes, and even the Lord and Lady were not above their counsel. They interviewed both parties, and came to their decision; Lady Mellandre Reagen would become an obedient housewife, while Lord Arthur Reagen would grant his wife three boons.
The Lady asked for a protector, for she often liked to walk in the woods. She asked for fine jewellery, befitting her station. And she asked for a grand ball, with music, food, and all sorts of important people in attendance. The Lord, being petty and snide, twisted her requests; he gave her a barely-civilized ogre bodyguard, a finely carved wooden amulet, and agreed to host a party in honor of his birthday.
Furious, Lady Mellandre realized she could not appeal to the Council. But that night, in her dreams, she was touched by the voices; the earth spirits spoke to her, whispering that they held the solution to her problems. For the wooden amulet bestowed to her was, unbeknownst to her husband, the Amulet of the First Spirits, a powerful druidic amulet that channelled the voices of the powerful spirits bound to the plantation’s soil.
She, with her ogre bodyguard in tow, traveled out into the forest, and the whispering voices led her across a log bridge over the river and into a serene clearing with a low, flat rock in the center. There the elemental spirits appeared to her, speaking the will of the first spirits. They could make the young Lord fall deathly ill, if she provided them with the very stuff of life; blood. The elemental weirds spoke to the ogre too, binding him to do the lady’s bidding on pain of death.
Under cover of night, Lady Mellandre and her ogre stole many small animals from the local farms and sacrificed them in the forest grove. The elemental weirds went with them, using their magic to obscure the trail. Steadily, night by night, Lord Reagen’s health declined. At first, merely a mild headache or an upset stomach troubled him, but the symptoms became more severe. He found that walking tired his limbs quickly, and his complexion grew pale. Regardless, he would host his ball; it was one of the boons, and he did not want to give any impression of dodging them, twisted though they were.
On the day of the party, Lady Mellandre and her ogre kidnapped a young woman, Salacia Bennet. What better time to complete the ritual than on the eve of the party, where Lord Reagen’s demise would be so public? She would be the sole heir to the plantation and the Reagen family fortune, and she could not be blamed, sitting at his side the whole night. While crossing the log bridge, however, Mellandre lost her footing, and her backpack full of ritual components and books fell into the river and floated downstream.
Furious, Mellandre could do nothing but tie Salacia to a tree and return to the plantation with her ogre. If she wasn’t at the party, that would raise all sorts of suspicion. She would have to spend the next day gathering more components and preparing to finish the ritual. Tomorrow, then, Arthur Reagen would die.
Adventure Summary:
The adventurers have all been invited to Lord Reagen’s birthday party. The Lord’s idea of a joke is to invite adventurers as important people to spite his wife. The party is a stately affair, with live music and fine food, though Lord Reagen seems to be a man of poor constitution. A good insight check can determine that the man is sick.
Mellandre, for her part, is every bit the doting lady. She expresses concern for her husband, and is polite to the adventurers. She is careful to hide her displeasure at their appearance, though if any of the PCs are finely dressed, she will pay more attention to them.
If the PCs ask around, various party guests can fill in details of how the Lord and Lady used to fight, of the three boons and the twists the Lord made, and how the plantation is growing more successful every year. Some of the guests mention that livestock has been going missing, though the general opinion is that careless farmers are responsible.
If confronted about the boons and his twists, the Lord denies any malice in his twists:
“What better protector than a loyal ogre? What bandit or forest beast in their right mind would take on so ferocious a foe?”
“Finely carved wood makes for a distinct, unique jewellery, truly a testament to Mellandre’s singular beauty.”
“Isn’t this a fine party, no matter the reason? Fine music, choice food, and good company.”
Lady Mellandre will pay lip service to these reasons, if confronted, but only a moderate insight check is required to note her genuine displeasure.
The party will last well into the night, and Lord Reagen will put up the adventurers in rooms in his manor house.
In the morning, they are all summoned to Lord Reagen’s study on urgent business. He informs them of Salacia Bennet’s kidnapping, and asks them to find her, offering a generous reward for her recovery. Lady Mellandre, at this point, is in the plantation’s cellar, finding replacement ritual components.
The adventurers can follow a few leads at this point. The obvious lead is the Bennet house, where the young woman’s parents are too distraught to be of any help. Salacia’s older brother, Mat, will talk to the PCs. Salacia visited at the mill, where he works. He thought he heard heavy footsteps outside shortly after she left. If the PCs have not heard about the animals disappearing, Mat will mention this too.
The adventurers can search the mill and the surrounding area. The only clue present is that the cobblestones nearby have recently been washed by water (the work of a water weird). No bucket can be found, nor can any tracks be found. Anyone trained in the arcane arts might be able to detect the magic.
The adventurers can investigate the farms where animals have gone missing. One farmer swears he saw a huge, hulking brute at least twenty feet tall snatch one of his sheep in the night, though he saw it from his window after having a mug or two. A farmgirl named Liselle heard strange noises in the woods while she was dallying around with Oliver in the forest. One of the farms has had a patch of ground near where the sheep graze turned to mud (work of a water weird).
The adventurers might also hear that Old Jed found something washed up on the shore of the river early that morning. If they track him down, he shows them the soaking wet backpack he hauled from the river, which despite being out of the water, is still soaking wet. Once opened, the bag releases a trapped water weird, who tries to fight its way free.
Looking at the bag, it clearly housed some ritual components, and there’s a waterlogged tome which still retains some legibility; it contains the ritual Mellandre is using to sicken Lord Reagen. Old Jed mentions that the only place the backpack could have fallen into the water is a log bridge up the river. If pressed or persuaded, he mentions that he thinks the backpack belongs to Mellandre; Old Jed is reluctant to put the adventurers on her trail in case he’s wrong.
If the adventurers decide to go to the plantation and confront Mellandre about her missing bag, she will try to lure them into the woods where her ogre can deal with them quietly. If they won’t come with her, she and her ogre will attack. She plans to tell everyone the adventurers attacked her.
Otherwise, the adventurers can make their way to the clearing, where they find the sacrificial grove. If they made it to the clearing before nightfall, Salacia is alive, tied to one of the nearby trees. If they show up the following day, or during the night, Salacia’s body is nowhere to be found (the ogre ate it) and the stone altar is awash with drying blood. If the adventurers arrive directly at nightfall, they will find Lady Mellandre performing the rite, and can interrupt the ritual.
Once the adventurers have investigated the clearing for a few minutes, the elemental weirds gather their strength and attack, trying to repel the intruders.
If the adventurers rescue Salacia, she can tell them who kidnapped her. If they were too late, the ogre’s footprints are easily followed here in the soft soil of the woods.
The adventurers press on to the plantation to confront Lady Mellandre and her ogre bodyguard. She will fight ferociously, especially if Salacia has been rescued, and will give nor offer no quarter. She stands to lose everything if the adventurers live.
The Elements In Use:
Plantation - The adventure is set on and around the Reagen family tabacc plantation.
Soaking Backpack - The backpack provides an important clue, pointing to Mellandre's involvement.
Ogre Bodyguard - Mellandre's ogre bodyguard fits the description quite nicely.
Three Wishes - The three boons granted to Mellandre by her husband are the three wishes. The wishes themselves also become some of the elements; the ogre and the symbol, in particular.
Elemental Weirds - The elemental weirds serve as messengers and agents for the first spirits. They also obscure the tracks, and one hides in the soaking backpack.
Symbol of the First Spirits - The wooden medallion given to Mellandre is the symbol. Also, the fertile valley itself could be seen as a symbol of the first spirits.