IRON DM revival!


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Hehe. Actually Vaxalon knows I am kidding. I talk to him all the time and know that if for whatever reason I am lucky and skilled enough to make it that far that I will have quite a challange ahead of me. :)

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Hey, what gives... you emailed me, and then I come back from lunch and you are offering up my spot. :( And I already said that Friday was not good for me. :(

If ya' gotta jettison me, go ahead. I do have other things I should be doing. But I'm warnin' you if you do, the competition with get stiff, as Jesse is no creative slouch. :)


First Post
Wicht/Wulf Ingredients...GO!

Hand carved pipe
Underground lake
a conflict of interest
Awakened dove - with levels of Ranger :D

until 8PM Sat. gentlemen - start your engines...
edited for spelling
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Wulf Ratbane

Re: Wicht/Wulf Ingredients...GO!

incognito said:
Hand carved pipe
Undergrond lake
a conflict of interest
Awakened dove - with levels of Ranger

Conflict of interest? Somebody refresh my memory... Aren't we talking about Wicht "dryad in the ship's mast" here? How's that for a conflict of interest?

Dibs on the "dryad in the hand-carved pipe!"



First Post
Psion, apologies

I am not trying to give away your slot - really!

As the 8th seed, and because I was getting strapped for time pairing-wise, I was emailing a few of the bottom seeds to get the ball rolling after Thursday's server slowdown.

Monday is better for you, yes?

I like Psionics

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Once A Fool
Sorry I'm late, incognito! Haven't been able to access the boards so much.

...And, damn! I was holding out for a round with Wulf, as I've already tested myself against Wicht (and came out lucky :D).

Well, maybe I'll still get my chance.

Now, if only I could learn this "smack"-speak, with which you all seem familiar.

Oh, and I've read some of Teurny's stuff. He would, indeed, be a tough competitor.

Good luck, Wicht and Wulf. In two seperate Iron DM contests, you have each entered my favorite entrees.

I don't know who to bet on.


Monday is better for you, yes?

Should be. The weekend would be better yet, but I guess I could endeavor to get some reviews done instead. Or I could take a hack at this one in the home game... :)

Conflict of interest, eh? Sound like a rough one. "Once there was this reviewer that also playtested..." :)


First Post
Re: Wicht/Wulf Ingredients...GO!

seems like it's harder for Wicht, Wulf...

can't post the same story twice yuou know...

truth be told, the generator I used popped out Nymph, but somehow I typed Dryad and so Dryad it will stay...


First Post
I just read through this thread.

I'd never heard of Iron DM until now.

This is REALLY COOL!!!

I would have loved to get in on it. :( oh well...

Question: What generators are you using to come up with the lists? I'd love something like that to give me ideas for my games.

I'd be willing to start a petition to have an IRON DM game always going on here.


First Post
Thanks for the vote of confidence Rune and Psion :)

< pimping > Have either of you gotten the chance to check out my story hour?< /pimping >

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